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India’s ‘Bad Deal’ for New Fighters Now Looks Alot Worse

That is strange because indians worship israeli equipment!

Isreali Equipment is Good or i might say excellent. its the integration of it. BARS were facing stand off jamming both from Special assets and F-16/JF17 EW Suites plus which was already degrading BARS capacity then came RWR warnings and Elta EW suite kicks in which also forced BARS to degrade making them useless on 27th Feb.

Food for thought! Can any body tell how many R77s were fired by 6 x Su-30MKIs that were in engagement on 27th Feb.

Mirage 2000I with MICA AAMs did they fire anything?

Valid Questions and queries...but state of mind ostrich-ness will not let them think.
Ignoring does make the problem go away..you or your friends have not answered Post#28, Post#30 and now Post#53.

These are all valid questions state of denial is huge!

keep asking for proof and keep thinking and act like Ostrich!
Nobody is ignoring you genius. You need to quote for us to get notification, or tag. Otherwise I don't read what you say other than stumbling upon like this. Use @ instead of Mr. next time.

Real killer is PAF has or planning to have an AAM which can communicate 2-way at long range shots. that basicaly kills Rafale at long range
Sure, when you have an AESA and provided the Rafale don't fire a Meteor first.

Actualy What devastated SU-30MKI is there EW suite that Elta give ...when they operate it there radar performance decreases thats why they were not able to influence 27th Battle
MKI has a fairly good PESA but lacks in case of BVR missiles. Russian BVR's have a reduced no escape zone.
Elta EW are used in US F-16s and there has been no complaints on performance of the Radar vis their EW suit and Targeting pods of Elta.
Food for thought! Can any body tell how many R77s were fired by 6 x Su-30MKIs that were in engagement on 27th Feb.
Zero. MKI's are not put on intercepting role.

Proof will cone when your air force will gather the courage to fight 7× smaller neighbour even though you are backed by the West and Russia............:lol:
Zero. MKI's are not put on intercepting role.


Nobody is ignoring you genius. You need to quote for us to get notification, or tag. Otherwise I don't read what you say other than stumbling upon like this. Use @ instead of Mr. next time.

Thanks i need to work on it
India has fallen on hard times lately.

Seems every decision of Modi is a failure.

La’nat follows them everywhere.

Na bhai na aisa nahi kahtee. Lanat ko lanat ne kaha follow karna hai!!
Aur Shitan ko tu lanat bilkul bhi follow nahi karti, Shitan se tu lanat bhi darti hai na.
Yep. Do you see any MKI's engaging Jf-17 or F-16 in a dog fight? Why would we show our hands? Even now, the Bisons are put on interception role

The question is do you have any idea what you're talking about? After more than 10 years of use, you think MKI's have a disadvantage w.r.t our Elta out of synch with N011M?
One more thing i have read that RBE2 Radar of Rafale can not communicate (2-way link) with Metoer AAM" this snip bit is enough! Rafale has to track long shot all the way in..

Metoer can only communicate 2-way with Typhoon and Gripen only. this should be enough to understand what Modi Did!

36 x Rafale be like 250+ Su-30MKI IAF has worthless as per modi (he needs to make money)

Real killer is PAF has or planning to have an AAM which can communicate 2-way at long range shots. that basicaly kills Rafale at long range

Actualy What devastated SU-30MKI is there EW suite that Elta give ...when they operate it there radar performance decreases thats why they were not able to influence 27th Battle

This is what happens when make a Christmas tree..of a plane - it is the integrated systems that counts.

Source please.
Yep. Do you see any MKI's engaging Jf-17 or F-16 in a dog fight? Why would we show our hands? Even now, the Bisons are put on interception role

The question is do you have any idea what you're talking about? After more than 10 years of use, you think MKI's have a disadvantage w.r.t our Elta out of synch with N011M?

Seriously, what did it show on 27th Feb? Tell me were Su-30MKI engage in fight or not? question is they didnt fire any missile nor did the mirage 2000I (They were involved as per all possible sources)--basicaly you are saying they were there but not for intercepting enemy planes? is this the drift?

advantages and disadvantages are exposed in Battle! when you bring your "A" Game

Source please.

Would Indian Source work?


"For example, the Rafale’s RBE 2 radar does not have a two-way link with the Meteor (that is to say, the Rafale can feed information to the missile, but the missile cannot feed information back to the plane). This means that even after firing the missile, the Rafale jet has to keep flying and track the target till the much smaller radar on the missile’s nose detects the target. Knowledge of the time and distance gap between how far the Rafale has to follow the Meteor before it can break off the attack and allow the missile to take over is critical information that could help evolve a set of viable tactics to counter the Meteor-Rafale combination."

@Windjammer @Oscar @Shane @Alpha BeeTee @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777

@Areesh @The Eagle
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Isreali Equipment is Good or i might say excellent. its the integration of it. BARS were facing stand off jamming both from Special assets and F-16/JF17 EW Suites plus which was already degrading BARS capacity then came RWR warnings and Elta EW suite kicks in which also forced BARS to degrade making them useless on 27th Feb.

Food for thought! Can any body tell how many R77s were fired by 6 x Su-30MKIs that were in engagement on 27th Feb.

Mirage 2000I with MICA AAMs did they fire anything?

Valid Questions and queries...but state of mind ostrich-ness will not let them think.
I guess marketing hype can make you overconfident.
Many Gulf nations have inducted ex-Pakistani (serving and retired) military personnel in their forces. Apart from that, combat and technical training of many levels have been conducted by Pakistani Military personnel for Armed forces of gulf countries (Army/Navy/Air Force).

ALot of chances exist to find Pakistani Military personnel in Qatar Armed Forces.
Seriously, what did it show on 27th Feb? Tell me were Su-30MKI engage in fight or not? question is they didnt fire any missile nor did the mirage 2000I (They were involved as per all possible sources)--basicaly you are saying they were there but not for intercepting enemy planes? is this the drift?
You think every jet were put on interception role in such a scenario? From what I know, the Bisons were put on interception role. MKI's didn't fire any missiles because you hastily retreated on possible radar locks, and you were too far from the no escape zone of R-77 which less than 90Km. That's how Bison came into picture. An MKI will simply not get a go ahead on engaging in a dog fight close to the border.
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