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India's Oxygen Express arrives in Bangladesh

except for raqibools of PDF:disagree:, they see conspiracy in everything.

This was a purchase by three Bangladeshi companies - nothing more, nothing less.
You can always refuse the oxygen. Its not being shoved down your throat. You can import from china, Myanmar and Pakistan .

I believe last year when India stopped supply - we did turn to local private sources and did fine, we still don't need yours. Current supply given by India is bought by private companies.
Still India did not have to sell BD the oxygen and so much appreciated.

Also I heard that India is supplying hundreds of ventilators to BD on an emergency basis, although Walton had a working design ready last year licensed from the US and somehow the time has not been spent already making at least many hundreds of them to hold in reserve. :hitwall:

What we have to do is build local oxygen concentrator capacity and plan for emergency medical supply in addition to make ventilators locally (stopping or lessening dependence on basic medical items like this from foreign sources). Though the need for oxygen in the mass pandemic was rather unprecedented, which few plans can foresee.

We don't have a proper national disaster plan for pandemics, though our planning (I'd argue) for hurricanes and cyclones is way better than in Eastern India or even India on general. Mass Pandemic disaster recovery planning needs to be brought up to standards in the US and EU (like FEMA plans).

Even a country like Germany suffered in severe floods and this can happen, the RECOVERY is what matters.

FEMA guides here,

Last time your ambassador showed this much arrogance he had to publicly apologize. If you think you can influence the bdians by buying them up , you are mistaken. The present government is pro democracy and India while the common man is not stupid. The servile trolls here are just serving their masters.

I don't think you are barking up the right tree.

Come to Bangladesh and ask anyone on the street what they think of Indian Govt. (especially Modi) and you will get your answer.
Last time your ambassador showed this much arrogance he had to publicly apologize. If you think you can influence the bdians by buying them up , you are mistaken. The present government is pro democracy and India while the common man is not stupid. The servile trolls here are just serving their masters.

Keep dreaming about India able to compete with China , only fools or delusional people think India can standup to the Chinese economic might.

Also BD government isn't fully pro India or democracy , if it was pro India then we would have bought the Tejas by now.

India's days are numbered , go thank your stupid careless govt
Why beggars want everything for free?
You have an immediate requirement for oxygen, we are fulfilling that.

Oh, no big deal because you are paying for it?

Well, If money could buy you everything you'd be sitting on a stock of 200 million vaccine doses already by now.
That is the problem with you lot. Sending 200 mt oxyzen ur supa pawa media and enen FM Twitting about it as help!...is it free lol?

Your shit country imported billions from china few months ago and still is did Chinese fm tweet and there media post it on daily basis? No they didnt.

That's why india will remain a third world 2k per capita income. Talk too much do very little. And try to show off ha ha every small thing as a huge contribution.
just cancel the order and ask chinese to send the tanks, would you ? India will remain in 2k as long as it is needed and Industries to grow. there are lots of other things to be put in order. you won`t understand economic policies.
They will import from china too. Except china remains quite about every small help they provide. Oxyzen generation machines imported from China by bd steel industry to increase medical oxyzen is in process of setting up.

Look at the language. They offering help to counter china influence to bd and Indonesia lmao. It is a commercial deal not free but there shitty media telling this. And you wonder why these ppl think india is a supa pawa. There are thousands of articles like this they published for ego boost.

Reciprocal action, previously Indonesian government and private sector also send several batch of oxygents concentrate to India during India worst second wave Covid surge
Reciprocal action, previously Indonesian government and private sector also send several batch of oxygents concentrate to India during India worst second wave Covid surge
India's o2 shortage was a coordination issue between a incompetent delhi state government and a callous central government. Their was no o2 shortage as such.
Since the capital has come under 2 different opposing governments , these competitive politics have become common in other areas too.
Time to revert to the old union territory system. Delhi is too large and complex to be left to state central frictions. All union territories are run fine.
just cancel the order and ask chinese to send the tanks, would you ? India will remain in 2k as long as it is needed and Industries to grow. there are lots of other things to be put in order. you won`t understand economic policies.
Chinese already sending. We buying central oxyzen generation machines from them. But unlike u lots they keep it quiet.

Industries to grow! Lol ok. No i dont understand...canada dont have whatsapp University yet.
Why beggars want everything for free?
You have an immediate requirement for oxygen, we are fulfilling that.

Oh, no big deal because you are paying for it?

Well, If money could buy you everything you'd be sitting on a stock of 200 million vaccine doses already by now.

Beggar? :sarcastic:

Last time we checked India was poorer than us. You need a lesson in economics 101? :crazy:

Better cut down on the Cow ka Cola, it's fogging up Sanghi brains all over India...

Bangladesh is better off than India, not a poor, backward neighbour anymore
The city of Dhaka | Commons
The city of Dhaka | Commons

Bangladesh has come a long way since its independence in 1971, registering impressive performance on economic and social indicators.

New Delhi:
India, the fastest growing major economy, is seen as the powerhouse of South Asia, but this may soon change.

Having already stolen a march over India on key social indices, small neighbour Bangladesh is now on the verge of establishing a lead on the economic front too.

According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh is expected to post a growth rate of 7.5 per cent in 2018-19 against the 7.3 per cent projected for India.

India’s eastern neighbour saw a GDP growth of 7.28 per cent in the last financial year, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), while India grew at 7.1 per cent.

The country’s per capita income is also growing at a pace three times India’s: According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development figures cited in a Dhaka Tribune report, while India’s per capita income rose by 13.8 per cent between 2013 and 2016, Bangladesh’s grew by 39 per cent.
Beggar? :sarcastic:

Last time we checked India was poorer than us. You need a lesson in economics 101? :crazy:

Better cut down on the Cow ka Cola, it's fogging up Sanghi brains all over India...

Bangladesh is better off than India, not a poor, backward neighbour anymore
The city of Dhaka | Commons
The city of Dhaka | Commons

Bangladesh has come a long way since its independence in 1971, registering impressive performance on economic and social indicators.

New Delhi:
India, the fastest growing major economy, is seen as the powerhouse of South Asia, but this may soon change.

Having already stolen a march over India on key social indices, small neighbour Bangladesh is now on the verge of establishing a lead on the economic front too.

According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh is expected to post a growth rate of 7.5 per cent in 2018-19 against the 7.3 per cent projected for India.

India’s eastern neighbour saw a GDP growth of 7.28 per cent in the last financial year, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), while India grew at 7.1 per cent.

The country’s per capita income is also growing at a pace three times India’s: According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development figures cited in a Dhaka Tribune report, while India’s per capita income rose by 13.8 per cent between 2013 and 2016, Bangladesh’s grew by 39 per cent.
A few dollars difference in per capita because our GDP contracted sharply due to a stringent lockdown can only make an ignorant "rich".

Bangladesh- powerhouse? Haha 🤣

~95% of South Asia's industrial exports (non-textile & non- agro) are from India.
Beggar? :sarcastic:

Last time we checked India was poorer than us. You need a lesson in economics 101? :crazy:

Better cut down on the Cow ka Cola, it's fogging up Sanghi brains all over India...

Bangladesh is better off than India, not a poor, backward neighbour anymore
The city of Dhaka | Commons
The city of Dhaka | Commons

Bangladesh has come a long way since its independence in 1971, registering impressive performance on economic and social indicators.

New Delhi:
India, the fastest growing major economy, is seen as the powerhouse of South Asia, but this may soon change.

Having already stolen a march over India on key social indices, small neighbour Bangladesh is now on the verge of establishing a lead on the economic front too.

According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh is expected to post a growth rate of 7.5 per cent in 2018-19 against the 7.3 per cent projected for India.

India’s eastern neighbour saw a GDP growth of 7.28 per cent in the last financial year, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), while India grew at 7.1 per cent.

The country’s per capita income is also growing at a pace three times India’s: According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development figures cited in a Dhaka Tribune report, while India’s per capita income rose by 13.8 per cent between 2013 and 2016, Bangladesh’s grew by 39 per cent.
India will remain below bd per capita for next decade. This year they are whinning about lockdown few years later they will give another excuse...few years ago it was there gst/hst...before it was drive on corruption....before it was cogress rule...before british rule...before that islam rule...

these ppl never has shortage of excuses.... slum dogs been bitching about super power since early 2000...now its 2021...yet remain poor third world below ldc bd....yet whinning of supa pawa keep going on....
A few dollars difference in per capita because our GDP contracted sharply due to a stringent lockdown can only make an ignorant "rich".

Bangladesh- powerhouse? Haha 🤣

~95% of South Asia's industrial exports (non-textile & non- agro) are from India.

No body gives a flying rat's a$$ what third rate industrial exports India does or has. Those are well-saturated markets in the West or any other place and China has these sectors well covered. India can't compete, so it's a friggin' non-starter.

I am sorry, my apologies to the decent Indians whom I never wished to insult. They deserve way better a country to live in than this fascist guy which some were misled to elect. Indians deserve a different EDUCATED PM and Cabinet to have their dreams fulfilled TODAY as the second numerous nationality on the plant, having the basics of a decent life, jobs that pay working/living wages, as opposed to being fed imaginary stories of past glory which are irrelevant to today's India.

India's aukat unfortunately is growing at the Hindu rate of growth if Sanghi rule continues, it'll go back to that because the very interest of the deep state ruling class in India is to non-equalize growth and keep the maximum benefit for the Brahmin and Dirty Banya classes and let everyone else suffer. That is the status quo. Any attempt to overturn that scheme will be (ahem) - overturned, because it won't suit the interests of the Brahmin and Banya classes.

They'll let you pay easy installments to drive a few new cheap tinpot death-trap cars with no airbags, let you buy a few cheap cellphones to watch Netflix on and send WhatsApp messages which are way better lifestyles than your Kanjoos parents had, while ruling classes jet off in their own private jets to escape Covid.

All the while they'll fill the media with all the things you want to see, the sleeping pill for the masses, so you don't go out on the street and burn tires and give the leaders bad 'optics'.

Witness deliberate attempts by your dear leader - like de-monetization (a disaster), GST (a complete screw-up), add to that the other issues of the 370 & 35A, Farmer Protests, CAA, Shaheen Bagh and now the Royal eff-up called handling of COVID-19. Incompetence is one thing, keeping the working classes where they belong is the real deal and objective. No safety net, monetary or heath-wise.

Ah - India under Sanghis. Never ceases to amaze....
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Quite rich coming from the guy whose country couldn't keep it's end of the bargain and failed to supply the 30 million doses we bought.
We value Indian lives more than Bangladeshi. Sue us.
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