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Indian soldiers burn an 11 year old Muslim boy alive in Hyderabad garrison.

This seems to be a new plan of Madrasa to defame Indian army. They must have burn the student in Indian army uniform. Tha case must be investigated.
What if the inquiry shows the criminals were muslims as well. What will be your statement then? India is not just hindus, it has muslims as well and so does Indian army. Dont spit venom before the investigation is complete
Everyone encourages and wants the investigation but it should be fair. Unlike one which was carried out in Gujarat.
And most importantly the culprit should not be made PM this time, instead he should be hanged for his crimes.

This seems to be a new plan of Madrasa to defame Indian army. They must have burn the student in Indian army uniform. Tha case must be investigated.

It's conspiracy:drag:
I am sharing this piece on my facebook, and with all of my Turkish contacts. Would even post on Turkish forums.

The barbarity and backwardness of Indian Military must be known by everyone.
if you are so concern about muslims in india.. Take them all with you.. Into the disease of europe "the turky"
View attachment 120510

HYDERABAD: A 11-year-old boy was doused with kerosene and set ablaze inside the high security army area in Hyderabad's Mehdipatnam on Wednesday. From Osmania Hospital, where he was admitted with 90% burns, he gave a statement alleging some ''military men" were responsible for the attack.

The incident occurred around 2.45 pm, Assistant Commissioner of Police D Srinivas told PTI. The child is a resident of Mehdipatnam. His mother has reiterated the charge.

Hyderabad police commissioner Mahender Reddy said it is not yet clear who attacked the boy and what was the motive.

The police have filed a First Information Report, or FIR, and are investigating the case. A bottle carrying the remnants of kerosene and some matches have been recovered from the site of the attack.

Mr Reddy said the army has stores in this area.

The army officials, who share a good relationship with the locals, are keen to get to the bottom of this issue. "We are assisting the police in the investigations since the incident took place in the Army area," said a spokesperson for the army in Delhi.
Boy Doused With Kerosene, Set Ablaze in Hyderabad's Army Area

With India being ruled by a criminal and a murderer and with fascists gaining strength in India soldiers behind this act might get a Paran Vir Chakra. Won't be surprised if this happens though.
Place is Hyderabad.
A civilian area.Even 3star Generals is fearful for such a thing in a civilian area .
Something is wrong in here.
Wait for the military to complete its investigations. Can a 90% burn victim under severe stress and pain give a statement ? Anyway, no matter what the cause the death of this child and the manner in which he died is both unfortunate and inhumane. Whoever is responsible for his death must be punished to the full extent of the law

With India being ruled by a criminal and a murderer and with fascists gaining strength in India soldiers behind this act might get a Paran Vir Chakra. Won't be surprised if this happens though.

A Pakistani commenting on Indian governance. Considering the fcuked up situation in your country when it comes to civilian rule from the date of formation of your country, do you really believe that you are qualified to pass any comment :D
if you are so concern about muslims in india.. Take them all with you.. Into the disease of europe "the turky"
I never understand indian mentality sometimes you guys say; Muslims are part of india and then sometimes you guys disown them and threatens them to leave india!!
If you guys believe that they are part of india, then india should ensure their rights just like other citizen of the country. And if you guys feel they are not part of india and india can't ensure their rights then give them indepandance.
A Pakistani commenting on Indian governance. Considering the fcuked up situation in your country when it comes to civilian rule from the date of formation of your country, do you really believe that you are qualified to pass any comment :D

I am more than qualified since despite my politicians are extremely pathetic they are still better than someone who was accused of supporting and fanning communal riots.
I am more than qualified since despite my politicians are extremely pathetic they are still better than someone who was accused of supporting and fanning communal riots.

Now that is rich coming from the citizen of a country who was ruled by Islamic extremists, dictators, governments accused of committing genocide etc for more than 70% of the time of its existence :D

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