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Indians' ludicrous claims of Pakistani Passport carrying Terrorists Exposed!

You may be right on this but I'd like to keep all options open. For more than six decades we've tried to solve Kashmir issue but failed to get international support where as the adversaries have gained territory abusing the WoT window that opened after 9/11.

AQ has the potential to become a bigger nightmare for any country than ISI or PA. Why not use them as natural ally of the Kashmiri's and reclaim FATA and SWAT as both are integral part of Pakistan where as Kashmir is still waiting for their fundamental right to have a pleb which might never come untill something drastic happens. Next peace deal with the militants should be designed to deal with Kashmir Insurgency, a free passage to AJK away from the Afghan border. This will ease attacks in the bordering area and will halt cross border insurgency which is upsetting NATO and USA.

AQ can never take over Pakistan but Kashmir is a different story.

Knowing what we do of AQ methodology, they will not restrict their operations to Kashmir. IN their effort to 'free' kashmir, they will probably target places like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, etc, to gain maximum exposure and impact. This will obviously lead to a backlash in Kashmir, against muslims in Bharat, and maybe some more sabre rattling along the Border.

The advantage would be that Pakistan knows Bharat will never do anything more than sabre rattling, deploying troops, and shouting through their media. That seems to be the extent of their dig vijaya.
I don't know which part of A1Kaid's post you took as proof of the "nation of Pakistan"'s insecurity? I must be on a another planet.

What I do see in A1Kaid's post maybe the exact opposite. Someone comfortable with their position and world view. Bravado perhaps, even big headedness.

A nonchalant sticking up of two fingers?

lacks the rationality and objectivity of a secure and comfortable person ... more like rhetoric to support an untennable position ...... over kashmir
Its the other way around; with elections round the corner war hysteria is being created once again by some parties to bank votes. After all those proven fake encounters I would take this report with a pinch of salt. :disagree:

actually you are bit off here. with the recent completion of state elections in J&K (by far the most fair after NDA govt managed to break the tradition of Delhi interfering in last ones) with a record 70% turnout inspite of a call for boycott given out by APHC, the tide is changing with people of kashmir realising the need to use their voting rights to bring about a change and even APHC not giving a call for boycott of Lok Sabha elections and infact Sajjad Lone, a known detractor, contesting the elections himself. This has brought about a great change in the whole separatist scenario and does not hold good for the militant aspect of the movement .... a surge is definitely in the interest of Pakistan as otherwise the gradual integration in the political process and conduct of fair and free elections will give India a chance to drastically change the perception the people of valley have of India ...... a troublesome thought for Pakistan
Let me tell you one thing mate, AQ's next stop is IOC. Tora Bora bombing brought them to new safe heavens in bordering FATA and SWAT. We should thrive them out towards Kashmir and get rid of them. IA is no shape to handle AQ in guerilla war. :coffee:

really? and how do you intend on doing that? for if you give them safe passage you risk giving them a free run (which is already happening I suspect as they move their tanks nowadays with impunity I hear in Pakistani areas) at your government ...... as for IA being in shape or not ....... that is a thing to be seen ..... for it has to fight for a nations survival ..... !!
The idea is not to break away Kashmir but give them other allies than Pakistan alone. Our support for their freedom should be restricted to moral and political grounds only. Militants should take care of IA's attrocities and suppression in Kashmir, not ISI or PA.

sensible ... but the problem is that more and more 'fighters' are non Kashmiris as the latter are coerced into this movement which is no longer appealing to the masses .....

I have plenty of kashmiri friends and have spent quite a lot of time in Kupwara and thereabouts with them .... and one thing that I came across was how the "recruitment" for freedom struggle is done - the threat is issued of Rs. 20 lacs contribution or one son ...... as the majority are not able to shell out the amount they end up giving one son (who sacrifices himself in true tradition for the sake of his family) and then on its a battle for survival for the new "militant" who has to keep fighting for his life against IA which marks him and for his family who are under threat of retaliation of these "jihadists" should he fail. My friend was picked up and rape threatened on his sister under the same and his family paid Rs. 25 lacs (they were business family) and the next week they relocated to Delhi (all except my friend and his father who stayed back for business interests)

Life is tough for general people and especially when you push in the foreigners for whom the pretty females of Kashmir are fair game, it is all the more difficult .......
Let me tell you one thing mate, AQ's next stop is IOC. Tora Bora bombing brought them to new safe heavens in bordering FATA and SWAT. We should thrive them out towards Kashmir and get rid of them. IA is no shape to handle AQ in guerilla war. :coffee:

Astonishing. Is that desperation speaking?

You want to "get rid" of the AQ by sending them to Kashmir? You think you are going to "get rid" of the AQ by letting them spread into a wider area, by attaching yet another "cause" to them, thus making them far stronger?

The sheer lack of morality - using the most disgusting vile ideology on the planet to, in theory, "kill two birds with one stone" - while actually spreading the cancer deeper?

You think the Americans won't notice? You think the Chinese won't notice?

Listen Mr. Neo - when barbarians confront civilization - the whole of civilization leaves their differences behind and confronts the barbarians. By giving "free passage "- which basically means aiding and abetting the AQ and the Taliban - you will not only become more of a pariah state than you already are, but will be in danger of losing your allies who will smell the shi*t coming closer home.

I am not going to comment on the IA's ability to take on the Taliban for the sake of neutrality, but let me tell you that the Taliban won't be good for the Kashmiri people - whom your whole beating heart charade is played out to show compassion for.

Just think about what you are proposing here - you are suggesting that since Pakistan cannot get Kashmir, you are willing to effectively burn the house down - this is suicidal thinking - not rational.

No my dear Administrator. You are not going to get rid of the Taliban by diverting their attention. You are going to do that by putting an end to this self-destructive behavior and confront the enemy head-on.
Knowing what we do of AQ methodology, they will not restrict their operations to Kashmir. IN their effort to 'free' kashmir, they will probably target places like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, etc, to gain maximum exposure and impact. This will obviously lead to a backlash in Kashmir, against muslims in Bharat, and maybe some more sabre rattling along the Border.

The advantage would be that Pakistan knows Bharat will never do anything more than sabre rattling, deploying troops, and shouting through their media. That seems to be the extent of their dig vijaya.

is it really freedom AQ wants or death and destruction. They are hypocrates and want to use terror as means to force their way of life onto us.
never underestimate. never presume what other will do.
always think and prepare for the worst response.
Also at the moment the indian army don't need to attack pakistan, they have enough pakistanis helping them achieve their goal.
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