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Indians Warn Of Invasion

yeah i know they have friends in this region. with full support of their friends it took 30 years for the strong Lankan army with the support of their super power friends to wipe very less tamil militants. Dont forget that citizen of super power.

That's not correct, this terrorist group could have eliminated decades ago too. this government done it in 2 and half years.
the big mouth politicans, dont know India have problems with many other countries, this kind of activites will only promote mistrust in Sri Lanka on India.
pakistan should give a squadron of F-7PG and JF-17 to SLAF and train SL special forces and assure SL of full support incase India embarks on any misadventure against a peaceful country like srilanka
IMBL - which i called the Navel LOC, IMBL separets both countries, first check before jump in.


na·val (nvl)
1. Of or relating to ships or shipping. See Synonyms at nautical.
2. Of or relating to a navy.
3. Having a navy: a great naval power.
naval - definition of naval by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

na·vel (nvl)
1. The mark on the surface of the abdomen of mammals where the umbilical cord was attached during gestation. Also called umbilicus.
2. A central point; a middle.
navel - definition of navel by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

that is what indocarib was laughing at...and it is kinda funny.
If India keeps up with this attitude, we will teach Sri Lankans how to manufacture ballistic missiles that can hit the PM House in Dehli.

I am sorry New Dehli.

lol @ your naivete. You think you are the only ones who can be bad a$$?


...and we will be sipping chai while you'll be at it.


Anyways, who am I talking to here? Kayani's only AVATAR?

You can only make opinion on an obscure internet forum and boost your ego.


BTW, FYI, Ballistic missiles are useless without nukes.
India had problems with all of its neighbors

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