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Indian soldier opens fires on fellow soldiers, kills 3 injures 4

what a true professional armed force.

surprised the killer wasn't killed, RIP to those who died, i guess the killer had a nervous break down
Just to clarify, these belong to the Armed Police force (CRPF- Central reserve police force).

The guy who committed the crime is alive and he's gonna wish he had killed himself, because what awaits him is worse than hell.
was it deliberate or accidental?
sad turn of events. why take on fellow soldiers.
Any indication if it was his commanding officer and other officers, or it was his fellow CRPF soldiers?
Well this is very regrettable any way you look at it.

The reasons that led up to this sad turn of events must be investigated and corrected.

I have heard that substandard food is an issue in many Indian armed forces groups when that Indian BSF soldier with the video posted it on YT and Instagram (about burnt chapati and watery daal). His reward for speaking up was he was given a dishonorable discharge.

A soldier absolutely deserves the best food and facilities in peacetime and even in wartime if possible. It may be plain daal and roti, but must be substantial in portions when no real protein is available. I don't think most Indians have problems about having chicken and goat, unless truly veg.

If you let petty caste-ism infiltrate your armed forces (like they do in India), then loss of morale and ultimately sad catastrophic events like this are bound to occur.
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