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Indian troops storm hotel, end siege in central Srinagar

This is what India, but i guess you will never understand

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Another thread about to be closed ...
Lol on a more light hearted note

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Lol are you sure it has not Pakistan anything lol

that made sense. :rolleyes:

The Kashmir conflict has cost you more than anything brother.

our national budget and expenditures are not something you need to worry about, son.

Pakistan allowed the breeding of terrorism from its land and today the tiger that you breed is ready to bite you.

I dont know which terrorists you are referring to. As for those attacking us, yes they are attacking. Unfortunately for them, their campaign is to stir up fear and panic are back-firing. People are dying, but people arent scared. We are fatalistic people. That's what sets us 2 apart. Kashmiri fighters dont have global agenda; they dont aim to instill fear in the populace --as they themselves are son of the Kashmiri soil. You are angry with Pakistan because Kashmiris are fighting for their rights. I reject your baseless charges, they wont change a damn thing.

Life goes on here. Sooner or later our enemy(s) will be eradicated.

"Last man, last bullet"

That's my promise.

A country affected by terrorism is sad but a country that cannot even stop another country openly killing its own people its probably the saddest thing one can face.

the saddest part is the leadership (i didnt vote them in). They were elected however, so that is that. It's moot point.

Drone attacks are jointly coordinated, in fact some of the intel is coming from tribesmen in N. Waziristan --as they are fiercely anti-TTP

Lol really you think India's grip is slipping, lol i dont want to answer this because it will be like hitting my head against a wall because i know you wont be ready to listen to the truth.

you speak from experience....

bop your head against the brick wall all you want, even the non-partisan World Kashmir Freedom Movement has constantly berated indian authorities for the "arbitrary detention" of APHC and other political leaders, curfews, and what not


Get over what you watch on TV, the ground reality is quite different.

i think it is you who is in denial.

Go to Sri Nagar on August 15 ;)

Lol thats good that you wont back down because that will lead to India's goal to be accomplished without any effort.

elaborate :coffee:

Continue to support extremism and you will find your own backyard destoryed by it. And i hope you do know also that India will also not back down, Kashmir will stay here you like it or not lol **** **** hota hai, aur beta beta lol


Kashmiri "terrorists/extremists" chanting anti-india slogans



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Lol continue to post as many pics as you want, it does not change the reality. It seems that your a strong believer in Zaid Hamid's philosophies, so there is nothing i can do. All i can say is Good Luck and may you accomplish w.e. you want. Posting here seems quite useless :hitwall: lol

Jai Hind

p.s. I think we lost sight of the real topic of the thread, so again Kudos to our troop, continue to do the great job that you have done till now.
Saturday, 09 January 2010
Muharram-ul-Haram 22, 1431
A standoff in the main market area of Srinagar, the capital of Indian-administered Kashmir, has ended after nearly 24 hours, with the death of two fighters at the hands of security forces.

Kuldeep Khuda, the police chief of Indian Kashmir, said on the Thursday that "the operation as far as we are concerned is over".

A small hotel taken over by the men was left in flames after the police operation.

The standoff began when the attackers threw grenades and opened fire in Srinagar's Lal Chowk, before forcing their way into the hotel on Wednesday.

The police entered the four-storey building on Thursday morning, and killed the first fighter.

"The other terrorist tried to set the building on fire ... the building caught fire and he tried to make his escape but he was shot down," Khuda said.

"We are trying to find out if any more terrorists were inside but there are two bodies that are visible."

Responsibility Claimed

Jamait-ul-Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attack and vowed to inflict heavy damage on Indian security forces.

"The attack is in response to India's propaganda that the armed struggle has weakened in Kashmir," it said.

The attackers had taken over the hotel after killing a policeman on Wednesday. A second man died of injuries in hospital and nine people were injured.

The hotel was surrounded by security forces, but no attempt was made to storm the building overnight, amid reports that some civilians were trapped inside.

There were sporadic exchanges of fire during the night.

Police said some 400 people had to be rescued from nearby buildings and the hotel.

Anti-Indian Protests

Overnight, police fired teargas to disperse young Kashmiri men who threw stones at them, chanting "Kashmiri mujahideen, we are with you" and "we want freedom".

Mohammed Syed Malik, a journalist in Srinagar, told Al Jazeera the attack occurred in a psychologically significant area.

"This is the place ... where important political developments in the past have taken place ... and important public functions have taken place," he said.

"It is the commercial heart of Srinigar ... it is the political centre."

Armed Muslim groups have been fighting for independence from India or a merging with its neighbour Pakistan since 1989, with almost 70,000 people being killed during the conflict.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, who both claim sovereignty over all the territory.

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Indian troops storm Kashmir hotel
Its 2009, nothing has changed in over 6 decades and people are still fantasizing about 'Kashmir banega Pakistan' :rofl::rofl:

Get over it already. jeez.

by the way,

Kashmir rahega India, FTW.
Their have been lots of war on this area and India was invaded number of times in the past and even that was not right. Right or wrong Kashmir is with us and we are not giving it to anyone. We are ready to support Kashmir as much as we can, if some people want to wage war they should be prepared to get killed. Simple as that if you support or fire at our forces then do not expect any mercy.

The last time I heard from you was when you were crying over the attitude of the mods and you were joining one of your indian forums, anyhow good to see you are still here but stop crying atleast, the slogan is hot in your "atoot angh" despite the huge presence of your army.
Change that first if you can change anything, till that time you will keep hearing.


I didn't know this one slogan would burn so many indian behinds.:rofl:

I'm lovin' it :lol:
I didn't know this one slogan would burn so many indian behinds.:rofl:

I'm lovin' it :lol:

I was not even born during his time, but this is STILL a memorable speech

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