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Indians Warn Of Invasion


Jan 8, 2011
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Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka

Several Indian groups are threatening to invade the Kachchateevu island and hoist the Indian national flag.
The main opposition political party in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said it is making preparations to go by force to Kachchateevu off the Jaffna peninsula, which belongs to Sri Lanka.

President of the Tamil Nadu branch of the BJP, Ila Gansesan, told The Sunday Leader that several BJP supporters had made an attempt to go to Kachchateevu last weekend.

“We tried to go to Kachchateevu from Rameshwaram to hold a function but that attempt failed. We will now attempt to go and raise the Indian flag on the island. We have not set a date for that attempt as yet,” Ila Gansesan said.

He also said that several other groups in Tamil Nadu are expected to make a similar attempt tomorrow (Monday).
“Those groups that are trying to go on Monday are not connected to us. We will try to go separately,” Ila Gansesan said.

The Sri Lankan Navy has warned that it will take measures to prevent anyone from entering Sri Lanka’s territorial waters illegally.
“We take the responsibility of Sri Lanka’s territorial waters. If anyone attempts to cross the maritime boundary we will block them,” Navy spokesman Commander Kosala Warnakulasuriya said.

Kachchateevu was ceded to Sri Lanka by India in 1974 but several Indian political groups have been demanding that the island be given back to India.

In June this year the Tamil Nadu government led by J. Jayalalithaa filed a petition in the Indian Supreme Court seeking the declaration of the 1974 agreement between India and Sri Lanka on ceding Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka as unconstitutional. The case is still being heard.

Indians Warn Of Invasion | The Sunday Leader
This is not the way forward for india. They are not going to make freinds in the neighbourhood like this.
A part of India until 1974, it has belonged to Sri Lanka since India ceded the island in 1974. This transfer of an island that is culturally important to fishermen of Tamil Nadu state in India has led to some agitations by Tamil Nadu politicians that it should be returned to Indian sovereignty. The island is also important for fishing grounds used by fishers from both the countries. Under the treaty agreement of 1974, Indian fishermen have rights to rich fishing grounds in the territorial waters of Sri Lanka around Kachchativu. But as part of the Sri Lankan civil war, this arrangement has led to many difficulties with the Sri Lankan Navy that is deployed to prevent smuggling of weapons by the rebel group LTTE. The island has a Catholic shrine that attracts devotees from both the countries.[1] On 2009, Tamil Nadu Government declared that the area is controlled by the Sri Lanka against the original pact of allowing Indian fishermen to access the water of Sri Lanka. This tensions and the killings of Tamil fishermen created a diaspora in and across India and the governments of both the countries held conversation and finally the Sri Lankan government allowed a full access term to Indian fishermen till Jaffna Line and released the fishermen jailed for a while. The problem continue to grow as more fisherman move in to the Sri Lankan sea area. In 2010 the Sri Lankan government issued a notice to the Tamil Nadu government saying the Indian court cannot nullify the 1974 agreement.[2]
In June 2011, the new Tamil Nadu government led by Jayalalithaa filed a petition in supreme court seeking the declaration of the 1974 and 1976 agreements between India and Sri Lanka on ceding of Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka as unconstitutional.[3] The supreme court of India in 1960 in Berubari case(Case on exchange of enclaves in Kutch with Pakistan) ruled that cession of Indian territory to another country should be ratified by parliament through amendment of the constitution. Katchatheevu was ceded to Sri-lanka ignoring this ruling of the supreme court, under the 1974 and 1976 agreements, without the approval of two Houses of Parliament.
will they actually come tomorrow? I just wondering aren't there any Indian coast guard or Indian Navy?
This is not the way forward for india. They are not going to make freinds in the neighbourhood like this.

Has the GOI or the Navy endorsed this? NO. So?

It is only the anger of Opposition and local government which cannot control the military of India on its own.

Though I cannot imagine how idiotic can Indira be for having the foolishness to cede an island. Congress is the most nation-donating party any country on this planet can have. :hitwall:

SriLANKAN navy On patrol

Good for them. What's the point of this picture? The group that is asking the return of island is not an armed commando unit but common civilians and local leaders. I strongly agree that the island shouldn't have been donated to SL but now taking it by brute force is silly and impractical. However, if SLN continues murdering our fishermen in OUR waters and scooting back, we might take this as an excuse.
No need to shoot them also. Just fire some empty rounds. Those politicians want to punk out. On the first sound lets see which so called leader is the first one to make to the mainland...
indians already have no friends in the region...
Good for them. What's the point of this picture? The group that is asking the return of island is not an armed commando unit but common civilians and local leaders. I strongly agree that the island shouldn't have been donated to SL but now taking it by brute force is silly and impractical. However, if SLN continues murdering our fishermen in OUR waters and scooting back, we might take this as an excuse.
So will IN take tough counter measures against SLN?
Good for them. What's the point of this picture? The group that is asking the return of island is not an armed commando unit but common civilians and local leaders. I strongly agree that the island shouldn't have been donated to SL but now taking it by brute force is silly and impractical. However, if SLN continues murdering our fishermen in OUR waters and scooting back, we might take this as an excuse.

SL navy is not operating in Indian waters...!

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