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indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant delivered to Navy

76% indigenous component? They pull that figure from the rear, is it?

The engine is US
The radar is from Israel
The sensor is from french

sea trial is done? 35 ~ 45k ton with 20+ years, hahaha :rofl:
76% indigenous component? They pull that figure from the rear, is it?

The engine is US
The radar is from Israel
The sensor is from french

You may want to closely examine the origin of components in Chinese naval vessels before you mock others.
Funny to see ccp 50 cent bots swarming every thread belittling Indian achievements telling how great their Chinese MIC is when in reality PLA lives on rip-off copies of original western/Russian equipment.

You may want to closely examine the origin of components in Chinese naval vessels before you mock others.

clearly you don't understand the difference between buy and DIY
You may want to closely examine the origin of components in Chinese naval vessels before you mock others.
All are Chinese, check!

I think you need to brush up your knowledge of Chinese weapons.

I know, I know. You will claim the EMAL of Fujian aircraft carrier is bought from USA. :rofl:
All are Chinese, check!

I think you need to brush up your knowledge of Chinese weapons.

I think you need to brush up on reality and stop drinking that CPC koolaid.

I think you need to brush up on reality and stop drinking that CPC koolaid.

And you trust such shabby report? I will not be surprised they even claim EMAL is from US too, But everybody knows US Gerald Ford Aircraft carrier EMAL is a lemon.

EU has military weapons ban on China. Try harder with your fake report or fake article! :enjoy: DW is a well know German media writing nonsense just to boast German ego only. Will not surprised soon you will pull out something from your rear of some bogus report and claim China steal US 5G. :lol:

Thailand could acquire Chinese CHD620 diesel engine for the Yuan class submarine​

Chinese buys German component are merely for export market. Even we Chinese dont want these foreign components for our domestic weapons.
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And you trust such shabby report? I will not be surprised they even claim EMAL is from US too, But everybody knows US Gerald Ford Aircraft carrier EMAL is a lemon.

EU has military weapons ban on China. Try harder with your fake report or fake article! :enjoy: DW is a well know German media writing nonsense just to boast German ego only. Will not surprised soon you will pull out something from your rear of some bogus report and claim China steal US 5G. :lol:

Thailand could acquire Chinese CHD620 diesel engine for the Yuan class submarine​

Chinese buys German component are merely for export market. Even we Chinese dont want these foreign components for our domestic weapons.

Germany blocked the sale of German diesel engine to Thailand leaving them no choice but to assess the Chinese one. Pretty sure if I look hard enough I'll find CHD620 is a Chinese derivative of some European engine.

Edit: it didn't take long the CHD620 is a license produced engine from Duetz.

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Germany blocked the sale of German diesel engine to Thailand leaving them no choice but to assess the Chinese one. Pretty sure if I look hard enough I'll find CHD620 is a Chinese derivative of some European engine.

Edit: it didn't take long the CHD620 is a license produced engine from Duetz.

so what? why reinvent the wheel? compare Indian's purchase off the shelf to Chinese DIY is ridiculous, analyst :rofl:
so what? why reinvent the wheel? compare Indian's purchase off the shelf to Chinese DIY is ridiculous, analyst :rofl:
..both India and China play fast and loose with the "indigenous" term. Both have access to dual use technology and both leverage this option to fast track weapons development. Nothing wrong with it,
..both India and China play fast and loose with the "indigenous" term. Both have access to dual use technology and both leverage this option to fast track weapons development. Nothing wrong with it,

analyst? :rofl: :rofl:
india buy, china make
..both India and China play fast and loose with the "indigenous" term. Both have access to dual use technology and both leverage this option to fast track weapons development. Nothing wrong with it,
But but .. it's far from your BS claim Chinese weapons need German import components like INS Vikrant. And I can tell u SCMP is an anti China media fill with many wrong assessment of Chinese military development. You can asked @Deino for the reliability of SCMP for PLA if u are not convinced.

I will not be surprised soon some stupid media will also claim Fujian aircraft carriers EMAL derived from Gerald Ford AC system.... :lol:
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You may want to closely examine the origin of components in Chinese naval vessels before you mock others.

Let's talk facts. Show me what component in Chinese warships and subs and ship based aircraft is imported? Name one. I'm all ears.

Germany blocked the sale of German diesel engine to Thailand leaving them no choice but to assess the Chinese one. Pretty sure if I look hard enough I'll find CHD620 is a Chinese derivative of some European engine.

Edit: it didn't take long the CHD620 is a license produced engine from Duetz.

NATO has arms embargo on China since 1989. If it is based on German engine, it must have dated before 1989 embargo.
The ship was built in 2005, and it took Indians 17 years to build it.

Compare it.

China's 002 CV was started in March 2015 and join the army in December 2019.
China's 003 CV was started in November 2017 and join the army in June 2022.
You are always a stickler for details just to put others down. Don't be like my grumpy old neighbor.
Let us rejoice in our achievement.
76% indigenous component? They pull that figure from the rear, is it?

The engine is US
The radar is from Israel
The sensor is from french
lift is from britain ,radars and communication pods from Israel ,ciws from russia superstructure designed by russian ,body based on russian aircraft carrier.
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lift is from britain ,radars and communication pods from Israel ,ciws from russia superstructure designed by russian ,body based on russian aircraft carrier.
How you wish you could secede and join the red dragon eh! Tough luck my NE neighbor, you and your descendants will remain the ever bitter citizens, regardless of all the *** kissing. Never truely happy and fulfilled. Hope you've studied the history of the region, all 6000 years of it.
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