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India's anti ballistic missile capabilities

hey Kinetic u know what my sources tell me that india is close to inventing a fusion bomb.i am not trying to make any1 believe that due to the fact that this is not public info, hence not everyone will believe it to begin with.

dude India already has fusion bombs. does your source say something like this..???

hey Kinetic u know what my sources tell me that india is close to inventing a fusion bomb.i am not trying to make any1 believe that due to the fact that this is not public info, hence not everyone will believe it to begin with.

Ok. Sounds cool.
So bharti trolling and sarcasm is in full swing. How often have I seen that.

Well at least I am thankful for other bharti members for not going down this route and at least realizing that just because something is not in public, it doesn't mean it's never happened. The simplistic keyboard warriors OTOH would have something else to say about it.
off topic,Actually all fusion bombs that exist today are fission assisted.there exists no pure fusion bomb or sustainable fusion reaction for that matter.
So bharti trolling and sarcasm is in full swing. How often have I seen that.

Well at least I am thankful for other bharti members for not going down this route and at least realizing that just because something is not in public, it doesn't mean it's never happened. The simplistic keyboard warriors OTOH would have something else to say about it.
dude, why can't you provide the source and shut all the indians? the information you are talking about must be classified one and if it is, how did you know that? is someone leaking??
dude, why can't you provide the source and shut all the indians? the information you are talking about must be classified one and if it is, how did you know that? is someone leaking??

I mentioned the sources quite a few times. Will not waste time again.

As far as it being classified, several 'unnamed sources' have unclassified the classified information of Pakistan's support of Taliban. You see where this is going?

Btw, why all this big deal with sources? 'Unnamed CIA sources' are used by bhartis as proof that Pakistan is involved in terrorism. :lol::lol:
off topic,Actually all fusion bombs that exist today are fission assisted.there exists no pure fusion bomb or sustainable fusion reaction for that matter.

And that is becoz temp required to initiate a fusion reaction is in the order of 35 million degree C ...and there is no other way reaching such temp, other than through initial fission reaction.
@ kinetic sir do you think it is possible to convert 700 kg payload missile into mirv. if it is possible what could be the weight of individual mirv and yield of each nuclear weapon
^^exactly.As of July 2010, the largest experiment was the Joint European Torus (JET) which produced fusion power of over 10 MW sustained for over 0.5 sec
Pakistan Pushes To Improve Missile Strike Capability - Defense News

"NESCOM has been quietly and steadily refining its missile designs with special emphasis on more precision and greater range and warhead capacity," he said. "Work on MIRV [multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle] warheads is ongoing and might be fielded in the near future on the Shaheen-II ballistic missile system.

This article is from 2008 and work on MIRV has been going on for a while so there's no doubt that if it's not already developed, it will be so very soon.

@bhartis - please try to stay on topic.
@ kinetic sir do you think it is possible to convert 700 kg payload missile into mirv. if it is possible what could be the weight of individual mirv and yield of each nuclear weapon

Its difficult for a short/medium missile with 700 kg payload to be converted into a MIRV. For say Agni-3 has a payload capacity of 2500 kg with 3500 km range. It can easily have MIRVs instead of one. MIRVs take much more weight than having multiple warhead on single missile because in MIRV every reentry vehicle needs its own thermal protection system like RCC, tiles etc.
Pakistan Pushes To Improve Missile Strike Capability - Defense News

This article is from 2008 and work on MIRV has been going on for a while so there's no doubt that if it's not already developed, it will be so very soon.

@bhartis - please try to stay on topic.

:lol: You are giving source of 'Usman Shabbir', who runs a defence forum called pakdef info and you are claiming him a 'source'! You better put yourself as source rather than him. lol Nothing to say, carry on.

According to defense analyst Usman Shabbir, the main force behind advances in the missile program is the National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) defense conglomerate and its subsidiary, the National Defence Complex (NDC).

"NESCOM has been quietly and steadily refining its missile designs with special emphasis on more precision and greater range and warhead capacity," he said. "Work on MIRV [multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle] warheads is ongoing and might be fielded in the near future on the Shaheen-II ballistic missile system.

"NESCOM is also working on new guided missile projects and in some cases helping other Pakistani research facilities with theirs. One such example was the recently tested air-launched cruise missile RAAD, developed by AWC [Air Weapons Complex] in collaboration with NESCOM," Shabbir said.
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You know about pshamim? Several other members on this forum? They are very authentic sources on Pakistan defence matters. You know the main forum these guys post at - or at least pshamim? pakdef.info. You really seem to have no idea what you're talking about considering how authentic pakdef.info is considered among Pakistani defence circles. You probably have no idea how stupid you're sounding but if you were to make similar remarks in the Aviation forum, you'd probably get laughed at.

This is besides the fact that a major website interviewed him shows his credibility. And he isn't my only source btw. Several other authentic people on other forums have mentioned this.
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You know about pshamim? Several other members on this forum? They are very authentic sources on Pakistan defence matters. You know the main forum these guys post at - or at least pshamim? pakdef.info. You really seem to have no idea what you're talking about considering how authentic pakdef.info is considered among Pakistani defence circles. You probably have no idea how stupid you're sounding but if you were to make similar remarks in the Aviation forum, you'd probably get laughed at.

This is besides the fact that a major website interviewed him shows his credibility. And he isn't my only source btw. Several other authentic people on other forums have mentioned this.

I just think, why it should be a secret matter.Its just opposite,because it should be the big deterrent of Indian ABM system.And everybody knows what other countries missile program is.The biggest secret of Pakistan having nuclear bomb already out decades back. I don't find any logic(if not its just the sake of few ppl's arguments or wish list) to hide anything of ur already having BM missile to have MRIV.
It can have many reasons. It can cause diplomatic and PR controversy to test out MIRVs. I believe the same reason was why Pakistan didn't make it's nuclear bombs public until India tested them. Chinese military is very secretive. Why?

The reason why I say this is because time and time again, Pakistan has done tests which no one saw coming. Nukes, Babur, Shaheen II, A-100s, etc were never expected and surprised everybody.
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