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Indian video about Greek Rafales,involves Pakistan again...

So after building up the narrative on the Rafale aircraft and a possible scenario between Greece and Turkey , the bit bit Bindu had to get it off her chest by dragging in the JF-17 and Pakistan....there was a time these call centre clowns fancied themselves like Israel but since Rafale is now operated by Indians and not Israelis so next best thing is Greece.....but sadly for these Simple Sunils, India is neither Israel or Greece....it's a country whose world's fourth largest air arm has repeatedly been humiliated by a much smaller air force.

BTW, the video is a proud production of Defense Barta .....enough said.
Exactly! See how it turns out to be about Pakistan near the end? "Bot Pokistani experts don't admit it,dey say JF-17 can destroy Rafale,den why don't dey give JF-17 to Turkey ooo brother Turkey know it's bad aircraft and even they don't want it haha"

And all those lies about us getting 20 more Rafales and having 40 by 2025? That's just fiction.

What also pissed me off is their insistence on this:

"In a mission to overhaul its military arsenal,Athens new partner New Delhi saying Indians production of weapons could change the course of things for the European nation"

We don't have any military or strategic partneship with them and they dream of an axis against Pakistan,Turkey and China.
Why would we need an Indian missile that is based on Russian technology,when we have European weapons available? SCALP EG specifically. What would be the benefit to that? Why use Russian systems on a French Western-style aircraft?

What the f is wrong with these people?! This is a lie! Are they dreaming?
Exactly! See how it turns out to be about Pakistan near the end? "Bot Pokistani experts don't admit it,dey say JF-17 can destroy Rafale,den why don't dey give JF-17 to Turkey ooo brother Turkey know it's bad aircraft and even they don't want it haha"

And all those lies about us getting 20 more Rafales and having 40 by 2025? That's just fiction.

What also pissed me off is their insistence on this:

"In a mission to overhaul its military arsenal,Athens new partner New Delhi saying Indians production of weapons could change the course of things for the European nation"

We don't have any military or strategic partneship with them and they dream of an axis against Pakistan,Turkey and China.
Why would we need an Indian missile that is based on Russian technology,when we have European weapons available? SCALP EG specifically. What would be the benefit to that? Why use Russian systems on a French Western-style aircraft?

What the f is wrong with these people?! This is a lie! Are they dreaming?

They are idiots.

These people are truly mental! :o
Screenshot_2021-09-02 Greece should put Brahmos - YouTube.png
Screenshot_2021-09-02 Greece should put Brahmos - YouTube(1).png

This is all fake! Fantasies! It's not true man!
I'm reading it now. This is disturbing to say the least. Did we not have enough with religious intensity? Check out these posts @KAL-EL @TexasJohn @American Dragon
Self glorification idolatrous narratives form part of the fascist ideology of Hindus [Hindutva], including of the BJP which governs India. Proper political parties do not have associated Nazi like militant ideological wing but BJP does with millions of members. They stand on religious discrimination, hate, abuse, lies, hostiliy, boycott, violence, threats of genocide, and self glorification myth making. They are biding time before they move on to directly attacking Christians as they have been doing with impunity against Muslims. They are enemy of the Abrahamic religion.
I found this video with a typical text-to-voice narration,although this time it's an indian accent.

It starts talking about the HAF's Rafale jet fighters and how Turkish experts are worried. Then goes on to talk about some weird stuff like Greek air force getting another 20 by 2025 and having a total of 40 aircraft? We're only planning to get 6 more in the future and it's unknown when exactly.

Then the video turns to Pakistan and the JF-17. Just watch to the end or watch near the end.

We must have a counter Indian botnet army targeting and finding such posts in order wipe them off the internet. If you do not believe me the amount of damage Indian Media is doing through propaganda against Pakistan, you can connect to a vpn i.e. let's say as US VPN, and search JF-17 or Pakistan or Pakistan Army or CPEC the first 15 results are Indian Propaganda.
We must have a counter Indian botnet army targeting and finding such posts in order wipe them off the internet. If you do not believe me the amount of damage Indian Media is doing through propaganda against Pakistan, you can connect to a vpn i.e. let's say as US VPN, and search JF-17 or Pakistan or Pakistan Army or CPEC the first 15 results are Indian Propaganda.
Man if you go to my earlier post,you'll see I did just a fast search about "Greek Rafale Brahmos" and I found dozens of fake news videos by Indians. I can only imagine there are THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of videos about the JF-17 and almost every Pakistani military acquisition. I'm shocked! At first I thought it was just 2-3 videos,but I kept scrolling down and scrolling down and found out dozens! You see I posted just two screenshots here,but there's more out there!
This discussion reminded me a dinner discussion from 2008 with an Indian descent from Venezuela (who had never been to India and just had an Indian name from his father) and an India guy and two of us. We were working on a project so we'd grab dinner together. Every night, the Indian guy would only tell all of us how the Indian history was thousands of years old, he's call our names (American / English) that they "originally" came from India, how India was so advanced back 5000 years ago, etc, etc.
I'd start doing business emails on my Blackberry because I was tired of the same discussion. After a couple of weeks, the Indian descent from Venezuela gave up and said "Look Saurav, we get it, the Spaceship came to India and dropped off all IPhone models 5000 years ago and let's stop now". Needless to say that was the last dinner together. I don't know why they self promote India so much it's annoying.
Its idiosyncratic behavior common among folks who landed in foreign Western countries during 80s 90s when image of India was not so positive in the Western world
Example- Indians being considered as monkey brain eaters etc and much more derogatory stereotypes which were prelevant back then etc

These people feel the need to vociferously educate their hosts about positive aspects of India which they can think of as defensive response to perceived chance of persecution

They have not yet realized impressions of India from 2000s have changed very much for the better in USA

Its parodied among Indian diaspora community as something outdated and commonly associated with the older generation

During my stay here in USA, whenever I have had conversation with Pakistani or Bangla origin people in USA there would be eventually tilt in the conversation of how their faith doesn't have anything to do terrorism etc

My guess is similar to those Indians from 80s, these unfortunate Pak and Bangla folk in USA feel due perceived Islamophobia and they need to do their part to educate others about their faith
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I found this video with a typical text-to-voice narration,although this time it's an indian accent.

It starts talking about the HAF's Rafale jet fighters and how Turkish experts are worried. Then goes on to talk about some weird stuff like Greek air force getting another 20 by 2025 and having a total of 40 aircraft? We're only planning to get 6 more in the future and it's unknown when exactly.

Then the video turns to Pakistan and the JF-17. Just watch to the end or watch near the end.

I hate the Indian English accent. Gives me a headache. Thanks for the heads up, I watched the video muted.

But seriously Indians are very annoying and talk a big game. 99% of them are weak and would never fight you face to face.
These people are truly mental! :o View attachment 775035View attachment 775036

This is all fake! Fantasies! It's not true man!

The internet should be effectively banned in India or shut down completely, they are not in a proper state of mind in their daily lives.

That's why they have such a hostility towards Islam and Christianity on youtube comments?

1) They feel Islam is a foreign concept and an invader religion which was imposed and converted Hindus and created a schism within their nation.

2) Christianity is a target due to British occupation and the humiliation the Hindus suffered.

They want to convert them all back to Hindism under their pogrom called “Ghar Wapsi”.
Its idiosyncratic behavior common among folks who landed in foreign Western countries during 80s 90s when image of India was not so positive in the Western world
Example- Indians being considered as monkey brain eaters etc and much more derogatory stereotypes which were prelevant back then etc

These people feel the need to vociferously educate their hosts about positive aspects of India which they can think of as defensive response to perceived chance of persecution

They have not yet realized impressions of India from 2000s have changed very much for the better in USA

Its parodied among Indian diaspora community as something outdated and commonly associated with the older generation

During my stay here in USA, whenever I have had conversation with Pakistani or Bangla origin people in USA there would be eventually tilt in the conversation of how their faith doesn't have anything to do terrorism etc

My guess is similar to those Indians from 80s, these unfortunate Pak and Bangla folk in USA feel due perceived Islamophobia and they need to do their part to educate others about their faith

To be honest, this is called an "inferiority complex". You feel like you have to get at the same level or above so you lie and make stuff up. What education is there in blatant b.s. that India gave the world music? That the Indian society had top notch gadgets 5000 years ago (while today, sadly, over half of your population lives way below the poverty line). How are these lies "education"?

You started off decent and you ended again like the remainder of your friends, in "terrorism" linking to Islam. Is that so? How'd you classify the killings and beatings of Muslims by Hindu extremists? So does the word "terrorism" only apply to Islam? A Hindu man killing Muslims in India, or a Christian man spraying bullets on a school filled with little innocent children isn't an act of terrorism or linked to their religion?

And yes, I am VERY much an American before you start to paint me as one of the others. Focus on the debate with me instead of deflecting it. I am an educated person and have travelled the world. I don't live in Minnesota, without ever leaving my town.
To be honest, this is called an "inferiority complex". You feel like you have to get at the same level or above so you lie and make stuff up. What education is there is blatant b.s. that India gave the world music? That the Indian society had top notch gadgets back 5000 years ago (while today, sadly, over half of your population lives way below the poverty line). How are these lies "education"?
No denying that, hence its mocked and parodied among Indian diaspora

my guess these beliefs were probably inherited during post colonial era

You started off decent and you ended again like the remainder of your friends, in "terrorism" linking to Islam. Is that so?

I think you misunderstood my post. I meant those Bangla and Pakistan origin folks believe that people around them associate their faith with terrorism and hence brought their subject of faith in conversation with me

I don't believe faith is associated to terrorism, there are plenty of non-religious ideological based terror groups like IRA etc
That's why they have such a hostility towards Islam and Christianity on youtube comments?

Yes, it's the Hindutva ideology. They fight religious war in the guise of racism and nationalism. As with all fascist and terrorist ideologies they regard people desiring tolerance as weak and stupid. Ironically, Pakistan fights racist/nationalist war in the guise of religion, so it doesn't really affect them. On the other hand, Taliban fights for religion which is why they went into panic mode.
I think you misunderstood my post. I meant those Bangla and Pakistan origin folks believe that people around them associate their faith with terrorism and hence brought their subject of faith in conversation with me

I don't buy that. I have a lot of friends from all over. Never had any Muslim brought such stuff up unless we were discussing it. Did you bring the religion based atrocities being committed against Indian Muslims to these people? Instead of 5000 years old IPhone tech, this is the stuff the Indian community should be discussing to show they do not condone this inhumane behavior. By the way, let's be truthful, this crap of 50000 years old high tech enterprise called India, is being taught in your primary schools. Did you know that?
No denying that, hence its mocked and parodied among Indian diaspora

my guess these beliefs were probably inherited during post colonial era

I think you misunderstood my post. I meant those Bangla and Pakistan origin folks believe that people around them associate their faith with terrorism and hence brought their subject of faith in conversation with me

I don't believe faith is associated to terrorism, there are plenty of non-religious ideological based terror groups like IRA etc

I have lived in the U.S. since the age of 2 basically born and raised here like any other American born citizen. Not once have I, or another Pakistani or Bangladeshi evoked religious discussion in conversations in a personal or business capacity to defend Islam and it's core beliefs from those accusing us of terrorism or Islamophobia before or after 9/11. Lastly majority of Westerners just don't care they just need to put food on their table at the end of the day.

To hide your own communities inferiority complex your trying to throw shade on Muslims in the U.S. and truthfully we have no reason to defend ourselves as our beliefs are in the open for those who wish to study. Our universities in the states require comparative religion classes for all students to make them well rounded individuals and vast majority of American's have a very good understanding compared to individuals from our part of the world.
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