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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!

Didn't India elect BJP/RSS in a "democratic" election with over +51% majority a party that celebrates Pakistani deaths such as this airline tragedy???

We Pakistani have never elected such a hate filled party who's mandate is to exterminate Muslims.

Sorry, but you are wrong. It's does not balance out. Yes, we will also have similar idiots. But they represent a minority. Your hate is represented by the sentiments of the majority.

That's the difference!!

So now you did a poll survey of whole india based on a few comments on social media?
My condolences for this great human tragedy.
Make at least one single post without personal attacks. As I said, I’m on Twitter & that made me say what I’ve said.

and how about proving the false allegations???
It is you who made false allegations against Late Sushma Swaraj that she tortured Muslims.
Excuse me,,, what is the need of such explanation? Why bother?

Do u think Muslims in general or Pakistan is in particular don't know this. (Internet is full of generalizations about thm)
Or do u think any pakistani wid a working brain wud generalise 1.4bil ppl based on tweets,,,, well if they do,, thn obviously ur surmons won't work on them. So better let thm be. Especially on this site.
I think you have real issues. @Joe Shearer had pointed out that there are a few good men left in RSS dominated india and troll central on internet. However you are something else
Go cry me a river. The same people here who are cursing the indians, are the first one to laugh whenever some tragedy happens in India. You guys are equally disgusting.
Cry you a river? I have no intention or emotional investment in trying to change a people that is by definition "incorrigible". My exchange with you is not ultimately for your benefit or even mine, rather it should serve as a warning to others who may think negotiation with such creatures remains a viable option.
Pakistanis have never elected a party that supports such hate such as India has with BJP/RSS multiple times. ... That is the differentiator...
We r hindus,,,why bother with new reasons to hate us,,, isn't kuffar enuff?

I think you have real issues. @Joe Shearer had pointed out that there are a few good men left in RSS dominated india and troll central on internet. However you are something else
Not somthng else,,,,,, I am Indian n hindu.
So u know,,, how we r,,,, u have a saying,,, muh me ram, bagal me,,,,, thts us
Please remove the law here that we cannot response back in kind to Indians when their ppl fell

they r not humans at all
So human law doesn’t apply tu Hindu ppl at all
It's not my job either. If you were not registered on this forum, then certainly there would be no need to apologize as no one here would have known you.

But since you're actively registered here and contributing frequently, so when you chance upon such a thread, this is a NORMAL way a human being's brain is supposed to work.

Maybe you haven't said anything bad but you're being rude and insensitive on a thread like this.

I dont mind coming of as rude to people such as the person i quoted. I didnt sign up on this forum to apologise for others behaviour. If im crossing any lines im sure the mods will take care of me, and that is fine.
We r hindus,,,why bother with new reasons to hate us,,, isn't kuffar enuff?

Not somthng else,,,,,, I am Indian n hindu.
So u know,,, how we r,,,, u have a saying,,, muh me ram, bagal me,,,,, thts us
Being a hindu and indian you should say sorry to Pakistani here
Just like u ask Muslims of india to say bad words about Pakistan

you should be ashamed of your race
We r hindus,,,why bother with new reasons to hate us,,, isn't kuffar enuff?

Not somthng else,,,,,, I am Indian n hindu.
So u know,,, how we r,,,, u have a saying,,, muh me ram, bagal me,,,,, thts us
I dont care if you are hindu and india or a Martian and atheist. Its simple humanity that matters.
I dont understand what you wrote in that saying
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