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Indians from India en masse on Social Media Celebrate PIA Passenger Airplane Crash in Pakistan!


I will update this page since this is an evolving issue in India...



'Heartbreaking': Pakistanis on Twitter Complain About Indians Who Cheered Plane Crash in Karachi
Amid heartfelt messages, there were some comments

I will update this page since this is an evolving issue in India...



'Heartbreaking': Pakistanis on Twitter Complain About Indians Who Cheered Plane Crash in Karachi
Amid heartfelt messages, there were some comments which joked about the crash.
UPDATED ON: MAY 22, 2020, 6:33 PM IST
A man helps injured victims after a Pakistan International Airlines flight crashed in a residential neighbourhood in Karachi on May 22, 2020. - A Pakistan passenger plane with more than 100 people believed to be on board crashed in the southern city of Karachi on May 22, the country's aviation authority said. (Photo by Asif HASSAN / AFP)

On Friday, a passenger plane belonging to the state-run airline Pakistani International Airlines has crashed near the southern port city of Karachi. According to reports, the plane was carrying 99 passengers and 8 crew members. No survivors have been reported.

Witnesses reports suggest that the Airbus A320 did try to land two or three times before crashing in a residential area near Jinnah International Airport. The area the plane crashed into is known as Model Colony and is heavily congested.

A resident of the area, Abdul Rahman, said he saw the aircraft circle at least three times, appearing to try to land at the airport before it crashed into several houses.

However, what was more shocking was the reactions of some Indian citizens who seemed apparently happy about Pakistan's tragic loss. Amid heartfelt messages, there were some comments which joked about the crash; some Indians even blatantly went on to say that they were happy this happened.

This left the Pakistanis feeling utterly disgusted and shocked at how their fellow human beings could find it in them to rejoice in the aftermath of such a horrific tragedy. While some called it "sick" others felt it was plain sadistic.

ALL the more reason to ban EVERY indian from PDF.
Indian government does not believe human rights as envisioned by the UN Charter apply to Indians. Mr. Shah is on the record of stating this in official capacity.

So I don't know what you guys aim to achieve with this thread.
it is this moral degradation that destroys nations and others take rhem over, rejoice that u will be granted victory over them.. thats Allahs rule
Indian government does not believe human rights as envisioned by the UN Charter apply to Indians. Mr. Shah is on the record of stating this in official capacity.

So I don't know what you guys aim to achieve with this thread.

To open the eyes of naive Pakistani liberals that believe in Pakistan-India Bhai-Bhai and appeasement.
Moo par RAM RAM, baghaal may Chooree!
Yeh dekho, yeh dekho, this is standard response from pakistan.

If we express condolence, it is Moo par RAM RAM...

If we express jubilation, then it is inhuman

If you think we are your enemies, then why do this 'rona dhona' on what Indians say in the first place??
Many racist indians are acting of joy to this news which is a shame and pure evil and GOD watches everything , but I know its not from all indians as I have several close indian friends here in the states.
Get off your high horse. The person i answered, and countless others on this very thread, are just as bad as those indians.

No... Pakistani will never rejoice or celebrate the death of any civilians anywhere including India.

You cannot compare the celebration comments coming from India to those who are very angy at Indian celebrations on this thread!

If any pakistani made such comments celebrating human tragedy here on PDF, they would have been banned, and you know it.
So many of my countrymen are stupider than Trump supporters. As Indian, I hang my head in shame at this crass insensitivity and absolute lack of class shown by these cretins.

R.I.P. all those men, women, and children who died in this accident. I haven't checked the details yet.
Get off your high horse. The person i answered, and countless others on this very thread, are just as bad as those indians.
Again you are demonstrating apologism? The OP has displayed an UNPROVOKED Twitter highlights reel of Indian twitterati firing off sickening volleys at folks deceased in an air crash. The anger on this thread and of the entirety of the Pakistani nation is rightly directed at such a brazen - yet sadly predictable - onslaught.

I too am "as bad" as anyone else on this thread and equally guilty of being revulsed at such Twitter posts.

You can continue to blame the victim and curse the perfectly appropriate reaction or take a deep breath and criticise the Twitter account holders who are clearly beyond any semblance of basic humanity.

Sadly, the behaviour of the majority of vocal and noticeable Indians doesn't surprise anyone who's lived with India long enough.
No... Pakistani will never rejoice or celebrate the death of any civilians anywhere including India.

You cannot compare the celebration comments coming from India to those who are very angy at Indian celebrations on this thread!

If any pakistani made such comments celebrating human tragedy here on PDF, they would have been banned, and you know it.

BS, and you know it. In social media the hatefull pakistanis are no different breed then the hatefull indian.
Yeh dekho, yeh dekho, this is standard response from pakistan.

If we express condolence, it is Moo par RAM RAM...

If we express jubilation, then it is inhuman

If you think we are your enemies, then why do this 'rona dhona' on what Indians say in the first place??

Doesn't it occur to you that if so many civilians - men, women and children die in a plane crash, the least you can do is shut your mouth and not make a mockery of their deaths?

This isn't the thread to discuss your issues with Defence.pk Pakistani posters. There are other threads for this sort of business.

In this thread, a good human will only express his/her condolences and move on.

The problem with so many Indian online twerps like you is that you just don't know where to shut up.
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