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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Going bigger for block 2 may not be a bad idea, because it'll all be internal bays then. There's concern fuel capacity/range must shrink to make room; performance compromises for stealth.

Block 3 almost seems more like block "2.5"; countries that purchase block 2 would just be waiting to upgrade, apply radar absorbent coating once its fully developed, making it block 3 (unless there are a lot of improvements under the hood).

Also @undertakerwwefan developing indigenous engines may have pushed things back by 10 yrs or more, and likely more than doubled the cost (China & India can attest to this)

Are you still optimistic .. meanwhile your defence minister want to delay it because you have no money to continue to participate with SOKOR ?

But .. For SOKOR ... With or without Indonesia .. The show must go on....:yahoo:
Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu menegaskan pembuatan jet tempur Korea Fighter eXperiment dan Indonesia Fighter eXperiment (KFX dan IFX) ditunda. Penundaan itu karena mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian saat ini.

“Nggak (dibatalkan). Agak ditunda saja karena ekonomi agak sulit,” ujar Ryamizard di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (07/08).

Anggaran untuk pembuatan jet tempur KFX dan IFX sudah direncanakan masuk RAPBN 2019. Namun penggarapannya tidak dipercepat.

“Ya tetap ada, tapi dilambat-lambatin saja,” ujar Ryamizard.
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Are you still optimistic .. meanwhile your defence minister want to delay it because you have no money to continue to participate with SOKOR ?

But .. For SOKOR ... With or without Indonesia .. The show must go on....:yahoo:
Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu menegaskan pembuatan jet tempur Korea Fighter eXperiment dan Indonesia Fighter eXperiment (KFX dan IFX) ditunda. Penundaan itu karena mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian saat ini.

“Nggak (dibatalkan). Agak ditunda saja karena ekonomi agak sulit,” ujar Ryamizard di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (07/08).

Anggaran untuk pembuatan jet tempur KFX dan IFX sudah direncanakan masuk RAPBN 2019. Namun penggarapannya tidak dipercepat.

“Ya tetap ada, tapi dilambat-lambatin saja,” ujar Ryamizard.

As what I interpret from the news it is said that Indonesia will delay paying its financial contribution, but it will be paid in 2019 as the budget has already been approved by parliament. I believe our engineers are still in Korea, working for detail design phase. The program itself in Korea for my understanding is not delayed, it is what I can see (interpret) from the news on Detik.com that you bring in here.

Look at what minister of defense said "Nggak (dibatalkan). Agak ditunda saja karena ekonomi agak sulit," ujar Ryamizard di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (7/8/2018). Translation: "No it is not (canceled). It's a bit delayed because the economy is rather difficult," Ryamizard said at the Presidential Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (07/08/2018).

Are you still optimistic .. meanwhile your defence minister want to delay it because you have no money to continue to participate with SOKOR ?

But .. For SOKOR ... With or without Indonesia .. The show must go on....:yahoo:
Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu menegaskan pembuatan jet tempur Korea Fighter eXperiment dan Indonesia Fighter eXperiment (KFX dan IFX) ditunda. Penundaan itu karena mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian saat ini.

“Nggak (dibatalkan). Agak ditunda saja karena ekonomi agak sulit,” ujar Ryamizard di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (07/08).

Anggaran untuk pembuatan jet tempur KFX dan IFX sudah direncanakan masuk RAPBN 2019. Namun penggarapannya tidak dipercepat.

“Ya tetap ada, tapi dilambat-lambatin saja,” ujar Ryamizard.

Indonesia's participation is crucial for several reasons: the shared initial burden/investment, absolutely, but they will also purchase at least 50 (maybe up to 80), coupled w/ SK's 120-150, this helps to bring down per unit price.

If Indonesia were to abandon the project, then everything they have invested till now would be a sunk cost, nothing to show for it. They would also be back to square one in figuring out how to acquire replacement fighters.

And SK would somehow have to make up the shortfall, wrangling in the National Assembly (Parliament) for funds, maybe looking for a replacement partner nation, which would mean having to start negotiations all over again w/ a brand new country, delaying everything; just a big headache.

It would be one thing if the project, the jet itself, was not turning out to be what was hoped for, something intrinsically wrong w/ it; then thoughts of abandoning it would be much more understandable (think India & the PAK-FA). But things are currently coming along nicely, ahead of schedule even, so its in the best interests of both countries to just see this thing through to the end, weather the bumps. The result should be one kickass fighter jet :triniti:
Are you still optimistic .. meanwhile your defence minister want to delay it because you have no money to continue to participate with SOKOR ?

But .. For SOKOR ... With or without Indonesia .. The show must go on....:yahoo:
Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Ryamizard Ryacudu menegaskan pembuatan jet tempur Korea Fighter eXperiment dan Indonesia Fighter eXperiment (KFX dan IFX) ditunda. Penundaan itu karena mempertimbangkan kondisi perekonomian saat ini.

“Nggak (dibatalkan). Agak ditunda saja karena ekonomi agak sulit,” ujar Ryamizard di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (07/08).

Anggaran untuk pembuatan jet tempur KFX dan IFX sudah direncanakan masuk RAPBN 2019. Namun penggarapannya tidak dipercepat.

“Ya tetap ada, tapi dilambat-lambatin saja,” ujar Ryamizard.

Election year

Old LSU-02
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How’s the current progress? Cant wait to see it entering engineering phase.

They are preparing to enter full development phase

Google Translate

Kamis 22 Februari 2018

Italian Company Develops R-80 Aircraft Components

JAKARTA - PT Regio Aviasi Industri collaborates with two Italian companies, Leonardo Aerostructures Division and LAER to participate in the development and manufacturing of components of the Turboprop Aircraft R-80 Main Aerostructures.

In the signing of a memorandum of understanding between RAI, Leonardo Aerostructures Division, and LAER at the Habibie & Ainun Library in Jakarta, Kamia (22/2/2018), PT RAI Commissioner Ilham Habibie said the company was interested in the technology and processes of the two Italian companies to take experience and knowledge in the development of R80 aircraft so that it can reduce costs and risks in the certification development process later.

"We have agreed to work together to examine the possibility of making parts of the body and tail of the aircraft. They are making and developing," said Ilham.

Although not yet able to mention the investment value of the cooperation, Ilham said the development of the R80 turboprop aircraft designed by the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie requires a total fund of USD 1.6 billion.

Ilham explained that from all parts of the aircraft, only the wing, the outer wing and cockpit of the aircraft have not received partnership support from investors.

"The partners have not been part of the wing and cockpit, and systems such as the engine, aircraft legs or 'landing geer'," said Ilham.

RAI is currently developing the R80 Aircraft Program for the international domestic market. The company has completed the first phase, namely Preliminary Design & Feasibility in 2016 and has received orders for 155 aircraft.

The order for 80 passenger aircraft consists of 100 units of NAM Air; Kalstar 25 units, Trigana Air 20 units and Aviastar 10 units. The price per aircraft unit is USD25 million.

Currently RAI is working on the second phase, namely Full Scale Development which is planned to be completed in 2025, where 2022 will be the first flight. Then in the third phase, the Serial Production will begin in 2025, where RAI will start handing over planes to customers.

For information Leonardo Aerostructures Division, which is part of a large company in Italy, is a world leader in the field of Development and Manufacturing of Main Aerostructural Components for civil aircraft, which is recognized for its reliability in the design and manufacture of sophisticated aircraft bodies.

Meanwhile, LAER is an Italian company that specializes in the design and manufacture of complex Aerostructure components that have been recognized for their reliability. LAER participates in many aircraft manufacturing programs in the world, which are also partners of Leonardo and other world aircraft makers.

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Turkey, Indonesia support UAV collaboration
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
15 August 2018


Turkish Aircraft Industries (TAI) is engaging with Indonesian industry in support of a potential programme to supply its Anka UAV to the Indonesian armed forces. Source: TAI
Turkish Aircraft Industries (TAI) has expanded its engagement with Indonesian aerospace and defence companies in a bid to support collaboration on programmes including a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) project.

TAI said in a statement that it held a workshop in Jakarta on 14 August with local aerospace and defence companies “regarding possible co-operation on several upcoming bilateral opportunities such as a UAV tender for the Indonesian Ministry of Defence”.

TAI confirmed that in bidding for the UAV programme it is offering its MALE Anka UAV. TAI added that it is “ready to fine-tune” the Anka system “to satisfy the requirements of the Indonesian end-user through integrating … Indonesian suppliers into its supply chain”.

However, TAI also said that collaboration opportunities will not be limited to the Anka. “It will be a sustainable, long-term, win-win relationship,” it said, “in which all parties will find opportunities to advance their business goals in local and global markets in the medium [term].”

Earlier this year, Arie Wibowo, director of production at state-owned Indonesian aerospace company, PT Dirgantara (PTDI), told Jane’s that PTDI and TAI were close to formalising an agreement to collaborate on developing the Anka UAV to meet the requirements of the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU).

Wibowo said the project would facilitate technology transfers from Turkey to Indonesia to support joint development and localised manufacturing. He added that once the terms of the collaborative partnership had been established PTDI and TAI would build fully operational prototypes within 12 months.

Wibowo added that when the programme enters mass production other Indonesian aerospace companies would enter the supply chain, although the scope of such engagement would depend on the how many Anka systems the TNI-AU required.

Came across this article from CNN Indonesia, but its very general; anyone hear any specifics about what issues there might be?:

The Ministry of Defense Mention Jokowi Requests Review of Jet Project KF-X / IF-X
Bintoro Agung , CNN Indonesia | Bintoro Agung , CNN Indonesia | Rabu, 29/08/2018 00:57 WIB Wednesday, 29/08/2018 00:57 WIB
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Purwarupa pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Korea Selatan dan Indonesia. The prototype of the KF-X / IF-X fighter is being developed by South Korea and Indonesia. (Dok. PT Dirgantara Indonesia) (Doc. PT Dirgantara Indonesia)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pemerintah nampaknya berpikir ulang buat melanjutkan rencana kerja sama dengan Korea Selatan, dalam program perancangan pesawat tempur Korean Fighter Experiment/Indonesian Fighter Experiment ( K-FX/I-FX ). Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - The government seems to be rethinking to continue the plan of cooperation with South Korea, in the Korean Fighter Experiment ( K-FX / I-FX ) Korean Fighter Experiment aircraft design program. Kementerian Pertahanan menyatakan kemampuan anggaran menjadi salah satu kendala utama, padahal jet tempur itu ditargetkan bisa mengudara pada 2025. The Ministry of Defense stated that budget capability is one of the main obstacles, even though the fighter jet is targeted to air in 2025.

"Arahan dari Pak Presiden kita lihat dulu kemampuan anggaran," kata Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pertahanan Anne Kusmayati di Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (28/8). "The direction from the President, we first saw the ability of the budget," said Head of the Ministry of Defense Research and Development Agency Anne Kusmayati in Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, Tuesday (28/8).

Wacana kerja sama antara Indonesia dengan Korea Selatan untuk memproduksi pesawat tempur ini memang mengalami pasang-surut. The discourse of cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea to produce these fighter planes has experienced ups and downs. Sempat dikabarkan tertunda beberapa kali, Kemenhan memastikan pada Mei lalu proyek ini tetap berjalan. Had reportedly been delayed several times, the Ministry of Defense confirmed in May the project was still running.

Lihat juga: See also:
Kemhan Pastikan Proyek Pesawat Tempur Indonesia-Korsel Lanjut Ministry of Defense Ensures Further Indonesian-South Korean Combat Aircraft Project

Sebenarnya proyek pengembangan pesawat tempur generasi kelima ini pernah tertunda pada 2009 silam. Actually the development of the fifth generation fighter aircraft was delayed in 2009. Baru pada 7 Januri 2016 Indonesia dan Korea Selatan meneken perjanjian pembagian anggaran ( cost share agreement ). Only on January 7 2016 did Indonesia and South Korea sign a budget sharing agreement ( cost share agreement ).

Menurut Anne, Presiden Joko Widodo berkeras menginginkan transisi teknologi dan hak kekayaan intelektual (HAKI) antara Korea Selatan dengan Indonesia dalam proyek ini berjalan mulus, guna memastikan transfer pengetahuan. According to Anne, President Joko Widodo insisted that the transition of technology and intellectual property rights (IPR) between South Korea and Indonesia in this project will run smoothly, to ensure the transfer of knowledge.

"Itu sudah kita komunikasikan dengan pihak Korea dan mereka sudah memenuhi keinginan Indonesia. Insyaallah kita tinggal menunggu keputusan Pak Presiden," kata Anne lagi. "We have communicated it with the Korean side and they have fulfilled Indonesia's wishes. God willing, we are just waiting for the President's decision," Anne said again.

Indonesia telah membayar uang muka proyek ini sebesar Rp3 triliun. Indonesia has paid a down payment of this project amounting to Rp3 trillion. Pemerintah masih harus menanggung 20 persen dari total biaya sebesar Rp18 triliun atau 1,65 triliun won (US$1,3 miliar). The government still has to bear 20 percent of the total cost of Rp18 trillion or 1.65 trillion won (US $ 1.3 billion).

Lihat juga: See also:
Ingin Saling Menguntungkan, Kemhan Tinjau Ulang Jet Korsel Want to Mutually Benefit, Kemhan Review South Korean Jet

Sementara 80 persen sisanya ditanggung pemerintah Korsel. While the remaining 80 percent is borne by the South Korean government. Total dana yang dikeluarkan kedua negara untuk penggarapan fase kedua ini sebanyak 8,6 triliun won. The total funds spent by the two countries for the second phase of cultivation are 8.6 trillion won.

Ada tiga fase pembuatan KF-X/IF-X, yaitu pengembangan teknologi atau pengembangan konsep ( technology development ), pengembangan rekayasa manufaktur atau pengembangan prototipe ( engineering manufacturing development ), dan terakhir proses produksi massal. There are three phases of making KF-X / IF-X, namely technology development or concept development ( technology development ), development of manufacturing engineering or prototype development ( engineering manufacturing development ), and finally the mass production process.

Direncanakan, pada 2020 pesawat tempur tersebut sudah bisa diproduksi, dan pada 2025 diharapkan sudah bisa beroperasi. It is planned that by 2020 the fighter can be produced, and by 2025 it is expected to be operational. (ayp) (ayp)

(Don't know why Google translate went haywire, so here's the og link in Indonesian:
https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasion...okowi-minta-tinjau-ulang-proyek-jet-kf-x-if-x )
Came across this article from CNN Indonesia, but its very general; anyone hear any specifics about what issues there might be?:

The Ministry of Defense Mention Jokowi Requests Review of Jet Project KF-X / IF-X
Bintoro Agung , CNN Indonesia | Bintoro Agung , CNN Indonesia | Rabu, 29/08/2018 00:57 WIB Wednesday, 29/08/2018 00:57 WIB

Another out of date and borderline Fake News by CNN.

It was problem with export license. Basically Indonesia want both production & export right of the plane. And the last news was talk still ongoing (with the result still unannounced) however the project development is still proceeding as schedule. Keep in mind that Indonesia is no longer in position to withdraw from this project, however as with any big ticket project there are always obstacles here and there.
Indonesia Aerospace Completed N219 certification in March 2019

PT Dirgantara Indonesia Targetkan Sertifikasi Pesawat N219 Maret 2019

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2018 Arditya Pramono

Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia Gita Amperiawan mengatakan sertifikasi layak produksi pesawat N219 ditargetkan rampung pada Maret 2019.
SUBANG, AYOBANDUNG.COM--Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan PT Dirgantara Indonesia Gita Amperiawan mengatakan sertifikasi layak produksi pesawat N219 ditargetkan rampung pada Maret 2019.

"Insya Allah tidak lebih dari Maret 2019 N219 sudah punya sertifikasi layak produksi oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub)," kata Gita saat ditemui di acara Jalan Sehat BUMN Hadir untuk Negeri di Lapangan Atletik Bintang, Kabupaten Subang, Minggu (19/8/2018).

Sebelumnya pihak DI sendiri menargetkan sertifikasi pesawat yang melakukan penerbangan perdana Agustus 2017 itu rampung pada akhir 2018.

"Target awal akhir 2018 yah sekitar 1,5 tahun dari penerbangan perdana, namun agak sliding jadi harus mundur," ujarnya.

Meski belum rampung dari proses sertifikasi kemenhub, Gita menuturkan pesawat yang memiliki dua baling-baling tersebut telah mendapatkan pesanan dalam jumlah yang lumayan banyak.

"Kalau kita bicara soal LOI (letter of inten) sudah ada 34 secara produk, kalau secara unit mencapai 180 unit," katanya. ("If we talk about LOI (letter of intent) there are already 34 products, if the unit reaches 180 units," he said.)

Untung cost per unitnya sendiri Gita belum bisa menjelaskan secara gamblang.

"Kami belum bisa menjelaskan hal tersebut. Karena fokus kami mendapatkan sertifikat laik memproduksi secara masal dulu dari Kemenhub," jelasnya.
PT.DI production facilities

Di usianya yg ke-42 tahun, PTDI tengah mencanangkan tranformasi pada 3 aspek, yakni transformasi bisnis, operasi, dan budaya yang diberi nama TA 3. Program ini berlaku efektif sejak 26 Juni ‘18 hingga Juni ‘19.


PT DI received orders for 29 units N219
By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand | Friday, October 05 2018 - 18:48 IWS

INDUSTRY.co.id - Surabaya - PT Dirgantara Indonesia received an order for 20 units of N219 Nurtanio aircraft from PT Aviastar Mandiri which will be used as air transportation equipment and placed in remote areas.

"The N219 Nurtanio aircraft was developed to meet the needs of national air transportation in the pioneer area and can be used for a variety of needs, such as passenger transportation, freight transport, and air ambulance," said PTDI's Commercial Director Irzal Rinaldi in Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (4 / 10/2018)

As a form of commitment, the two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding between the Indonesia Business and Development (IBD) Expo 2018 in Surabaya on Wednesday (3/10).

The agreement was signed between PTDI's Commercial Director, Irzal Rinaldi and President Director of PT Aviastar Mandiri, Muhammad Alvin Reza, and witnessed by Deputy of Mining Business, Strategic and Media Industry, Ministry of BUMN, Fajar Harry Sampurno with PTDI President Director, Elfien Goentoro.

The N219 Nurtanio aircraft is a 19-passenger aircraft with two turboprop engines which refers to CASR Part 23 regulation, whose ideas and design are with program development by PTDI and LAPAN.


This aircraft, he said, has a maximum speed of 210 knots, and the lowest speed reaches 59 knots, which means it is quite low, but it can still be controlled so it is very important, especially when entering the cliff area.

"This type of aircraft is very relevant to the natural conditions in Indonesia, which are generally hilly and many mountains, so it needs an aircraft with low speed maneuverability," he said.

Thus, the existence of this type of aircraft is expected to be an integrated, effective and efficient logistics distribution solution with the hope of being able to improve the welfare of the community.

By PTDI, the same type of aircraft will be produced in stages, ie initially produced six units using existing production capacity, then running an automation system in the manufacturing process, and gradually delivery capabilities will continue to increase to reach 36 units per year.

Meanwhile, PT Aviastar Mandiri is a company engaged in aviation services to remote areas in Indonesia that operate its aircraft in the Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua regions with a "home base" in Jakarta.
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