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Indian TV Channels Banned in Pakistan

Does anyone know what is the real reason behind banning the Indian channels?

I am surprised to see an overwhelming support for this decision across the border, albeit for different reasons.

Does anyone see a problem with the judiciary deciding on what people can or can not watch? I am not talking in specific for this decision, but as a general topic.

Are we a society okay letting judges (who's primary role is to interpret the constitution) decide what is acceptable for TV viewers or not?

What's next? Allowing judges to decide what's okay to wear, eat, drink??

Please go back to the first page i have posted the reason. Its legal and technical reason not any objection to drink, eat or wear issue.

According to Law all those channels which have NO landing rights have been closed down till further order or development in the case irrespective of being Indian or non-Indian.

Its not issue of eat wear or pis.s or shyt in Indian style because the cable operators are showing Indian movies, songs, even cartoons dubbed in hindi with outlandish translation
I want to say something which Indians said when Pakistani channels were blocked in IOK.....

Its the same comment.....If some indian disagree....then he is a hypocrite.
I hate those melodramas. Why can't they produce comedies like Friends or How I met your mother, where there are no back-stabbing bitches but Friends who are there when you need them. Sitcoms need to be fun not promote vengefulness or trickery in society. Is 'saas bhi kabhi bahu thi' still running in India? I want Balaji Telefilms to go bankrupt, they are ones who come up with such a stupid, over the top dramas.
I hate those melodramas. Why can't they produce comedies like Friends or How I met your mother, where there are no back-stabbing bitches but Friends who are there when you need them. Sitcoms need to be fun not promote vengefulness or trickery in society. Is 'saas bhi kabhi bahu thi' still running in India? I want Balaji Telefilms to go bankrupt, they are ones who come up with such a stupid, over the top dramas.
Sitcoms are the best solution to reduce tension and depression....Atleast for me...

The only Indian drama i ever watched and that no continously was few years ago"tu tu mein mein". Comedy. I really liked it. I think it was old drama repeated by channel (I figured it out by the clothes).

BUt rest....indian channels sucks big time.
Good point Protype,

However, the producers of these serials know that there are millions of audience in Pakistan and the advertisers are also aware that they are not only reaching Indian middle class segment, but also Pakistani.

I am sure that is a factor in determining the advertisement rates.

So, we can't really say it wouldn't affect them at all........ am sure the MBA's have already assigned a $ # in terms of lost advertisement opportunity.

no actually not,Pakistan is not a big market for India,even Uttar pradesh have an equivalent population of Pakistan,advertisement rates r based on TRP's,and TAM and AMaP only provide Indian TRP's,they r not providing any TRP's of foreign states
theres one thing the indian entertainment industry does which i respect, and think we should do as well....

they highlight issues such as communalism (on religious lines especially). Perhaps to some degree it has helped in their country. We dont have large minority groups like they do, but we have tiny ones. I'm sure we can address some of the issues they have faced using TV shows, movies etc.

we ought to do the same; we should also use the entertainment industry to smear terrorists, sectarian groups, etc. --through sattire or through other means....

we have a lot of talk shows, which is healthy --especially at this critical time. But we should think outside of the box as well. We have a lot of hidden talent and untapped creativity that should be given a chance.
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How can this be a big deal to you??? Are you a channel owner?:what:

No big deal because the population owning a TV set in India is growing by the bounds and the loss of viewership in Pakistan can in some amount be compenated by that,

Also its only the viewers who get these channels through cable will be affected.Those owning dish and DTH can still view I guess and this ban wont affect them.(Some Pak member pls confirm this)

Come on man. Those Indian crap dramas are seriously distorting Indian image too and even a naive person watching these most of the times laugh over childish depiction in Indian dramas like a person dies and then get alive several times and his or her face changes and and and and craaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppp continues dha dha dha dhazzzzzzzzzzzz tringgggggggg

Cmon Jana...if you look at logic then all movies ,serials etc are foolish only.What people want after a day of hard work is some amount of relaxation and the Indian serials provide that perfectly as judged from the viewership .They maybe foolish/illogical..but who cares ??

P.s.: I firmly believe unless an alternate TV industry blossoms in Pakistan these symbolic bans wont last long.Mark my words.
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Alright, the opposition to Indian serial can be summed up in following ways

1) Non-payment of "Landing Rights" - Not sure what landing rights are, but if these serial were in compliance would you still have issues with them being broadcast?

2) Corruption of society - Deciding what is "right" for people to watch by a selected few reeks of censorship, are we gonna go the Taliban route in a democracy?

3) Quality of entertainment - While agreeing that almost all of these sitcoms are lame, I think it is for people to decide what they want to watch. Let us not sit back and pass judgement on tv viewers, its a personal choice and they should be free to watch what they wish to.

4) Reciprocity of Pak TV ban - This goes back to logic of two wrongs making a right........ I don't think any sane person in India would have a problem with Pakistan entertainment being shown by Indian cable operators. Infact, I remember in 80's and 90's pakistani plays were hugely popular in India.
Now one has to check what are landing rights.

Q.1 What are Landing Rights?
Ans. If a Satellite TV channel is uplinked from abroad and the channel operator wants to distribute the channel in Pakistan, he shall obtain a permission (Landing Rights) from PEMRA for its distribution on Cable TV network

Q.2 How to apply for Landing Rights?
Ans. The Landing Rights are issued to companies on case to case basis. The application form for Landing Rights Certificate, duly filled in, with requisite documents should be submitted to PEMRA Cable TV Policy wing, 46 Main Margala Road, F-8/2, Islamabad. The application form is available on PEMRA website.

Q.3 What is the fee?
Ans. Please see details of Landing Rights on the licencing page of PEMRA website under head "Tariff".

Q.4 Is there any application processing fees?
Ans. Yes, It is Rs.200,000/-

Q.5 Are there any DO’s and DONT’s for Landing Rights licensees?
Ans. Yes, PEMRA licensees are bound to comply with the Code of Conduct, PEMRA Ordinance, Rules and Regulations.

Q.6 Who is eligible to apply for Landing Rights?
Please see details about Landing Rights Permission criteria and eligibility on the licensing page of PEMRA website under head "Guide Line".

Q.7 What are the categories for Landing Rights?
Ans. Satellite TV channels are mainly classified as Encrypted and Free-to-Air (FTA) channel. These categories are further classified as per following detail:
News/ Current Affairs

Q.8 What is the most significant determinant for granting “Landing Rights” permission?
Ans. Programming content being telecast via a particular satellite TV channel, should be in conformity with the social, cultural and ethical norms of the country, and the PEMRA Code of Conduct.

Q.9 Does Landing Rights permission confer rights to cover any event live from Pakistan?
Ans. No, Landing Rights permission only confer rights, to market and distribute a particular channel in Pakistan through distribution network.

Q.10 Whom do I contact in case of a complaint?
Ans. Firstly, there are Regional General Mangers in the provinces and Islamabad. Secondly, there are Councils of Complaints headed by eminent citizens in all provinces including Islamabad. These are two forums where complaints should normally be lodged. However, in case of a serious complaint or a serious technical problem, D.G. (Operations) may be contacted. His contact number is 021-99250903.

Q.11 Where do I go for help?
Ans. Please call on +92-51-9107163



This is TIT-4-TAT: You ban us, we ban you. Vicious cycle!
Now this is 100% plain stupid. If that was the case whole of Indian muslims would have been hindus by now with 64 year brain washing by media and there would have been no christians.

In fact these work in positive direction that it allows people to understand other religons and create a tolerance with them. In a debate you can never think about winning if you dont know what you are dealing with. I have seen people here who declare as if hinduism is evil and dont know a shyt about hinduism.

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