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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Surabaya, 25 September 2017

The Development of KFX/IFX Fighter Aircrafts, PT DI Visits Infoglobal

Marketing Infoglobal


On Monday, 25 September 2017, Husein Ahmad Alatas, Senior Engineer Indonesian Aerospace (PT DI) and also his staffs, visit Infoglobal Workshop, at Jl. Raya Dinoyo 105, Surabaya. This visit is also followed by Colonel Tech. Dedi Laksmono as Directorate-General of Defence Potentials at the Ministry of Defence (Ditjen Pothan Kemhan) officer.

This work visit is to present KFX/IFX program to Infoglobal. Bilqis Fitria Salsabiela, International Collaboration KFX/IFX, said that IFX/KFX program is a program from Indonesia government in cooperating with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to develop and manufacture KFX/IFX fighter aircraft. Hopefully, with this program, Indonesia could get Transfer of Technology (ToT) in manufacturing fighter aircraft. So, Indonesia can produce the fighter aircraft independently. Currently, KFX/IFX program enters its second year in Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase.

This program is also an inspection towards Infoglobal competencies and readiness in the development of KFX/IFX aircraft. By visiting Infoglobal, PT DI as Indonesian Industrial Participant (IIP) pointed by government through Balitbang Kemhan could depict about potential sectors and review the national readiness to manufacture fighter aircraft.

Infoglobal as one of defense industries capable of developing and manufacturing aircraft avionics. Ahmad Fauzi, Infoglobal Marketing Representative, in this chance, explains about avionics that are developed and made by Infoglobal. Those avionics are Miniature Standard Central Air Data Computer (MSCADC) that can been used on F-5. Digital Video Recorder (DVR) installed on F-5, F-16, Hawk 100 and Hawk 200 fighter aircrafts. Multi Purpose Cockpit Display (MPCD) and Inertial Navigation System/Global Navigation Satellite System (INS/GNSS) that can be used in Hawk 100/200 fighter aircraft. Rear Cockpit Monitor (RCM) used in Hawk 100. Also Weapon Control Board (WCB), Weapon Programming Instrument (WPI) and Radar Monitor Unit (RMU) that can be used in Hawk 200.

Infoglobal also develops mission system for Maritime Patrol Aircraft. The mission system is named Tactical Patrol Mission.

Not only avionics, Ahmad Fauzi also explains that Infoglobal also produce defense application, named Soyus Wargaming System used by Air Force Staff and Command School (Seskoau) to train strategic and military operation plans.

Besides that, Infoglobal also has competencies in radar data processing by developing Transmission Data Air Situation (TDAS). TDAS is a aircraft traffic monitoring system that integrates civil and military radars and this system has been used by National Air Defence Command (Kohanudnas).

Col. Tech. Dedi Laksmono said that with this inspection hoped the development and manufacturing KFX/IFX fighter aircrafts later can implement the requirement of Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN) that should reach minimum of 40%. Those can be implemented by involving domestic defense industries, one of them is Infoglobal.

African countries interested in buying Indonesian aircraft
Jakarta | Thu, October 11, 2018 | 10:23 am

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno (right), PT DI president director Elfien Goentoro (second right) Creative Economy Agency head Triawan Munaf (second left) and state-owned telecommunications company PT Telkom president director Telkom Alex Sinaga (left ) pose for a photograph with an aircraft replica at the Indonesia Pavilion at the venue of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Tuesday. (Antara/Jefri Tarigan)

A number of African countries have expressed interest in purchasing CN 235 and N 219 planes produced by state-owned Indonesian aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI).

The two types of aircraft are on display at the Pavilion Indonesia of the 2018 International Monetary Fund –World Bank (IMF-World Bank) Annual Meetings in Nusa Dua, Bali, from Monday to Friday.

“Madagascar, Congo and Sudan have expressed interest. They are in the process of exploring a possible [purchase],” PT DI president director Elfien Goentoro said in Nusa Dua on Wednesday as quoted by kompas.com.

He explained that PT DI’s motivation for displaying its products in the Pavilion Indonesia was not to sell, but to showcase them to the delegates of the IMF-World Bank event from across the globe.

However, he said his company did eye the African market, because the CN 235 and N 219 were well suited to the geography of many African countries.

Elfien added that Norway had also sought information about the two types of aircraft, because the country needed planes with short take-off and landing to be operated in remote areas of the Nordic country.

PT DI currently managed to produce an average of 10 airplanes a year, he added.

Elfien revealed that PT DI would deliver four planes next year. Senegal had purchased a CN 235 plane worth US$25 million, Nepal had purchased a CN 235 with maritime patrol configuration worth $30 million and Thailand had purchased two N 219 planes worth $13 million each. (bbn)
Info Global product



Infoglobal Tactical Mission System


On November 2-5, 2016, Infoglobal followed IndoDefence 2016 which was held at JIExpo, Kemayoran, Jakarta. One of Infoglobal's products that was exhibited in the performance was Tactical Mission System.

Tactical Mission System is a computer-based information system designed to support the operation of maritime patrol aircraft. This Tactical Mission system has the ability to monitor and identify ships sailing in Indonesian waters.

In IndoDefence 2016, Kafasharkan and Puspenerbal Operations Director review Infoglobal's Tactical Mission System. Infoglobal Tactical Mission System is expected to support the CASA NC 212/200 maritime patrol aircraft owned by the Navy. To date, Infoglobal has become the first domestic company to develop Tactical Mission System for maritime patrol aircraft.

TAI perkuat kerja sama pengujian UAV dengan BPPT

Kerja sama dimulai pada saat pengembangan program pesawat terbang tanpa awak (unmanned aircraft vehicle/UAV) ANKA tahun 2008

Home > Turki, dunia, headline hari12.10.2018 İqbal Musyaffa Jakarta Raya


Vice President Corporate Marketing and Communication Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Tamer Özmen bersama dengan staff lainnya berpose, sebelum pengujian terowongan angin untuk pengembangan pesawat tanpa awak (UAV) Indonesia-Turki, di Pusat Teknologi Aerodinamika, Aerolastika dan Aeroakustika (BBTA3), di kawasan Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (PUSPITEK ) di Tangerang, Indonesia pada 11 Oktober 2018. (Anton Raharjo - Anadolu Agency)
Iqbal Musyaffa


Perusahaan dirgantara Turki Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) melakukan kunjungan ke Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) di Serpong, Tangerang Selatan pada Kamis, untuk memperkuat kerja sama.

Kunjungan tersebut sekaligus menandai 10 tahun kerja sama antar perusahaan dan lembaga kedua negara tersebut.

Vice President Corporate Marketing and Communication TAI Tamer Ozmen mengatakan kepada Anadolu Agency bahwa kerja sama kedua pihak tersebut sudah berlangsung sejak 2008.

“Kerja sama dimulai pada saat pengembangan program pesawat terbang tanpa awak (unmanned aircraft vehicle/UAV) ANKA,” ujar Tamer.

Pada waktu itu, TAI melakukan uji coba terowongan angin (wind tunnel) UAV ANKA di fasilitas Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel (ILST) milik Balai Besar Teknologi Aerodinamika, Aeroelastika, dan Aeroakustika (BBTA3) BPPT.

ANKA merupakan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (UAV) kelas Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) yang dikembangkan TAI. Pengujian tersebut untuk memperoleh data karakteristik aerodinamika UAV tersebut.

Kemudian, Tamer menjelaskan pengujian kedua yang dilakukan TAI di BBTA3 untuk varian lain ANKA termasuk varian SATCOM pada April hingga Mei 2015.

Pengujian ini untuk mendapatkan data terkait efek dari perubahan bentuk (deformasi) sayap, SAR dan SATCOM, kamera, winglet, dan saluran masuk udara dalam karakteristik aerodinamika ANKA.

Selanjutnya, pada April dan Juni 2015 telah dilakukan pengujian ketiga dalam skala penuh untuk bagian sayap dari ANKA generasi terbaru. Dan pengujian keempat dilakukan pada Oktober 2017 untuk seluruh konfigurasi ANKA generasi terbaru.

“Keempat pengujian terowongan angin (wind tunnel test) di ILST telah berkontribusi besar terhadap pengembangan sistem UAV ANKA dengan performa terbang yang superior dan fitur keamanan yang meningkat,” Tamer mengakui.

Tamer menegaskan bahwa UAV ANKA kelas MALE memiliki sistem kecerdasan, pengintaian, pengawasan, dan penyerangan untuk bertempur yang sudah teruji untuk keamanan dalam negeri di Turki.

“Selain itu, ANKA juga sudah teruji untuk operasi pengawasan yang dipakai oleh berbagai end users di Turki,” imbuh Tamer.

Tamer juga mengatakan saat ini ANKA sudah siap untuk melayani misi militer dengan berbagai konfigurasi payload yang dibutuhkan angkatan udara dari berbagai negara.

“ANKA sudah memiliki pengalaman yang matang dan sudah terbang di Turki dan negara lainnya untuk aktivitas anti terorisme serta pengawasan darat dan laut,” ungkap Tamer.

Saat ini, TAI juga sedang berkolaborasi dengan BBTA3 untuk kelima kalinya dalam pengujian kapasitas payload sistem UAV di ILST untuk mendapatkan data karakteristik aerodinamika untuk pesawat terbang tanpa awak terbaru yang sedang dikembangkan TAI

“Kami sangat mengapresiasi kontribusi BPPT melalui BBTA3 untuk kesuksesan dari pengembangan barisan produk UAV kami dan hal ini sangat menentukan untuk tetap mempertahankan kolaborasi yang bermanfaat untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang,” ungkap Tamer.

This article said, Indonesia since long had capacity and facilities to designing and testing any new Aircraft not even the Turks had the expertise to do so and they are collaborating with Indonesia Research agency to testing their Anka design. No wonder South Korean prefer to work together with us
PT LEN Industry

B737-800 Flight Training Device


B737 Flight Deck/Cockpit

  • Replica Boeing panels, highly accurate in size and text placement with accurate switches and knobs.
  • Replica Boeing interior trim pieces, highly accurate in size and shape to give the cockpit a realistic look.
  • Replica Boeing dual-linked self-centering rudder pedals with toe brakes
  • Replica Boeing dual linked flight controls with Control Loading Yoke(Control Column)
  • Replica Boeing thrust levers(throttle quadrant) with motorized complete with reverse levers, trim wheels, fuel shutoff levers, speed brakes and TOGA switches

B737 Flight Deck/Cockpit

  • Replica Boeing flap levers, spoiler & parking brake
  • Replica Boeing Captain and Copilot seats capable of forward and backward mechanical adjustment

B737 Visual System

  • 180 degree horizontal and 30 degree vertical, curved, movie-quality projector screen and frame
  • Three overhead projectors to create the high definition visual environment that simulates frontal and side window visual effects
  • Structure for projector support

B737 Instructor Operation Station

  • Easily repositioning the aircraft to a variety of ground and flight positions instantly
  • Adjusting the time to include dawn, day, dusk, night
  • Adjusting the weather such as: winds, cloud cover, visibility, rain and snow
  • Loading saved scenarios to include: aircraft position, aircraft configuration and weather parameters
  • Simulating a variety of failures to include, but not limited to: engine failures/fires, APU fires, cargo fires, hot/hung starts, flap and gear malfunctions, electrical failures as well as minor system faults
  • Displaying a moving map that shows aircraft position, surrounding airports, and navigational aids

B737 Other Feature

  • Ground Proximity Warning System
  • Simulated Weather Radar
  • Equipped with the adjustable sound system to simulate the engine & environment sound
  • Modular USB I/O system interfacing
  • Realistic Autopilot Flight Director System with Autothrottle System
Produk Navigation System
Google Translate

31 July, 2017

UAV Mission System made by PT LEN Industry

Bogor (28/07) - PT Len Industri (Persero) together with the Ministry of Defense is currently conducting trials of System Mission or Mission System PTTA UAV (Unmanned Aircraft) in Bogor Rumpin Lapter witnessed by the Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu on Thursday ( 27/07). The test went well and this trial is the fourth flight test.


"Mission system developed by Len can be implemented in Class Tactical UAV platform and currently has installed in UAVs Wulung," said Joni Priono Hartanto, Chairman of the Trial of Len.

Len Mission System successfully developed UAV and have been installed in Wulung BPPT development results. Demo PTTA flying and static display today organized by the Ministry of Defense.

Mission system is the result of the Joint Development Program to build the capabilities of the defense industry in developing, engineering, and manufacture Mission System and Flight Control System for UAV. Mission System UAV function as a control system in an unmanned aircraft (PTTA), conducting surveillance and reconnaisance missions, and perform following functions way point and return to home.

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While waiting for production certificate, N219 plane gets 120 orders
Jakarta | Tue, October 16, 2018 | 11:58 am

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo steps down from an N 219 plane after checking it at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta on Nov. 10, 2017. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)

State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) is now waiting for the issuance of a production certificate for its 19-seater transport aircraft N 219, but the company has already got 120 orders for the plane.

“Up to June we have got 100 orders, and just recently we got 20 additional orders from Aviastar,” said PT DI commerce director Irzal Rinaldi on Monday as reported by kontan.co.id

Irzal said the N 219 planes were ordered by aviation companies, mostly to be operated in remote areas across the country.

“For flights to remote areas like those in Kalimantan, they need our planes,” Irzal added.

Irzal said PT DI said the production certificate for the plane was expected to be issued in April or May, 2019, but the production process of the N 219 could start early next year, particularly for components that did not need certification.

He explained that PTDI would produce six N 219 planes in 2019, 16 planes in 2020 and 36 planes in 2021.

Previously, PT DI president director Elfien Goentoro said a number of African countries had also expressed their interest in purchasing both N 219 planes and a medium-range twin turbo-prop CN 235 plane.

He also said that next year, PT DI would deliver four planes. Senegal had purchased a CN 235 plane worth US$25 million, Nepal had purchased a CN 235 with maritime patrol configuration worth $30 million and Thailand had purchased two N 219 planes worth $13 million each. (bbn)
Wednesday, 17 October 2018

On November 7-10, 2018, INDO DEFENCE 2018 EXPO & FORUM will be held at the Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Indonesia. The biennial international event organized by the Directorate of Defense Industry Technology - Directorate General of Defense Potential - the Indonesian Ministry of Defense aims to promote and encourage the domestic defense industry to be more advanced and compete globally.

PT. Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (NTP) as a company that is active in the defense industry, will participate as a participant in INDO DEFENCE 2018 EXPO & FORUM and occupy the IAMSA PAVILION B-337 booth.

For many years PT NTP has played a role in the defense industry in the maintenance and repair of aircraft engines operated in the ranks of the Ministry of Defense including the Indonesian Navy, Air Force, and Army. In addition to domestic customers, PT NTP also has military customers from several countries from Asia such as Malaysia, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and also several countries from American Continents.

PT NTP as an authorized partner of GE and Honeywell, currently has maintenance, repair and Overhaul capabilities for aircraft products of General Electric / GE (CT7), Honeywell (TPE331), Rolls Royce (Dart7, M250, Tay) and Pratt & Whitney ( JT8D, PT6A, PT6T, PW100). PT NTP also has certificates from aviation authority which are FAA, EASA, and DGCA.



PT Nusantara Turbine is a subsidiary company of PT Dirgantara Indonesia.


OCTOBER 10, 2018 / 5:54 PM / 12 DAYS AGO

Indonesia's GMF AeroAsia agrees $900 million deals with Air France KLM, China Communications Construction

(Reuters) - Indonesia’s PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF AeroAsia) (GMFI.JK) has agreed to partnerships with Air France KLM group’s aircraft maintenance unit and China Communications Construction worth a combined $900 million, according to documents seen by Reuters.

“We will create new investor partnerships with them,” Ari Askhara, CEO of GMF AeroAsia’s parent airline Garuda Indonesia, told Reuters, but he did not comment on the deals’ value. GMF AeroAsia is the maintenance subsidiary of Garuda.

A second source told Reuters the deals would be announced at an official signing on Thursday.

According to two GMF AeroAsia documents obtained by Reuters, the strategic partnership between GMF Aero Asia and Air France KLM Engineering & Maintenance would be focused on GMF’s main facility in Jakarta and had a “potential business value of over $400 million in ten years”.

The joint venture between GMF and PT China Communications Construction Indonesia will have a deal value of $500 million, according to investor documents.

GMF AeroAsia shares rose 9 percent on the day, while Garuda was up 3 percent.

Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Tbk PT 278.0

A spokeswoman for GMF AeroAsia confirmed the partnerships, but declined to offer details.

Air France KLM did not immediately respond to requests from for comment.

PT China Communications Construction Indonesia could not be reached for comment by Reuters.

Regional revival on upward trajectory


06 November 2018


After many years of delays and setbacks, interest in Indonesia's indigenous N219 Nurtanio regional turboprop aircraft, named by President Joko Widodo after Nurtanio Pringgoadisuryo, one of the country's foremost aviation pioneers, is accelerating, now that expected certification is only a few months away, tentatively set for April or May next year.

State-owned enterprise PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) (BUMNIP Pavilion) plans to deliver the first two aircraft to Thailand in 2019 and last month also signed a memorandum of understanding with Jakarta-based PT Aviastar Mandiri for 20 aircraft, which would be used to serve isolated locations in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua.

According to PT DI president director Elfien Goentoro, interest has also been expressed by operators from Madagascar, Congo and Senegal as well as from Norway, where the N219's short take-off and landing (STOL) performance from short, rugged airstrips is particularly valued. Other customers are said to include Lion Air, Pelita Air, Trigana Air Service, Nusantara Buana Air and Air Born, adding up to a total of 120 aircraft.

The company projects a requirement for 276 units over the next 10 years, of which 96 will serve the local market. Production could start early in 2019, ramping up from a modest six units in the first year, to 16 in 2020 and 36 every year thereafter.

The N219, a joint venture between PTDI and the Indonesia National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), is a 19-seat aircraft powered by two 850hp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-42 turboprop engines driving four-bladed Hartzell propellers, designed for multipurpose missions from semi-prepared airstrips in remote areas.

It boasts what is claimed the largest cabin volume in its class, which, together with a wide cargo door, offers a multirole and quick-change capability to fulfil various requirements such as troop transport, medical evacuation, cargo transport, surveillance and search and rescue.

Under consideration is a float-equipped version that would be capable of linking major hubs with small communities on the more than 2,000 inhabited islands on the Indonesian archipelago.

The prototype, PK-XDT, made its maiden flight on 16 August 2017 at Bandung's Husein Sastranegara International Airport in West Java and will be certificated by the Directorate of Civil Aviation of Indonesia's Transport Ministry and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) after completion of the required 2,000 flight test hours. The purchase price has been stated at $5.8-6 million.

Earlier this year, PT DI signed purchasing agreements for other aircraft on its production line. These included two NC-212 Series 200 and one CN-235 Series 220 twin-turboprops for maritime patrol and surveillance for the Senegalese Air Force, and one CN-235 Series 220 military transport for the Ivory Coast Air Force, at a total value of $75 million. The Senegalese CN-235 will be delivered next year, as will a similar aircraft ordered previously by Nepal.

The company manufactures 10 aircraft a year from its portfolio, which also includes the NC212i, NC212i MSA (maritime surveillance aircraft) and CN295 tactical military transport.

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