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India’s Pakistan policy comes home to roost


WARNING: What is listed below is historical fact but many have hidden or tried to cover this genocide. If you are easily disturbded do not read beyond this point.

And it still has it nearly 70 years later. Now you make your own conclusions?
Still not convinced? Well think about this then. If a country starved 3 million of your people. Yes, three million children, women and men to the point where they became bag of bones and fell on the wayside like bag of sh*te. How bad would that be? Then think that what if there was plenty of food available but it was sent to others to enjoy - in this case shipped to the Greeks by Churchill's orders. What reaction do you think there would be for such genocide? Sunch crime againast humanity. Other peoples like Jews have even appropriated a term - holocaust to remind everybody what happened, even after being compensated and aknowledged.

Wondering what I am talking about? Well in 1943 three million Indians starved to death along the Ganga River region - Bihar, Bengal. Yet the Indian peoples made no sound. Nothing. Ten dead dogs would have brought out more outrage. Sadly for the victims nothing has ever been said. Nothing even today is said. India has buried it's shame on top of another shame under the waters of Ganga River.


India has not even had the decency of having at least laid a memorial to the dead. Hey even a plaque would do. Think about that. Three million is more then population of some countries. When was the last time you heard India complain or mutter anything about this crime against mankind by this (British PM Churchill) guy?

"Churchill was totally remorseless in diverting food to the British troops and Greek civilians"


Link > http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/10/how_churchill_starved_india.html
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943

Timid? Now think about that?

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WARNING: What is listed below is historical fact but many have hidden or tried to cover this genocide. If you are easily disturbded do not read beyond this point.

Still not convinced? Well think about this then. If a country starved 3 million of your people. Yes, three million children, women and men to the point where they became bag of bones and fell on the wayside like bag of sh*te. How bad would that be? Then think that what if there was plenty of food available but it was sent to others to enjoy - in this case shipped to the Greeks by Churchill's orders. What reaction do you think there would be for such genocide? Sunch crime againast humanity. Other peoples like Jews have even appropriated a term - holocaust to remind everybody what happened, even after being compensated and aknowledged.

Wondering what I am talking about? Well in 1943 three million Indians starved to death along the Ganga River region - Bihar, Bengal. Yet the Indian peoples made no sound. Nothing. Ten dead dogs would have brought out more outrage. Sadly for the victims nothing has ever been said. Nothing even today is said. India has buried it's shame on top of another shame under the waters of Ganga River.


India has not even had the decency of having at least laid a memorial to the dead. Hey even a plaque would do. Think about that. Three million is more then population of some countries. When was the last time you heard India complain or mutter anything about this crime against mankind by this (British PM Churchill) guy?


Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943

Timid? Now think about that?


My brother, I am old.. have seen too much of ills of humanity... I do get disturbed. I do not have the courage to read what you just shared. Forgive my weakness.

War is hideous. What india has done in Pak through its terror is the desctruction of families...

What it is doing in Kashmir is the destruction of generations. I find it very very disturbing.... yet the world is all about real politic and empty words...

Even in Kashmir related news I do not have the heart to see those pictures of victims. I avoid seeing them...

Please, forgive me. I am weak...
Jump on shoulders of others (like Banglas) to attack is a possibility but straight on attack. No chance. These peoples have demonstatred a history of thousands of years that like sheep, they are timid. Leave everything else asides.

*Think 1948. Do you think tiny Burma could have snatched 1/3 of Yunan Province from China? And then after snatching it kept it till today? Tiny Burma?

*Think 1948. A tiny struggling state, newly emerged, without Rupee in reserve - Pakistan managed to gouge it out of mighty humongous India 1/3 of Kashmir. A cat snatching the bread right under the nose of the huge elephant?

And it still has it nearly 70 years later. Now you make your own conclusions?

Pakistan was not tiny. A lot of British Army soldiers were Punjabi Muslims. Kashmir is mountainous region. The army which occupies first has the advantage. it is not too hard to seize remote mountainous valleys


WARNING: What is listed below is historical fact but many have hidden or tried to cover this genocide. If you are easily disturbded do not read beyond this point.

Still not convinced? Well think about this then. If a country starved 3 million of your people. Yes, three million children, women and men to the point where they became bag of bones and fell on the wayside like bag of sh*te. How bad would that be? Then think that what if there was plenty of food available but it was sent to others to enjoy - in this case shipped to the Greeks by Churchill's orders. What reaction do you think there would be for such genocide? Sunch crime againast humanity. Other peoples like Jews have even appropriated a term - holocaust to remind everybody what happened, even after being compensated and aknowledged.

Wondering what I am talking about? Well in 1943 three million Indians starved to death along the Ganga River region - Bihar, Bengal. Yet the Indian peoples made no sound. Nothing. Ten dead dogs would have brought out more outrage. Sadly for the victims nothing has ever been said. Nothing even today is said. India has buried it's shame on top of another shame under the waters of Ganga River.


India has not even had the decency of having at least laid a memorial to the dead. Hey even a plaque would do. Think about that. Three million is more then population of some countries. When was the last time you heard India complain or mutter anything about this crime against mankind by this (British PM Churchill) guy?

"Churchill was totally remorseless in diverting food to the British troops and Greek civilians"


Link > http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/10/how_churchill_starved_india.html
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943

Timid? Now think about that?


the dead in Bihar and Bengal included Hindus and Muslims. it is hard to fight when you are starving
Pakistan was not tiny.
Tiny is relative concept. I am huge toward a ant. I am tiny toward a whale. I gave example of Burma gouging 1/3 Yunan off China in 1948 and see what would have happened. By now the Chinese would have eaten up every Burmese. And Burma is similar size toward China as Pak/India.

army which occupies first has the advantage
Indian Army with support of Mountbatten went in FIRST and even had use of British officers which is why General Gracey C in C Pak Army refused to move Pak Army after being ordered by Jinnah. Get your facts right.

And you have had 70 years. Have you ever looked at how big you are for Pete's sakes .....

So are Iranian's, Kazaks, Tatars, Tunisians, Bosnian's, Tajiks. So? They were not within the putative Pakistan. Trust me my grandad slept through 1943 well fed and so did rest of our lot. Can't be contracted to care for rest of the Muslim world.

Bihar, Bengal are today central to India. You want me to show you a map? Where is Kolkata? Those peope starved on the banks of Holy Ganges - that they were Athiests, Rastas, Sikhs, Hindus, Jains does not change the fact they were Indian.

Or is India now suddenly going to start in year 1947 when everywhere else you lot sing that it has been around for million years.

when you are starving
Have you been starving for the last 70 years? Has India ever made sound about this genocide? Tiny Armenia after 100 years is still pushing for compensation and apology from Turkey. Have you? You have just pushed 3 million dead under the Ganges.

Not even a memorial for 3 million dead Indians?
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Indian Army with support of Mountbatten went in FIRST and even had use of British officers which is why General Gracey C in C Pak Army refused to move Pak Army after being ordered by Jinnah. Get your facts right.

And you have had 70 years. Have you ever looked at how big you are for Pete's sakes .....

Indians say that tribal invasion of Kashmir supported by Pakistan led Indian army to move in....According to them, India retaliated only against tribal invasion...Do you agree with this?
. . .
Tiny is relative concept. I am huge toward a ant. I am tiny toward a whale. I gave example of Burma gouging 1/3 Yunan off China in 1948 and see what would have happened. By now the Chinese would have eaten up every Burmese. And Burma is similar size toward China as Pak/India.

Indian Army with support of Mountbatten went in FIRST and even had use of British officers which is why General Gracey C in C Pak Army refused to move Pak Army after being ordered by Jinnah. Get your facts right.

And you have had 70 years. Have you ever looked at how big you are for Pete's sakes .....

So are Iranian's, Kazaks, Tatars, Tunisians, Bosnian's, Tajiks. So? They were not within the putative Pakistan. Trust me my grandad slept through 1943 well fed and so did rest of our lot. Can't be contracted to care for rest of the Muslim world.

Bihar, Bengal are today central to India. You want me to show you a map? Where is Kolkata? Those peope starved on the banks of Holy Ganges - that they were Athiests, Rastas, Sikhs, Hindus, Jains does not change the fact they were Indian.

Or is India now suddenly going to start in year 1947 when everywhere else you lot sing that it has been around for million years.

Have you been starving for the last 70 years? Has India ever made sound about this genocide? Tiny Armenia after 100 years is still pushing for compensation and apology from Turkey. Have you? You have just pushed 3 million dead under the Ganges.

Not even a memorial for 3 million dead Indians?

you are way off base ...

India is 3 times larger than Pakistan. India has 3-4 times the population of Pakistan. The delta between China and Buema is off the charts.

Indian army is responding to request from Maharaja of Kashmir who could not fight tribal invaders. The Indian army was not the first force into Kashmir. What makes you think the Indian army was trained for mountain warfare ?

Bengal is not India's West Bengal. Bengal includes Bangladesh. Why is exactly Bengal and Bihar heart of India ?? It was not in 1947. Neither is it now.

There are 20 plus famines under British rule. Why pick out 1943 famine. there is a reason we wanted the British out.

The memorial for 3 million dead Indians is the avoidance of large scale famines in independent India. It is way better than any useless monument. Tell anything about Indian politicians. they have avoid large scale famines.

What has Armenia achieved fighting Turkey ?? I do not think Turkish treatment of Armenians was genocide. It was brutal.

WARNING: What is listed below is historical fact but many have hidden or tried to cover this genocide. If you are easily disturbded do not read beyond this point.

Still not convinced? Well think about this then. If a country starved 3 million of your people. Yes, three million children, women and men to the point where they became bag of bones and fell on the wayside like bag of sh*te. How bad would that be? Then think that what if there was plenty of food available but it was sent to others to enjoy - in this case shipped to the Greeks by Churchill's orders. What reaction do you think there would be for such genocide? Sunch crime againast humanity. Other peoples like Jews have even appropriated a term - holocaust to remind everybody what happened, even after being compensated and aknowledged.

Wondering what I am talking about? Well in 1943 three million Indians starved to death along the Ganga River region - Bihar, Bengal. Yet the Indian peoples made no sound. Nothing. Ten dead dogs would have brought out more outrage. Sadly for the victims nothing has ever been said. Nothing even today is said. India has buried it's shame on top of another shame under the waters of Ganga River.


India has not even had the decency of having at least laid a memorial to the dead. Hey even a plaque would do. Think about that. Three million is more then population of some countries. When was the last time you heard India complain or mutter anything about this crime against mankind by this (British PM Churchill) guy?

"Churchill was totally remorseless in diverting food to the British troops and Greek civilians"


Link > http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/10/how_churchill_starved_india.html
Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943

Timid? Now think about that?


Ahh another diatribe.

I think Indians should name one of their missile on Churchill name taking a cue from Pakistan.

Or how about asking for an apology from UK like BDesh keep on asking West Pakistanis for the genocide?

Moreover the picture belongs to Hindu Muslim riots I suppose.

That is altogether another can of worms that we can open some other time.

You can chose your timings to get embarrassed.
I have shown the Indian's what hangs between their legs. Peanuts. They lost 3 million starved to death and they been mute for 70 years. 17 dead soldiers and people think India is going risk nuclear war.

Give me a break. ....

Ps. The only puffed thing about Modi is his puffed lips full of hot air.
The ambassador can cry for sanity all he wants. India is now looking for war with Pakistan as it fits the pattern of neo-colonialism the current government wants to push. Sadly, the problem with all of this is that the miltiary is painting some rosy picture which hawks like swamy are feeding to Modi. Who at the end is nothing more than a man with a bruised ego after being rebuffed at his peace overtures.

The next few weeks could be very tense.
war hysteria is on and if you look at Indian commentators then you will see that voice of reason is snubbed and people are bullied to fall in line and respond to the call to arms.
India media and opinion makers don't want anything less than war.
lets see how long they can keep the appetite for war once the reality will hit them hard. we are not Bangladesh or Nepal after all.

India is definitely thinking of flaring up the old wounds but not in response. It has been in the pipeline ever since Modi came to power.
you got that right
the war was on the day he took the oath and appointed some insane people like himself on the key posts. they have reached a point of no return.
we are really fed up now and will like to settle it with them once and for all.

I am sure every Indian poster here is thinking that he will be safe if the all out war breaks out. but sadly it wont be true for everyone.
It's rather amusing that the colossal terrorist state that Bharat is has the gall to call others terrorists. Not only does it not provide complete financial and logistical support to groups such as TTP and BLA, it also terrorizes its own population. If it was another country that didn't cozy up to the west it would be a UN terrorist state. Pakistan should make a case to have Bharat listed a terrorist state and sanctioned until it stops supporting terrorism.
. .
Source is A rediff blog like this guy's fantasy threads!

so why should we pay attention to your opinion, a source of PDF

India can cry on every western door but they will not get anything, everyone knows and see Indian officials in govt claims of accepting terror attack inside Pakistan and to do more in the future, for last two years we hear nothing but threats of terror coming from across the border. Now is the time to put those claims into action, dont go crying to white masters because no one takes you seriously, oh and enjoy the cancellation of Pakistan/Russian exercises for two more days before they start on 24th.
India donot cry infront of western countries, it is Pakistan .

Regarding Russia Pakistan joint military exercises, India is not worried about them. India and Russia relations are times tested ones.
so why should we pay attention to your opinion, a source of PDF

India can cry on every western door but they will not get anything, everyone knows and see Indian officials in govt claims of accepting terror attack inside Pakistan and to do more in the future, for last two years we hear nothing but threats of terror coming from across the border. Now is the time to put those claims into action, dont go crying to white masters because no one takes you seriously, oh and enjoy the cancellation of Pakistan/Russian exercises for two more days before they start on 24th.
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