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Indians rejoicing deaths in Lebanon

My question is from Arab world, who hosts millions of Indians and is busy building Mandirs/Hindu temples, conferring awards on Indian Pm, do they not see this???

Forget about Arab states which are governed by absolute dictatorship, what about ordinary Arab?????? Why don't they raise their voice on Kashmir??? Why are they silent on building of Temple by demolishing a mosque????
. .
It is you who has to decide whether you have to continue with this gibberish and fall prey to the agendas of a few politicians (both sides) or rise above hate.

So Hindus can post however they like and celebrate the deaths of ordinary Muslims all they want. It's only us Pakistanis who have the responsibility to "rise above the hate" and grovel and apologize every time another rapist in Kashmir is sent to hell.
So Hindus can post however they like and celebrate the deaths of ordinary Muslims all they want. It's only us Pakistanis who have the responsibility to "rise above the hate" and grovel and apologize every time another rapist in Kashmir is sent to hell.

Insaan acche ho tum, agar upar ki baat samajh mein aati hai!
Extremists harr jagah hote hai, what's important is ki aap kya hai. I rest my case.
. . . .
People who killed Ganndhi are in power today.
India had the option to choose between a hindu extremist (who promised economic development and had a track record to back it up) and a kid (low IQ......unable to comply with demands of being a politician).
If you understand this reference you would realize we had to choose between the two evil, however on a positive side more and more people are understanding the intentions of Modiji.
India had the option to choose between a hindu extremist (who promised economic development and had a track record to back it up) and a kid (low IQ......unable to comply with demands of being a politician).
If you understand this reference you would realize we had to choose between the two evil, however on a positive side more and more people are understanding the intentions of Modiji.

Isn't it a shame that India ended up with two such options???

Also hindu extremist has destroyed India inside out. This fake nationalism to cover up for everything is destroying hindu nation more.
I’m not defending them but I’m against doxing, it’s against the rules.

Imagine someone posting our profiles and real names on a public forum.

@The Eagle

As long as such details are already publicly available and to be viewed by everyone; such profiles on FB etc will be used as reference. Forum does not allow sharing of personal details of any person as long as those are not meant to be public. We don't allow anyone real name, address or contact on the Forum in breach of security while those profiles are PUBLIC on FB.
. . .
PakBrother mine,

Yaar, dildar, it is what it is.

We can say: that is that.

However, as you correctly identified... Things need to be called by their Proper Name for them to have Meaning.

Expectation is the Seed of Disappointment... having less of them is, perhaps, liberating..though it makes it difficult as well.

Now coming back to your, rather valid, point of view of Calling Things by their Proper Name... as a BemusedObserver I have resigned to Observation and focus on ONLY PakPositivism hence I have resolved to Obey the PDF Rules... afterall, it is a Commercial Enterprise!

Now let us visit the Heart of the Matter...

The BritishImperial GeoConstruct BritishIndia is the still the continuation of the same policy of Smashing OurCivilisation!

The GangeticCivilisation has always been what is...

This is War of Two Civilisations... PakCivilisation vs GangeticCivilisation ... and the Depth of Hate and Malice that the Gangetics hold towards us is both Ancient and new i.e past 1000+yrs.

From the Gangetic Perspective it is a ReligiousWar/Yhud ... for us, Paks, it is just Managing and Surviving in The Heartland Pakistan.

I as one have never commented on Gangetic Hinduism or Gangetic Hindus... simply, because I don't wish to... also, out of Respect for OurOwn PakHindus!

The Good Indians of all Hues:

As we have observed the ThinMask of Secularism was GangeticSupermacy over Islam by Stealth ... the current GangeticFacism is just the removal of that thin mask!

ConGress has always been a GangeticSuperemist Enterprise... we just need to visit the history of its policies and actions... Nehru wrote Tryst with Destiny... a Framework of Gangetic Superemismo or Stealth Gangetic Facsim.

Nationalism is a Cancer that needs to Construct itself being better/superior than others to exist... which is against Islamic Principles and Laws...

GangeticNationalsim doesn't see the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as Equal Citizens rather an Alien entity... hence, the Systematic Discrimination and Genocide of PakKashmiris and IndianPogroms against Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.

No doubt you have seen even during the POTUS visit the good Indians conducted Highly Organised and IndianState Sponsored Progrom against Muslims of MaqboozaDelhi.

This slow roasting process will accelerate... one has no doubt about.

Simply because the good Indians of all Hues percieve MuslimCivilisation in MaqboozaHindustan as Symbol of IndianSlavery and all the Signs/Monuments of IslamicHeritage a ToweringReminder of the Truth!

The good Indians of all Hues are celebrating the Construction of their ReligiousBuilding on the ashes of Babri Masjid ... the good Indians see this as GangeticVictory over Islam!

The WashingtonPost had the guts to publish the article post Gangetic paper annexation of MaqboozaKashmir and Correctly Framed it: Hindu Victory over Islam (seen from Indian Perspective)

The good Indians' WorldView:

@Horus has made a sticky thread in this very section about ArabRevolt to the good Indians whence the good Indians were mocking OurArabSisters/Daughters/Mothers ... however, nothing Concrete has come out of this 'revolt' ... I would not like to disect it further... It is what it is!

The Gangetics fashion themselves as some sort of CivilisationalCentre and imagine themselves to be one of the Great Powers by the mere fact that BritishImperial Construct created an Conitnental Size entity to Keep Pakistan Down and China Out!

We have seen the invetions of Myths and Broad Daylight Robbery of OurHeritage... trying to Frame it as Gangetic... while in their own ancient text IndusCivilisation was different, enemy territory... Kashmir in particular as well.

It is this WorldView turbo charged by GangeticNationalsim..which basically a GangeticReligiousFacism...

The Gangetics, because their numbers, have tried to position themselves as CombinedWest's 'strategic partner' against Islam.

All actions are there for a keen student to do leg-work... even before 9/11.. Facts are Facts.

Persia tried, out of compulsion and strategic calculus, to make the Gangetics a partner...but now the Persians have had enough.... mind you..its because of their PersianInterests rather than religious ethos.

Where do we stand Today:

It was the US which prompted the GCC to hire the good Indians in massive numbers.. just to keep the GangeticEntity afloat with an eye on China.

It was also our own lost decades and of course, War of IndianTerror on Pakistan combined with the Hybridwar of Gangetics n Phraands (both ongoing!)

The Gangetics becoming the Frontline State against China
combined with ever rising Indianness is a Blessing in Disguise for not only The Heartland Pakistan but also PakKashmiris of MaqboozaKashmir and Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.

The GangeticHinduFacism has now no choice but to go extreme... otherwise, all the Inveted Myths or Trysts with Destiny will be relegated to the dusty plains of Ganges...

Pakistan is back to OurPakPath ..i.e. the Middle Path of no extremes... and we shall continue on this PakPath...

There are signs and baby-steps towards Coming of Age of The Heartland Pakistan as Pivotal State... long road ahead.

Why the good Indians mustn't be just called GangeticHindus:

The Observations of the past has led the BemusedObserver to come to the conclusion that there are only the good Indians ... religious or so-called seculars... please, see why the ConGress tweeted what it tweeted when Modi was doing his thing on the ashes of Babri Masjid...

Also, Rahul has been proving his GangeticHindu credentials...and there is one leading light of ConGress who even wrote a book: Why I am proud Hindu!

Therefore, we can limit ourselves by just saying GangeticHindus...because that leaves out their lower middle, middle and upper middle class out of this... making it appear that only BJP is GangeticHinduNationalist party... which gives the good Indian chance to get away with FakeSecularism...

Now why does PDF allows it or not... frankly, not our affair.

We are free to Contextualise our Discourse based on the FACTS before us...

Hence, the good Indians of all Hues deserve our attention and not just the GangeticHindus.. at least this what one has concluded. Of course, as with all conclusions or opinions one can be wrong.

In the final analysis it is the good Indians' Yhud against Islam and OurIslamicHeritage in MaqboozaHindustan...

The War of Two Civilisations continues...

With enterence of The Great Red Dragon as Permanet Resident in South/Southwest Asia... one see the germination of another Civilisational Vector in this Long War!

Anyhow, we should not be surprised by the FACT that the good Indians are reacting the way are towards the Tragedy in Lebanon... they were doing the same when NZ killings happend in a mosque or when PIA plane crashed... on and on... this is what the good Indians do!

Allow me to say sorry for this rather tedious/long/boring post but felt compelled to put a POV for Paks... so that we can have serious discussion among OurPakSelves to reach a Synthesis.


PS. @peagle yaar you have resolved the Tagging Mystery...Brilliant!

lol thanks to brother @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan, tagging mystery solved and I'm sure I have plenty to learn as yet.

I understand what you are saying, but still disagree with most of the reasonings presented because they are illogical and unfair.

I did not join my first forum to be any forums servant or a slave, I've lived without online forums thus far and will happily continue to do so, I'm not religious at all, prefer not to go into details lol, but my Muhammad did not teach me to bow to anyone except Allah.

I have been to almost every place of worship, with prior permission, except a synagogue as yet (although I did have an Israeli Jewish friend once but never got around to asking him), to learn and pay my respects, it does not mean you censure the obvious, or turn a blind eye to the obvious.

If it is appropriate I shall continue to use the term as needed. I've said my peace so I'll leave it at that for now.
Is there a ban on using the word HINDU, I have visited a Mandir more than once as a mark of respect,

But it does not mean it should be illegal to using the word Hindu if it is relevant,
In India there is an actual Hindutva, HINDU SUPREMACIST movement among the populous, people are getting killed on a daily basis,

So point it out as such, Indian Hindus, Hindutva lot, RSS Hindus, BJP Hindus, but mention the word Hindu, because it is truthful and relevant, this is ridiculous, why is the management discouraging it.

If WE SAY INDIANS, doesn't that mean we are including Indians of every shade in our description, surely that is not fair.

On other threads, I see Indians jumping to have their say,
if THE INDIANS were so disgusted by this, this thread should be full of Indians condemning such behavior by their compatriots.

Please use the Hindu word IF it is appropriate.

AT least

Just state the obvious, otherwise, this becomes censorship,
and we become complicit in their hateful actions and hateful agenda, by keeping quiet.

I've spent most of my life listening to actions by Muslims described as Muslim terrorism or Islamic terrorism, sometimes it was appropriate other times it was not.

In this case, there is actually an organized agenda, THEY SAY it is about Hinduism, why are we censoring it, it does not make sense.

I am not trying to be hateful, but recognize the argument for what it is, and please stop censoring it because you are helping them by keeping quiet.

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and the cruelty by the bad people,
but the silence over that by the good people"
Martin Luther King

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for the people of good conscience to remain silent"
Edmund Burke

"If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity"
Albert Einstein

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Spot on mate.
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