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India's Oxygen Express arrives in Bangladesh

We value Indian lives more than Bangladeshi. Sue us.

You are really not getting it as after vaccinating the "vulnerable" 20% and getting hospitalisations at a level where capacity can cope, vaccinating anyone else becomes less and less useful.
India had reached this level by end May/early June.

Thanks for destroying most of your supporters in BD and so India will suffer in the long run for this act of illegality and immorality.
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Why beggars want everything for free?
You have an immediate requirement for oxygen, we are fulfilling that.

Oh, no big deal because you are paying for it?

Well, If money could buy you everything you'd be sitting on a stock of 200 million vaccine doses already by now.
My foot. You are sending oxygen as part of diplomacy. Otherwise your india is dirtier than it's citizens.

And beggar? Who is beggar? Who paid vaccine money in advance or who blocked sending the vaccine that was basically ours( since we paid in advance)? So you are not only beggars but thrives as well.

And when we are getting vaccine from other sources and now your ambassador tried to comfort us by big talk?

And you are selling oxygen as a part of diplomacy, as you see that Bangladesh is already turned anti India.
We value Indian lives more than Bangladeshi. Sue us.

Funnily enough, BD govt, media, even the people never blamed India at the time. As an evolved civil society, we could see the situation was grim for India.

But now India is boasting about selling us oxygen, when they failed when it really mattered, is just sickening.
Funnily enough, BD govt, media, even the people never blamed India at the time. As an evolved civil society, we could see the situation was grim for India.

But now India is boasting about selling us oxygen, when they failed when it really mattered, is just sickening.
Only pdf knows. Not seen this covered by any prominent channel.
Stop acting like dehati aurats. ( apologies to Manmohan and nawaz).
Only pdf knows. Not seen this covered by any prominent channel.
Stop acting like dehati aurats. ( apologies to Manmohan and nawaz).

Don't know about the channels, but we are on PDF and if you look at post 2 and 3, it's your brethren who started acting all magnanimous here.
A few dollars difference in per capita because our GDP contracted sharply due to a stringent lockdown can only make an ignorant "rich".

Bangladesh- powerhouse? Haha 🤣

~95% of South Asia's industrial exports (non-textile & non- agro) are from India.

If India is soooo good then why is it still a underdeveloped shithole ? Why do westerns/easterners still view India as a shithole then ?

If India is soooo powerful then why TF DOES IT NEED UNCLE SAM OR THE EU
We value Indian lives more than Bangladeshi. Sue us.

Brits : We value our White Anglo brothers more than you Pajeets

The table can always be turned on you

@LeGenD ay boss man this guy is starting drama
You are really not getting it as after vaccinating the "vulnerable" 20% and getting hospitalisations at a level where capacity can cope, vaccinating anyone else becomes less and less useful.
I did not really know that you really represent WHO and the statements that you have been making in all the corona-related threads are virtually WHO statements that must be accepted by us at their face values.
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I did not really know that you really represent WHO and the statements that you have been making in all the corona-related threads are virtually WHO statements that must be accepted by us at their face values.

WHO are changing their minds all the time as more data comes through. They know very little about this virus and if you had a scientific and mathematical education you would understand that.

Indian data just out shows 98% prevention from reinfection from natural immunity after a median of 8-9 months while in the UK lots of fully vaccinated people are getting infected.

Vaccine immunity in the UK is being questioned now after no less than the Health Secretary who has already been double-jabbed got infected, along with lots of others, while those who had become natural immune do not seem to get reinfected as much.

Stop tagging me on stuff that is pointless please if you do not have enought knowledge to have an actual debate.
WHO are changing their minds all the time as more data comes through. They know very little about this virus and if you had a scientific and mathematical education you would understand that.
Now, it is time that WHO listens to you and learn science, medicine and math from you.
Stop tagging me on stuff that is pointless please if you do not have enough knowledge to have an actual debate.
I wonder, who is giving me this advice. Very well. Now, I have started to believe that a City commuter train runs on average at 100 kph.
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You are really not getting it as after vaccinating the "vulnerable" 20% and getting hospitalisations at a level where capacity can cope, vaccinating anyone else becomes less and less useful.
India had reached this level by end May/early June.

Thanks for destroying most of your supporters in BD and so India will suffer in the long run for this act of illegality and immorality.

You think these people care about legality and morals? These are Sanghis you are talking about. They don't even care about their own co-nationalists if they aren't Sanghi enough.
Reciprocal action, previously Indonesian government and private sector also send several batch of oxygents concentrate to India during India worst second wave Covid surge
Thank You at the time of need.
Are you sure this O2 was sold? A link please.
What I know from my source that these Oxygens are given free by Indian govt both to BD and Indonesia. It was reciprocal to the help they shown during the grim covid situation we faced earlier.

This is not the included as the part of schedule O2 export India does to BD with money. In fact India exported 2752440 cubic meter of O2 in the year 2019. But this was far lesser than previous years.
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