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Indian video about Greek Rafales,involves Pakistan again...

GDP (PPP, US$ million) by country
Country (or territory)SubregionRegionIMF[1]World Bank[5]CIA[6]
China (more)Eastern AsiaAsia26,656,766202124,273,360202022,526,5022019
United States (more)Northern AmericaAmericas22,675,271202120,936,600202020,524,9452019
India (more)Southern AsiaAsia10,510,38820218,907,02820209,155,0832019
Japan (more)Eastern AsiaAsia5,585,78620215,328,03320195,231,0662019
Germany (more)Western EuropeEurope4,743,67320214,469,54620204,482,4482019

Then why can't you build some 600,000,000 toilets? Even half.
Then why can't you build some 600,000,000 toilets? Even half.
I thought you were asking what gdp ppp was
You had written wat Thier I thought a Greek would know this ?
Why so offended ?
Why so insulted on a simple fact on gdp ppp ?
I found this video with a typical text-to-voice narration,although this time it's an indian accent.

It starts talking about the HAF's Rafale jet fighters and how Turkish experts are worried. Then goes on to talk about some weird stuff like Greek air force getting another 20 by 2025 and having a total of 40 aircraft? We're only planning to get 6 more in the future and it's unknown when exactly.

Then the video turns to Pakistan and the JF-17. Just watch to the end or watch near the end.

This is indian fantasy


and This is reality

we are not super power, we have lot of thing to do. but whoever suggest you those videos, all are true and real. you have internet , go to official world data you will find it. and its does not matter what you think,it will be there. for example: if i say Greece not even a country, its does not make any sense, that's just prove me an ignorant person. so don't be a stupid/ignorant person.

Please explain how Indians believe India 4th most powerful country in the world?

India is not a permanent UN security council and does not have a veto power. India's GDP is less than $3 Trillion.
Please explain how Indians believe India 4th most powerful country in the world?

India is not a permanent UN security council and does not have a veto power. India's GDP is less than $3 Trillion.
Because they went onto global firepower index. A website which goes off of hearsay and numbers instead of logic.
This is indian fantasy

View attachment 775815

and This is reality

View attachment 775817

I've seen Israelis get angry online when Indians come and say how much they support them and consider them brothers! And now with the Rafale they come to Greek videos on youtube and comment about how we should have an alliance. And some ignorant greeks are like "oh yes yes,why haven't we had closer relations with India?"
Please explain how Indians believe India 4th most powerful country in the world?

India is not a permanent UN security council and does not have a veto power. India's GDP is less than $3 Trillion.
there is so many country is not UN security council permanent member, that does mean they are not militarily powerful, i am taking about militarily. and India is the 6th powerful economy in the world, its not a small thing.
link- https://statisticstimes.com/economy/projected-world-gdp-ranking.php
Because they went onto global firepower index. A website which goes off of hearsay and numbers instead of logic.
and your country is better than world. all are fake, only what pakistan or pakistani say its true. lol
there is so many country is not UN security council permanent member, that does mean they are not militarily powerful, i am taking about militarily. and India is the 6th powerful economy in the world, its not a small thing.
link- https://statisticstimes.com/economy/projected-world-gdp-ranking.php

and your country is better than world. all are fake, only what pakistan or pakistani say its true. lol

Please explain how India is 4th more powerful country in the world than UK and France? Do you really believe India is more powerful than UN permanent security council members UK and France?

I googled "most powerful countries in the world" and India is # 14.

Please explain how India is 4th more powerful country in the world than UK and France? Do you really believe India is more powerful than UN permanent security council members UK and France?

I googled "most powerful countries in the world" and India is # 14.

most powerful country in the world rank 2021/india 13th no.- https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/power-rankings
most powerful military in the world /india 4th - https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.php
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