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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!

These hindu-stanis

and their inferiority complex.

Can't wash away the pain of north western invasion,
can't wash away the pain of Muslim rule.

Tch Tch ...


I will update this page since this is an evolving issue in India...


'Heartbreaking': Pakistanis on Twitter Complain About Indians Who Cheered Plane Crash in Karachi
Amid heartfelt messages, there were some comments which joked about the crash.
UPDATED ON: MAY 22, 2020, 6:33 PM IST
A man helps injured victims after a Pakistan International Airlines flight crashed in a residential neighbourhood in Karachi on May 22, 2020. - A Pakistan passenger plane with more than 100 people believed to be on board crashed in the southern city of Karachi on May 22, the country's aviation authority said. (Photo by Asif HASSAN / AFP)

On Friday, a passenger plane belonging to the state-run airline Pakistani International Airlines has crashed near the southern port city of Karachi. According to reports, the plane was carrying 99 passengers and 8 crew members. No survivors have been reported.

Witnesses reports suggest that the Airbus A320 did try to land two or three times before crashing in a residential area near Jinnah International Airport. The area the plane crashed into is known as Model Colony and is heavily congested.

A resident of the area, Abdul Rahman, said he saw the aircraft circle at least three times, appearing to try to land at the airport before it crashed into several houses.

However, what was more shocking was the reactions of some Indian citizens who seemed apparently happy about Pakistan's tragic loss. Amid heartfelt messages, there were some comments which joked about the crash; some Indians even blatantly went on to say that they were happy this happened.

This left the Pakistanis feeling utterly disgusted and shocked at how their fellow human beings could find it in them to rejoice in the aftermath of such a horrific tragedy. While some called it "sick" others felt it was plain sadistic.

Why don't you just declare war?

What is the need ? We all know there is an undeclared war going on.

Besides "declaring" war are for those with honor. Those who use terrorism have no honor.
Did she die in an air crash?
She died in a heart attack.
Does it matter how she died?
Did she deserve those nasty comment on the day she died? After all she was known to help Pakistanis.

But she was viciously attacked and commented upon for the party and govt she worked for.
Yes;There are also some good. Even in Nazi Germany, who abhorred the Nazi treatment of the Jews.. However, it was the silent majority and the vast supporters of the Nazi pogrom that allows the extermination of the Jews.

The fact is today's India is very much like Nazi Germany. The existence of the minority moral and good of India does not negate the horrors of the majority of India. Evidence, the +51% elections of Indian BJP/RSS, which is based on the hate we are seeing coming from India regarding an Airline crash in Pakistan!... Has Pakistan ever elected into power such a hate filled party? - NO!

When will our people wake up????

I agree with you 100%
If its depravity one looks for, they will find it in plenty. They should also show the compassion. Why amplify the hatred ??? People on both side have shown such inhumane response. Why further their cause and not the ones you send their condolences and love.

What we need to do is to stop what-abouting and say it plain and straightforward:this is a tragedy, we feel for you.

This is NOT the time for tap-dancing around the issue and talking about their jaundiced vision that searches out filth. This IS the time to stand for what we believe in, humanity.

I think you need to delete your post and re-write it. That's a personal opinion.
I want to make it plain that no decent Indian has anything but the deepest regret and sympathy at this hour of tragedy. We have nothing to do with the kind of low-life who have come out with such incredibly inhuman messages.

Joe Shearer has to work double time as our RESIDENT Indian apologist for all the stupid online comments made by BJP IT cell and Narendra Modi supporters.

He is overworked!
Forget any other place, the way shameful nasty comments were made on the eve of Sushma Swaraj's death who was known for facilitating treatment of pakistani patients in India on PDF isn't a distant memory. @Imran Khan

Are you even kidding me? It’s a plane crash & 99+ people were on board. Those innocent were not torturing people from other religion like ms. Sushma Suraj.
Doesn't it occur to you that if so many civilians - men, women and children die in a plane crash, the least you can do is shut your mouth and not make a mockery of their deaths?

This isn't the thread to discuss your issues with Defence.pk Pakistani posters. There are other threads for this sort of business.

In this thread, a good human will only express his/her condolences and move on.

The problem is so many Indian online twerps like you is that you just don't know where to shut up.

So its okay to call out the whole indian nation just because some looser indians make looser posts on social media?

Its fine to rightly call out those indians who make such disgusting posts, but when people start blaming every indian and call indian all kind of names, then people will react.
Prove it.
Lol! Didnt you write that "moo me ram ram" comment just a few posts ago?
Joe Shearer has to work double time as our RESIDENT Indian apologist for all the stupid online comments made by BJP IT cell and Narendra Modi supporters.

He is overworked!

How can one APOLOGISE for this inhuman behaviour? Who are the shits who word these posts, and then publish them? Do they have a normal life? Are they institutionalised? I cannot believe some of the stuff I saw quoted.
I want to make it plain that no decent Indian has anything but the deepest regret and sympathy at this hour of tragedy. We have nothing to do with the kind of low-life who have come out with such incredibly inhuman messages.

Very unfortunately, you’re the first “decent Indian” so far to come across with something positive to say about this tragic day. But the fact is, majority of Indians carry hatred in their veins for Pakistanis.
Are you even kidding me? It’s a plane crash & 99+ people were on board. Those innocent were not torturing people from other religion like ms. Sushma Suraj.
torturing people from other religion like ms. Sushma Suraj ??

It seems you are as ignorant and insensitive as those Indian who are mocking Pakistanis died in plane crash.
This is all sorts of effed up. But I'm not surprised some people will act like this online.
So its okay to call out the whole indian nation just because some looser indians make looser posts on social media?

Its fine to rightly call out those indians who make such disgusting posts, but when people start blaming every indian and call indian all kind of names, then people will react.

What have you exactly done in this thread itself? I have not read any word of condemnation from you about the sick Indian trolls, like Joe Shearer has done. Just read his apology message in Page 1, and use that as a template. Any reasonable person would do that.

You straighaway start mouthing off about some posters here blaming other Indians with "names." There are different threads for that sort of business.

Here in this thread, as an Indian poster on Defence.pk, you are only expected to apologize for those online Indian posters.

What part of that you're not getting? 100 people died and you still have your grievances which can be easily discussed in other threads.

Where is your empathy? If you still don't "get" it, there is no hope for you.
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