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India’s Emerging Blue-Water Navy

For Christ's sake, do some study before venturing into uncharted waters. For your info, China has no naval forces worth the name in the Indian Ocean, and Pakistan doesn't count in the Indian Ocean at all. So your impression that India is boxed in by China and Pakistan is laughable.

And Pakistan is of little or no threat to India even in the Arabian sea. At best Pakistan's navy is fit only for escort duties for its commercial shipping near the Strait of Hormuz.
does pak has navy too
i didnt knw tht
hw many destroyers
aircraft squadrons
and carriers?

i think indian navy is enough to counter paf
does pak has navy too
i didnt knw tht
hw many destroyers
aircraft squadrons
and carriers?

i think indian navy is enough to counter paf
they have nothing to even consider in navy and they're saying we've nuclear power to balance it...what a retarded logic lol
they have nothing to even consider in navy and they're saying we've nuclear power to balance it...what a retarded logic lol
if nukes comes in use then pak will extict
nukes will effect china
nd there big daddies usa nd china wont allow them to use it
they have nothing to even consider in navy and they're saying we've nuclear power to balance it...what a retarded logic lol

pakistanis boast abut there nuclear advancement m sure they have dozens of nuke subs and carriers :p: :yahoo::taz::pakistan::pakistan::smitten::smitten::flame::chilli::chilli::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
US, France, UK, China and Russia etc can project their power potential because either they do not have a powerful regional threat to counter or they have enough capability to deter a regional threat and also project their capability to take care of extra-regional threats. India is strategically surrounded from almost all sides on land by nuclear armed and strong Pakistan and China. How would India project its power through a blue water navy which as I earlier mentioned is merely a symbolic acquisition, particularly when there are more powerful navies operating even in Indian Ocean and would not allow it to be converted into India’s Ocean.

If you people are thrilled about the technical details and the equipment used, please go ahead and get thrilled. Gamers don't and can not effect the geopolitical games.

India has an open field in the form of three oceans to run around where there's nothing in the name of any threat, the only land route is that leads through Pakistan which beyond Pakistan is god forsaken land being in complete turmoil all year round - Pakistan is our buffer there and Pakistan has nothing in the name of approach to it's East and to it's West lies Afghanistan where the whole world's concentrated on - you only have an open corridor to your South and North east but the terrain to the North east is not ideal. As for China boxing us in - you seem to forget the topography that lies between India and China. So wonder who is actually boxed in?
US 7th Fleet is stationed at Okinawa, Japan and 5th Fleet is stationed at Bahrain. The US Navy's vision statement states that its priority is Pacific and Indian Ocean. Therefore by default India has lost control of its own back-yard. China is very strongly placed in SCS due to its A2/AD capabilities and yes the nuclear weapons do play their part. Vietnam, Phillipines and India does not posses the juice needed to even effect a blockade of SCS. Even the Japanese and Americans would be thinking a thousand times before poking a strong and powerful nuclear power like China.

Symbolic and rhetorical expression of strength without the ability to exercise this strength is known as power in being.

Well , If you know Indian conducted Drill in SCS with Vietnam for your information , India Placed a Oil Drilled machine after China warning, and China got no Guts to do what it can do with Japan. 
You wrote it wrong. Please take IOR from that list.

You dream a lot man. Why don't you tell me in detail how US would have a fully operational base in India?

Why don't you tell me Vietnam provide it sea base for Indian Navy in SCS?
Why don't you tell me Vietnam provide it sea base for Indian Navy in SCS?

That will happen. May not necessarily be a sea base but Indian Navy would have presence for sure. Already the relations are on a good track with Vietnam asking India to train its personnel in operating submarines. This is just the first step. It would not be a surprise if members from the armed forces are present permanently in Vietnam to assist with Training and maintenance especially for the Russian hardware. But be sure of a collaborated effort from US/Japan/India to counter the Chinese presence. And India would play an important role in that effort.
US 7th Fleet is stationed at Okinawa, Japan and 5th Fleet is stationed at Bahrain. The US Navy's vision statement states that its priority is Pacific and Indian Ocean. Therefore by default India has lost control of its own back-yard. China is very strongly placed in SCS due to its A2/AD capabilities and yes the nuclear weapons do play their part. Vietnam, Phillipines and India does not posses the juice needed to even effect a blockade of SCS. Even the Japanese and Americans would be thinking a thousand times before poking a strong and powerful nuclear power like China.

Symbolic and rhetorical expression of strength without the ability to exercise this strength is known as power in being.

Rather presence of US 7th fleet in Japan signifies the concern for SCS and not Indian Ocean. Japan has been an ally for a long time and makes perfect sense to place your fleet in your ally's waters. How that means domination of Indian ocean is out of my thinking. Whatever capability China may have, fact is they would have hard time dealing with Japan only. You are free to imagine what will happen when you add 3 Navies to that list.

Clearly, Chinese are strong no doubt. And Indian Navy knows that. Therefore don't you think its more reason to get closer to US and Japan and Vietnam?

No, it would be the opposite. US is ready to jump in for every mistake China commits. Look how everyone criticized china for the paltry aid and how it was played up in Western media. This is just the beginning. India and Japan holding Naval exercises. So its for the Chinese to decide whether they want others to gang up against her or not.
China has 8 Type 052D in the pipeline. The first is near operational. India only has 3 Kolkata in the pipeline. Indian navy cannot match Chinese navy within the next few decades.
If you read my post without getting annoyed, you would find that I mentioned India is surrounded on land. However, in the Indian Ocean there are extra-regional navies which are much more powerful than Indian navy and therefore even there, Indian Navy would remain a second fiddle.

Pakistan is not much concerned about Indian Navy as long as the conventional imbalance is balanced through a nuclear overhang. 

Obviously I am right.
Correct your post.
There is exactly one Navy that is stronger than Indian Navy in IOR. That is the USN.
However contrary to the geopolitical situation of China, where the presence of USN would be considered mandatory as a threat, India has no such issues.
India has zero problems with US and no fundamental disagreements of the world view.

As such USN is considered a stabilizing force and a cooperative force.

India alone has the capability to blockade the Malacca straits not just by virtue of having a large Navy, but also by virtue of having an Island chain right at the mouth of the Malacca Straits. The Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago hosts the first (Indian)Tri Services Command almost exclusively for this purpose.

The objective of a Navy is to further Indian interests. It is not to play a game, play second or first fiddle or anything.
As long as Indian policy makers feel that the Navy serves the geopolitical needs of India, it shall be well funded and continually expanded, the moment that changes, the Navy would be reduced in size commensurate to its importance.

As far as being surrounded by land is concerned. You are quite wrong. India was surrounded by great powers who countered India. That was China and Pakistan. Who had the military wherewithal to present a constant challenge.
Today Pakistan is out that club. Pakistan today does not have the military that can pose a serious threat to India. Pakistan has simply not kept up. Consequently, other powers that deferred to Pakistan against India are no longer willing to do so.

An example is that how barely a month back India recieved its first shipment of goods from Afghanistan using Chabahar port in Iran. Pakistan was bypassed completely and India can now trade directly with Iran and Central Asia. Pakistan has been powerless to stop this.

Today Only one nation - China has the ability to stop Indian designs and lock in India.
China has 8 Type 052D in the pipeline. The first is near operational. India only has 3 Kolkata in the pipeline. Indian navy cannot match Chinese navy within the next few decades.

According to some members here if your conventional weapons power is more then its no use how many toys you posses. Based on that logic - China will nuke US and India would nuke China and Pakistan would nuke India.

End of the world.
For Christ's sake, do some study before venturing into uncharted waters. For your info, China has no naval forces worth the name in the Indian Ocean, and Pakistan doesn't count in the Indian Ocean at all. So your impression that India is boxed in by China and Pakistan is laughable.

And Pakistan is of little or no threat to India even in the Arabian sea. At best Pakistan's navy is fit only for escort duties for its commercial shipping near the Strait of Hormuz.

He is claim that china holds our northern frontier is laughable
India & China are statergic partners
Hell our PM in china wanted more Chinese investment in india

China & India are not enemies but natural partners
Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai
Correct your post.
There is exactly one Navy that is stronger than Indian Navy in IOR. That is the USN.
However contrary to the geopolitical situation of China, where the presence of USN would be considered mandatory as a threat, India has no such issues.
India has zero problems with US and no fundamental disagreements of the world view.

As such USN is considered a stabilizing force and a cooperative force.

India alone has the capability to blockade the Malacca straits not just by virtue of having a large Navy, but also by virtue of having an Island chain right at the mouth of the Malacca Straits. The Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago hosts the first (Indian)Tri Services Command almost exclusively for this purpose.

The objective of a Navy is to further Indian interests. It is not to play a game, play second or first fiddle or anything.
As long as Indian policy makers feel that the Navy serves the geopolitical needs of India, it shall be well funded and continually expanded, the moment that changes, the Navy would be reduced in size commensurate to its importance.

As far as being surrounded by land is concerned. You are quite wrong. India was surrounded by great powers who countered India. That was China and Pakistan. Who had the military wherewithal to present a constant challenge.
Today Pakistan is out that club. Pakistan today does not have the military that can pose a serious threat to India. Pakistan has simply not kept up. Consequently, other powers that deferred to Pakistan against India are no longer willing to do so.

An example is that how barely a month back India recieved its first shipment of goods from Afghanistan using Chabahar port in Iran. Pakistan was bypassed completely and India can now trade directly with Iran and Central Asia. Pakistan has been powerless to stop this.

Today Only one nation - China has the ability to stop Indian designs and lock in India.

You will do well to ignore the blather emanating from some here. Its just part of the usual static.

Undoubtedly, the USN is the strongest force in the IOR. But in overall terms, the USN is decreasing it force-levels and physical presence; primarily due to financial reasons for which they have coined an unusual expression: sequestration? and that the area of focus is really the Pacific because of changing dynamics there. So who (in a manner of speaking) will replace them in IOR?
Not NATO who have little interest in the Region (apart from waning resources).

India has had its own interests to pursue in IOR and its plans were somewhat merrily chugging along. But some changes in that plan are now discernible. Notice the fact that the IN is rapidly acquiring US origin assets. More than the number of those assets is the nature of those assets. The Poseidons are an exponential leap up in aerial reach. Take note of that. 12 Poseidons (with even more that will come- likely 24 of them) is over-reach for the immediate neighborhood; is'nt it?
Similarly there have been discussions on the Hawkeyes and now the information that indicates US involvement in design and construction of IAC-2. Some time ago; USN trained IN Aviators in CATOBAR ops ; when the IN has no CATOBAR Carriers.......could there be a reason for that?
So; one day will I be surprised if IN's LRMR aircraft reach Diego Garcia?

OTOH, USN has not offered any tech related to Surface Ships and even more so related to Subs. Is'nt there a reason for that?

There is a distinct pattern to the unfolding scenario.
US, France, UK, China and Russia etc can project their power potential because either they do not have a powerful regional threat to counter or they have enough capability to deter a regional threat and also project their capability to take care of extra-regional threats. India is strategically surrounded from almost all sides on land by nuclear armed and strong Pakistan and China. How would India project its power through a blue water navy which as I earlier mentioned is merely a symbolic acquisition, particularly when there are more powerful navies operating even in Indian Ocean and would not allow it to be converted into India’s Ocean.

If you people are thrilled about the technical details and the equipment used, please go ahead and get thrilled. Gamers don't and can not effect the geopolitical games.

India painted all her warships in Blue color and renamed her Navy to "Blue Water Navy". LOL
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