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Indian soldiers burn an 11 year old Muslim boy alive in Hyderabad garrison.

If it really happened, needs the strongest of condemnations. Subcontenants are no Arabs or Israelis - we were always better than them!
hey confused ****.. We have given them indepandance in 1947 by giving a piece of land pakistan..
Now its upto them to live here or not.. This is my 1st point..
So you are again disowning them?

2nd point- they are indian and will remain indian as long as they love their motherland.. And we respect them too.
First you disowned them (as per your point 1) and now all of a sudden you guys are telling they are indians :lol: ( this point is totally contradictory to first point)

3rd point- i was giving reply to a turkish.. As he has shown over concern for an indian muslim.

At least that Turkish guy is criticizing the barbaric act of indian army unlike Indians who are justifying this act.

4th point- ask any common muslims in india.. They will spit on you if you call them pro-pakistani.

If they don't like Pakistan then that doesn't means they like india.
If these clashes goes on then may be in future we will see another Pakistan some where in india.

5th point- I will awarded a ban here bcoz i hurted pakis by expressing truth.

Don't worry bro you won't get ban in here unless you break the rules. It's PDF not indian forum where one gets ban by simply telling truth.
So you are again disowning them?
you are again confused.. Here iam saying that those muslims who wanted to not live in india have already gone in pakistan..

First you disowned them (as per your point 1) and now all of a sudden you guys are telling they are indians :lol: ( this point is totally contradictory to first point)
learn to understand others.. Don't go with prejudices..

At least that Turkish guy is criticizing the barbaric act of indian army unlike Indians who are justifying this act.
that is not proved yet..
And jinke ghar sheese ke ho wo pathar nahi marte
as you guys have gone into dharna when we hanged afzal guru..

If they don't like Pakistan then that doesn't means they like india.
If these clashes goes on then may be in future we will see another Pakistan some where in india.
dream..dream..and dream..

Don't worry bro you won't get ban in here unless you break the rules. It's PDF not indian forum where one gets ban by simply telling truth.
oh yeah i have saved you msg..
Why do i have a feeling that it was either done by some revengeful relatives or by some teenage kids. :-/
"Locals said they found Mustafa lying outside the barricade with severe burn injuries. I spoke to the boy at Osmania General Hospital (OGH) and he told me that while he was playing near his house, two Army jawans called him into the barricaded area. They asked him to sneak in through the fencing. After the boy entered the restricted area, the two jawans thrashed him and threw gasoline on him. The boy said when he tried to escape, the jawans beat him up again and set him ablaze," Greater Hyderabad mayor Majid Hussain told TOI.

To all posters here: This statement on part of mayor is a complete lie. A 90% burns victim could not call out the name of his mother, let alone give such a detailed statement. On top of it, how come a mayor knew about it when anyone ,including police or media,does not.

On top of that, visitors are not allowed to talk to a witness, befor police has taken their statement.

Herein enclosed is a photograph of a 90% burns victim. You people should yourself judge capability of said victim to give statement.

@mods sorry for violating " no graphic picture" rule; But in this case, picture is important to prove validity of my assertion.

Seems to be a nice script.......That too in Hyderabad!!!!!!!

was a student of a local madrassa.-check

madarassa are hate teaching schools-check

third,did the kid invoke a anti-national/anti-religion slur or try to insult the army jawans? That should be investigated.

Agreed. Kitman(deception,lies) is permitted in Sunnis.

RIP No one is justifying anything. Looks like its a false allegation to save someone.

Probe will be there and truth will come out.

The Army says it is not involved.

Similar thing happened in Chennai where w trespasser was shot by a retired policenan and everyone suspected Army to be guilty.

Exactly! The Army is nowhere in the picture. Just because this incident happened in a Cantonment, it is presumed by our esteemed Pakistani friends that it must have been done by an Army jawan!!

Brain cells seem to be drying up and withering away seeing that winters are fast approaching.

so if an 11 year old kid says something he should be set on fire??
do you people have any shame or humanity?? you pieces of crap

post reported… for you being a piece of shit

Bogus allegation.

The motive behind this heinous crime is very difficult to understand yet but this is for sure that the perpetrators will be prosecuted accordingly if found guilty. Rest in peace.

The place is a a minefield. The fanaticism of the people there will shame any Arab even.

But - burning him in a public place? Looks like Owaisi has almost lost his case.

Another interesting point to note is this - the local Maulvi and his followers had repeatedly called for the relocation of the Army Garrison.

RIP :(

i find it hard to believe that army men did this,,,,as per reports,its the mayor who is alleging involvement of soldiers based on hearsay,,,so lets wait for investigation.

n ppl who r making insensitive posts shud google to see how 90% burn looks like.

This is a complete fishy story, People need to be wait until the complete screenplay is written by hypocrites
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was a student of a local madrassa.-check

madarassa are hate teaching schools-check

third,did the kid invoke a anti-national/anti-religion slur or try to insult the army jawans? That should be investigated.

Agreed. Kitman(deception,lies) is permitted in Sunnis.
So What If he done that still it doesnt give them the right to burn somebody
what a pathetic thinking, these scumbags should you be punished properly
To all posters here: This statement on part of mayor is a complete lie. A 90% burns victim could not call out the name of his mother, let alone give such a detailed statement. On top of it, how come a mayor knew about it but anyone ,including police,does not.

On top of that, it visitors are not allowed to talk to a witness, befor police has taken their statement.

Herein enclosed is a photograph of a 90% burns victim. You people should yourself judge capability of said victim to give statement.

@mods sorry for violating " no graphic picture" rule; But in this case, picture is important to prove validity of my assertion.
Mayor is not allowed to record a testimony. Such statements won't stand in court. What he says is immaterial. He is trying to provoke riots. Junior Owaisi's court case is going very badly.
We condemn the killing of these 23 people along with millions of people indian army killed in kashmir
Ummm, Lashkar claimed the attack to be theirs later. A matter of great pride. The victims were Pandits. Read the full thing and don't embarass yourself. They wore Indian Army uniforms.

Just make sure the millions killed in Kashmir is kept conservative. Kashmir's population is not that high.

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