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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Latest launch can reach 129 km range and RX 550 has undergone static test.


December 2, 2020

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N 219 Amphibious program has taken around 400 polars in wind tunnel so far and I see that N 245 program may have been delayed until N 219 Amphibious program is completed (base on plan it should have been completed in 2024 that include certification).

N 219 (Basic) program itself, IMO, will focus on getting the order from domestic market and will keep improve the design (based on previous TC and also what they get from N 219 Amphibious development which require many refining based on current wind tunnel test) before it is ready to be launched for international market.

N 219 will get first customer from Ministry of transportation inshaAllah (as the minister has already promised) and this plane I believe will be different with previous N 219 planes (prototypes), there will be more aerodinamic refining and other improvement which will be based on previous TC (Type Certificate) result as Indonesia Aerospace also use certification as way to test the design and structure in real test flight.

Aceh province has also had MOU to buy the planes and Indonesia Aerospace has made agreement with Aceh province to allow Indonesia Aerospace to use the plane as further study. N219 that will be bought by Indonesia Ministry of Transportation actually could be in better position to serve as "another prototype" to study before N 219 program release new series (improved series) that will be sold to private sectors (Airlines, Cargo companies, and so on).
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ITB Researches Anti-Corrosion Materials for N219 Amphibious planes

23 May 2021


Picture: N219 Amphibious (Lapan)

The idea of the N219 aircraft as amphibious plane (seaplane) continues to develop. The government involved several universities for the plan to develop the idea.

The Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), for example, is part of researching anti-corrosion materials for aircraft due to sea water. The Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation invites ITB to develop amphibious technology.

The aircraft was an N219 type made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia. "So ITB together with Balitbang researchers are trying to answer the problems identified by the Ministry of Transportation," said ITB Rector Reini Wirahadikusumah.


Head of the Research and Development Agency for the Ministry of Transportation, Umar Haris, came to the ITB Rector, Friday, May 21, 2021. In addition to ITB, his party also collaborated with Gadjah Mada University and the University of Indonesia.

"With this collaboration, it is hoped that a strategic and implementative cooperation can be established for both parties and can be a foundation to answer the challenges that exist today and in the future," said Umar on the official ITB website.


IPTN is former name of Indonesian Aerospace, it has set up office in Seattle,USA, since 1990's, where it was previously intended to prepare Indonesia Aerospace attempt to enter US market and manufacture N 250 and N 2130 in USA. As those programs are failed due to IMF prohibition for Indonesia government to finance them, the office look like become an aerospace design consultant targeting US market (@Indos)


According to the Chairman of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development ITB, Sigit P. Santosa, the market opportunity for amphibious plane of the N219 type is quite large because Indonesia is a maritime country.

ITB has built a team at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (FTMD) with PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) and the Ministry of Transportation's Balitbang for its development.

Sigit said the collaboration between ITB and PT Dirgantara Indonesia was regarding the design of the N-219 Amphibi aircraft. "Composite materials are currently being developed which of course can be a solution to the risk of corrosion in the sea," he said Friday, May 21, 2021. The Ministry of Transportation has collaborated on seaplane policies with Gadjah Mada University.


PTDI's Program Manager for N219 Budi Sampurno said that his party is targeting 80 percent of domestic sales. The main target is the tourism sector because there are already many tourist locations such as resorts. "Hopefully this cooperation can master seaplane technology," he said on the ITB website.

According to him, the technology that can be used for the N219 aircraft is full composite technology for heavy efficiency and avoiding corrosion which is the main challenge for seaplane. Previously it was reported that the government would develop the aircraft made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency so that they could also land in the water.



Now the development of N219 has entered its second year and is currently still in the Preliminary Design stage, to then proceed to the Prototyping and Structure Test, Development Test, and is targeted to obtain an Aircfrat Type Certificate in 2024.

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This information IMO needs its own dedicated post

IPTN is former name of Indonesian Aerospace, it has set up office in Seattle,USA, since 1990's, where it was previously intended to prepare Indonesia Aerospace attempt to enter US market and manufacture N 250 and N 2130 in USA.

As those programs are failed due to IMF prohibition for Indonesia government to finance them, the office has become another Indonesian Aerospace subsidiary companies and also become an aerospace design and engineering consultant targeting US aerospace sector.


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So with close cooperation between Indonesia Aerospace (PTDI) and GE(General Electric), cooperation between two companies in F 414 engine for KF 21/IFX in my opinion will be much easier to make.

CN 235 also uses GE engine which I believe new project N 245 will also likely to use GE engine.



State owned MRO company, GMF AeroAsia has plan to do MRO for Indonesia Airforce C 130 planes, including doing modification on their center wing box and cockpit (changing analog into digital). The MRO will also include the Engine part. They will likely need to compete other state owned company, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace) MRO division that also has certification for doing MRO for C 130 plane engine.

Old news (late 2019)


(Left to Right) Director of Business and Base Operation sekaligus Plt Direktur Utama PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Tbk Tazar Marta, Director of Finance Edward GMF Okky Avianto, Director Human Capital GMF Asep Kurnia, Director Line Operation Beni Gunawan, dan Director New Business Portofoli GMF I Gusti Wayan Susena dalam acara halal bihalal di Restoran Seribu Rasa, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa, 25 Juni 2019. TEMPO/Francisca Christy Rosana

GMF AeroAsia company profile

Airbus has tested their C 295 gunship


The C295 Armed ISR has recently conducted flight trials. (Airbus)

What happen with Indonesia Aerospace (Dirgantara Indonesia) CN 235 gunship program ? Havent get the update news since last year....


13 February 2020

Singapore Airshow 2020: Indonesia prepares CN-235 gunship for first aerial firings

by Ridzwan Rahmat

Indonesian state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara (PTDI) has completed ground firing trials on a gunship variant of the CN-235 twin-engine multipurpose aircraft, and is now preparing the airframe for its first aerial tests, Igan Satyawati, the company’s vice president for business development and marketing, told Jane’s at Singapore Airshow 2020.

A model of the CN-235 gunship is pictured on display at the Singapore Airshow 2020 exhibition. (Jane’s/Ridzwan Rahmat)

A model of the CN-235 gunship is pictured on display at the Singapore Airshow 2020 exhibition. (Jane’s/Ridzwan Rahmat)

The variant, which has been developed out of the company’s flying test bed (FTB) airframe, is fitted with single-barrelled 30 mm DEFA 553 aircraft cannon on the portside aft of its fuselage.

The weapon was salvaged from a retired Douglas A-4H Skyhawk that was formerly in service with the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU).

The FTB was formerly in service with the now defunct domestic flight operator, Merpati Nusantara Airlines. PTDI acquired the airframe as a platform from which it can prove out experimental concepts, such as the gunship variant.

It is equipped with General Electric (GE) CT7-9 turboprop engines and has been structurally enhanced to withstand the weight of its 30 mm cannon. The airframe has also been retrofitted with storage compartments to store equipment and munitions related to the weapon.

There are plans to incorporate hardpoints on the aircraft’s wings and fuselage so it can carry additional weapons but this is not a priority at the moment, said the company.

“Now that ground-based firings from the aircraft have been completed, we are focused on preparing the parameters to test the aircraft and its [30 mm] weapon while it is in the air,” sad Igan, adding that the company is aiming to conduct the flight trials by 2020.

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The first plane developed by Indonesia Aerospace is Sikumbang in 1954. At the time Indonesia Aerospace is still in the form of Air Force unit and lead by Nurtanio, Indonesian Air Force officer who studied aerospace engineering in FEATI (Far East Aero Technical Institute) Manila, at that time Philippine was among the most advance Asian countries where they have good universities.


The next indigenous plane program is XT 400 which is being developed by LAPAN (Indonesia Aerospace and Space Agency) in 1977.


But XT 400 program is not continued after Habibie comes and become CEO of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesia Aerospace).

Habibie prefers the government to buy license of C 212 and produce it in country in mass, later Habibie make Indonesia Aerospace has joint development program with CASA in CN 235 program which was started in 1979.

XT 400 prototype


Indonesia Presidential Helicopter also EC 725/H22M


Finance Minister is reported, Today, to have disbursed money for Bell 412 helicopter upgrade program for Indonesian Army. As the only company in Indonesia that has close cooperation with Bell textron, look like PT Dirgantara Indonesia will get this upgrade project.



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