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Indian video about Greek Rafales,involves Pakistan again...

No,man! lol
It's just that there are so many millions of uneducated,dumb,annoying Indians using the internet...I mean why do you let them use the internet? :P Come on,you know there MANY idiotic people in your country that destroy the image of your nation.
Banning internet access isn't the way to educate, despite it's negatives to society. In anycase we are 1 billion+ so you'll see the whole spectrum of people, it's just human nature to remember the ones that prick.
Back in 2016 I had a fight with a specific very arrogant Indian. Seriously,read it and tell me what you think.

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They mostly are online bullies because of the points I highlighted earlier - they simply cannot accept faults as a national character. If one was to find an analogy it would be fascist italy sadly - so lost in the superiority of their race being projected that under the auger of rapid economic growth they first launched conflicts that led to millions dead, allied with bigger powers under the guise of being protected, persecuted their own based upon a political myth disguised as religion and eventually faced destruction of their entire people. Regardless of who is in power such an approach can only go so far.
No,man! lol
It's just that there are so many millions of uneducated,dumb,annoying Indians using the internet...I mean why do you let them use the internet? :P Come on,you know there MANY idiotic people in your country that destroy the image of your nation.
and thats coming from a Pakistani, :D😂 we can't take that seriously. come on..
I found this video with a typical text-to-voice narration,although this time it's an indian accent.

It starts talking about the HAF's Rafale jet fighters and how Turkish experts are worried. Then goes on to talk about some weird stuff like Greek air force getting another 20 by 2025 and having a total of 40 aircraft? We're only planning to get 6 more in the future and it's unknown when exactly.

Then the video turns to Pakistan and the JF-17. Just watch to the end or watch near the end.

RSS madrasa chap cow vigilantes :lol:
nah, I am quite sure he is not. its Abdul using Greek flag certainly.
Yeah sure - once again your national characteristics come into play of being unable to accept faults. The defensive sanctimonious individual comes out to dismiss any criticism as coming from those you need to prove inferior against because that image of being loved by those you admire cannot be torn.
No,man! lol
It's just that there are so many millions of uneducated,dumb,annoying Indians using the internet...I mean why do you let them use the internet? :P Come on,you know there MANY idiotic people in your country that destroy the image of your nation.

To believe in self-created fantasies, is their national character. A real assessment of their collective delusional tendencies can be made, from how they landed themselves into a totally unnecessary war with China in 1962, in which then their army was totally routed in erstwhile NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) and Aksai Chin.
RSS madrasa chap cow vigilantes :lol:

Chaddi Dharis... :lol:
Banning internet access isn't the way to educate, despite it's negatives to society. In anycase we are 1 billion+ so you'll see the whole spectrum of people, it's just human nature to remember the ones that prick.
Well yeah,they have the right to be on the internet,I know and I'm joking about it,but you know what I mean. This mentality of "nobody can defeat us,we are the best and our country has no problem whatsoever.Never did."

nah, I am quite sure he is not. its Abdul using Greek flag certainly.
Or is this better?

Edit: Lol I deleted the pic with the Iranian flag,because Arabs will start going nuts again and I don't wanna encourage them. Although it would be fun.
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Back in 2016 I had a fight with a specific very arrogant Indian. Seriously,read it and tell me what you think.

View attachment 774843View attachment 774844
contempt for anyone below their socio-economic status. Not a trait exclusive to indians.

this argument reminds me of this video , if you skip to 0:40 you can understand their insecurities and inferiority complex. India has been a world spanning superpower since ancient times !

with regard to the topic , everything they buy is a planet-cracking, death star like the Raptor of the East (now called AMRAAM dodger).
Well yeah,they have the right to be on the internet,I know and I'm joking about it,but you know what I mean. This mentality of "nobody can defeat us,we are the best and our country has no problem whatsoever.Never did."
Yup no harm done. We are proud and emotional people, that manifests in varied ways, for many it's the blind defense you have seen towards any criticism.
contempt for anyone below their socio-economic status. Not a trait exclusive to indians.

this argument reminds me of this video , if you skip to 0:40 you can understand their insecurities and inferiority complex. India has been a world spanning superpower since ancient times !

with regard to the topic , everything they buy is a planet-cracking, death star like the Raptor of the East (now called AMRAAM dodger).
Is this a comedy or something? It has to be a parody 😂
They go on the comments sections involving us with their Pakistan hatred,seeing as Pakistan and Turkey are best friends,they think we are like allies.
"You should put Brahmos on your Rafale". And I remember on Facebook and youtube comments,every time they fought with Paks they kept saying the same thing: "P*rkistan terrorist country".

You know the chaos in the comments under Balkan videos? It's all about "Gayreeks,TurGays,Analbanians,Bulgayrians,Servs,Monkeydonians" etc. There's crazy boasting from Turks,but i've seen so many dumb comments from our guys too,greeks who can barely write in english,making retarded statements.
But the Indians have this...village idiot mentality. You know what I mean? It's as if they are village people from some backwater southeast Asian rural area of the 1970s. And what's with always saying two things? "Nice and good country" or "Good and strong weapon"

You know,in the Russian military group where I'm an admin,they kept talking about Russia-India brothers and Indians love Russia and "Russia and india best friends <3" and all that. I remember I had asked some of them if they would help Russia in a war. And they were like "We don't get involved in other wars".

You do not know Hindutva Indians personally my friend. Get to know them well. You will realize what they are made of. Skin tone darker than most African folks (not that it matters) but in their mind these Hindutva ignorant idiots consider themselves to be the reincarnation of Hitler's Nazi fascist revival force. I ain't kidding. Can you say Chicken legs? Hitler would have wasted no time in sending these 'undesirables' to the gas chamber. How much of a fool could you be?

I hate to paint people with a broad brush or generalize. But some Indians are quite a different breed. They are most often in anything - just for themselves and don't care about others. Result of festering in that hole which is crawling with selfish, insipid creatures ready to cheat and fraud people out of even a few dollars. I have done so many favors for these people, but can't say that I've received a lot in return. Nowadays I don't expect it either.

Their mentality is unlike any other people from any other nation. Always in it for themselves and ready to cheat their way into anything. Most of the IT workers in the US (H1B visa holders) are downright frauds, 80% of their experience on their resumes are fake, no better than toilet paper. Fast talking shysters trying to fool people in US/EU and succeeding because US/EU people don't know any better.

Is this a comedy or something? It has to be a parody 😂

If you get a few tall buildings in a city where all you had were tin sheds, it goes to people's heads. Just low class people...trying to suppose that Caucasian people will be their house help one day. Idiots.

Irony is - they wished to have Caucasians as slaves by 2030, but right now they are poorer than us in Bangladesh - their per capita GDP is lower than ours in real terms. Fact.
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Yup no harm done. We are proud and emotional people, that manifests in varied ways, for many it's the blind defense you have seen towards any criticism.

Dada, proud and emotional is one thing, idiotic and fascistic is another. Too much in India of the latter nowadays.

West Bengal BJP head says Bangladesh will be part of India by 2030 and issued a map to that effect (Akhand Bharat). India has a humongous PR problem. It has to muzzle some of its idiots and set the record straight. This is what happens when every Indian Jharudar has a cellphone and a facebook account.
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