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Indian soldiers burn an 11 year old Muslim boy alive in Hyderabad garrison.

If the kid did record a statement, then an inquiry and a court-martial should happen
This is a complete fishy story, People need to be wait until the complete screenplay is written by hypocrites
was a student of a local madrassa.-check

madarassa are hate teaching schools-check

third,did the kid invoke a anti-national/anti-religion slur or try to insult the army jawans? That should be investigated.

Agreed. Kitman(deception,lies) is permitted in Sunnis.

Have shame on your existance moron.

was a student of a local madrassa.-check

madarassa are hate teaching schools-check

third,did the kid invoke a anti-national/anti-religion slur or try to insult the army jawans? That should be investigated.

Agreed. Kitman(deception,lies) is permitted in Sunnis.

Are you trying to justify burning of a human.
I do not know if the people criticizing the boy remember when they were 11 years old, and conscious of what they were doing.
The kid is a minor and he is under the protection of the state more so than any adult.
Anyhow the persons responsible for this tragedy are heartless, and will pay the price for their act.
Q1: If army men were involved, why did they commit the crime in a area where they would be easily found, near their homes?
Q2: Why did they not use weapons, like guns or even a knife which is much more easily accessible to them?
Q3: Reports state that the kid sneaked into the cantonment. Keeping the same logic, is nt it possible that the criminals also sneaked in.?
was a student of a local madrassa.-check

madarassa are hate teaching schools-check

third,did the kid invoke a anti-national/anti-religion slur or try to insult the army jawans? That should be investigated.

Agreed. Kitman(deception,lies) is permitted in Sunnis.
Burn every muslim (including kids, women and elders) coz they goes to madrassah, mosque and believe in one Allah and follow teaching of islam. And label them as terrorists. And kill each and every muslim coz they are not humans and they don't have right to live.
......................That's the way of Hindu extremist, and there is no doubt about it. This incidence has shown their true color and has made it crystal clear that how much secular, democratic and peace loving country the india is, under modi rule.
Proper inquiry should be done and culprits should be punished as per the law.

......................That's the way of Hindu extremist, and there is no doubt about it. This incidence has shown their true color and has made it crystal clear that how much secular, democratic and peace loving country the india is, under modi rule.
What if the inquiry shows the criminals were muslims as well. What will be your statement then? India is not just hindus, it has muslims as well and so does Indian army. Dont spit venom before the investigation is complete
Seems too outlandish to even comprehend that army chaps would be involved. A conspiracy to show army in bad light? perhaps....

But , since a life was lost, the perverts behind this ghastly act must be severely punished.
MIM is agitating for riots openly. The police is looking the other way.

The RSS is trying to avoid it at all costs. If there are riots, no investigation will happen.

This will open a pandorra's box.

Anybody from Hyderabad - what's the situation in your area? My reports are thoroughly negative.

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