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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!

No... Pakistani will never rejoice or celebrate the death of any civilians anywhere including India.

If any pakistani made such comments celebrating human tragedy here on PDF, they would have been banned, and you know it.
Indians are desensitized towards genocide of their own people. Schadenfreude is the innate instinct of Indians.

Forget any other place, the way shameful nasty comments were made on the eve of Sushma Swaraj's death who was known for facilitating treatment of pakistani patients in India on PDF isn't a distant memory. @Imran Khan
Why are we acting so amazed? Those who believed Indians would be sad or show some compassion needs to get their heads examined. We are up against a hindutva RSS led nation of scum bags. We don't need their sympathy.
Again you are demonstrating apologism? The OP has displayed an UNPROVOKED Twitter highlights reel of Indian twitterati firing off sickening volleys at folks deceased in an air crash. The anger on this thread and of the entirety of the Pakistani nation is rightly directed at such a brazen - yet sadly predictable - onslaught.

I too am "as bad" as anyone else on this thread and equally guilty of being revulsed at such Twitter posts.

You can continue to blame the victim and curse the perfectly appropriate reaction or take a deep breath and criticise the Twitter account holders who are clearly beyond any semblance of basic humanity.

Sadly, the behaviour of the majority of vocal and noticeable Indians doesn't surprise anyone who's lived with India long enough.

Go cry me a river. The same people here who are cursing the indians, are the first one to laugh whenever some tragedy happens in India. You guys are equally disgusting.
Easy solution. Stop looking at indians as humans. Time after time, they have shown zero empathy to human life. They cheer when Kashmirs get killed. Their army uses civilians as human shield. They celebrate death of any civilian that is not indian.

Don't tar us all with the same brush.
Indians are desensitized towards genocide of their own people. Schadenfreude is the innate instinct of Indians.

Did it ever occur to you that it is difficult to have sympathy for people who support terrorists and terrorism ? who deliberately deny counselor access to Indian citizens like Kulbushan Jadav ?

Your establishment just created a self full filling prophecy. Of an Enemy 10 times bigger than you, seeking your destruction.

It is Schadenfreude, but it does not exist in vacuum. I assume you are old enough to understand this.
Many racist indians are acting of joy to this news which is a shame and pure evil and GOD watches everything , but I know its not from all indians as I have several close indian friends here in the states.

Yes;There are also some good. Even in Nazi Germany, who abhorred the Nazi treatment of the Jews.. However, it was the silent majority and the vast supporters of the Nazi pogrom that allows the extermination of the Jews.

The fact is today's India is very much like Nazi Germany. The existence of the minority moral and good of India does not negate the horrors of the majority of India. Evidence, the +51% elections of Indian BJP/RSS, which is based on the hate we are seeing coming from India regarding an Airline crash in Pakistan!... Has Pakistan ever elected into power such a hate filled party? - NO!

When will our people wake up????
Forget any other place, the way shameful nasty comments were made on the eve of Sushma Swaraj's death who was known for facilitating treatment of pakistani patients in India on PDF isn't a distant memory. @Imran Khan

One wrong doesn't make another right.

Do you seriously expect me as an Indian to cheer the death of 100 Pakistanis in a plane crash, just because India's Sushma Swaraj's death was cheered by some Pakistani posters here?

It really reflects the kind of human being you are. I'm ignoring you from now on as you're a despicable person.

There should be zero tolerance for shitheads like you in any civilized forum.
We have the worst neighbors...

Forget any other place, the way shameful nasty comments were made on the eve of Sushma Swaraj's death who was known for facilitating treatment of pakistani patients in India on PDF isn't a distant memory. @Imran Khan

Did she die in an air crash?
Doesn't it occur to you that if so many civilians - men, women and children die in a plane crash, the least you can do is shut your mouth and not make a mockery of their deaths?

This isn't the thread to discuss your issues with Defence.pk Pakistani posters. There are other threads for this sort of business.
Read the title the this tread.

Aur 'Doc' don't mess with me and keep ur charade else where.
Did it ever occur to you that it is difficult to have sympathy for people who support terrorists and terrorism ? who deliberately deny counselor access to Indian citizens like Kulbushan Jadav ?

Your establishment just created a self full filling prophecy. Of an Enemy 10 times bigger than you, seeking your destruction.

It is Schadenfreude, but it does not exist in vacuum. I assume you are old enough to understand this.

Why don't you just declare war?
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