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Indian Small Arms Inventory Developed by DRDO ARDE & OFB


Excalibur INSAS


Kalantak Carbine








Bullpup INSAS
Not impressed. While at first glance it looks great.....the receiver is crap. It looks like it was low quality stamped sheet metal produced by hand.

Seriously, pretty much all of OFBs products look like that. They've been surviving off of hand out too long. India needs more companies producing small arms.
Seriously, pretty much all of OFBs products look like that. They've been surviving off of hand out too long. India needs more companies producing small arms.

I agree...their time has come. Time to make the relic extinct by opening the industry to private companies big and small. If it's the union's fault, then get rid of them in the name of national security.
Not impressed. While at first glance it looks great.....the receiver is crap. It looks like it was low quality stamped sheet metal produced by hand.

Everything that is of Indian origin will always be a crap to you.By the way,please be more specific about what do you refer to by 'it'??If you mean Amogh and other INSAS variants,then yeah,the receivers are of stamped construction.Even the AKM receiver is of stamped construction,that didn't affect its reliability!!
But if your comment was directed towards the MCIWS,then I'm afraid you are dead wrong on this one!!Because in case of the MCIWS,the receiver is made of Mg-Al alloy,which is not at all suitable for stamping or casting but works very well with milling process!!So please read up a few things before posting your comments,might save you the embarrassment.
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DRDO, OFB etc are government sector companies. Which means that these companies will never close down because of losses because the government will always bail them out. Hence they are never motivated to give their best. They have an unlimited funding and zero accountability. This combination will always lead to poor results.

Look at the Kestrel APC/IFV made by a private sector company and look at the piece of cr@p called Abhay IFV made by DRDO. One look is enough to tell you the difference in quality. But because of DRDO lobbying the Kestrel will never be introduced. Look at the INSAS, it looks like it has been made by a class 10 drop-out in his family garage work shop.

India can make world class weapons but for that they need to invite companies like Tata, Mahindra, Larsen and Toubro and other private sector giants who can build good weapons and equipment. Disasters like DRDO need to be shut down permanently and the labor union arrested and jailed if they make any protest. National security is more important than a bunch of ch***ya labor unions.

Introduce private sector into defense and see how Indian becomes world's leading weapons exporter from leading weapons importer.
Everything that is of Indian origin will always be a crap to you.By the way,please be more specific about what do you refer to by 'it'??If you mean Amogh and other INSAS variants,then yeah,the receivers are of stamped construction.Even the AKM receiver is of stamped construction,that didn't affect its reliability!!
But if your comment was directed towards the MCIWS,then I'm afraid you are dead wrong on this one!!Because in case of the MCIWS,the receiver is made of Mg-Al alloy,which is not at all suitable for stamping or casting but works very well with milling process!!So please read up a few things before posting your comments,might save you the embarrassment.

Embarrassed? Of what? Dude I stated the receiver looks like shit becasue it looks like stamped sheet metal. Our production quality sucks. EVEN CHANDLER ADMITTED TO IT AFFECTING MANY DEFENCE RELATED INDUSTRIES? You dont even know which weapon or weapons I am referring to yet you are quick to point out that I should read up. How about you get some glasses and apply some logic. Its pretty obvious to any retard which weapon I am referring to.

Aren't you and the ones who up voted your comment the same folks who keep spewing that INSAS is great bullshit? Ask CRPF how the fuk they feel about INSAS RELIABILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So thanks for your input but it doesn't change anything about my statement....read up on issues affecting our prduction capabilites. Its a primary reason for the failure rates of our missiles and such.
Embarrassed? Of what? Dude I stated the receiver looks like shit becasue it looks like stamped sheet metal. Our production quality sucks. EVEN CHANDLER ADMITTED TO IT AFFECTING MANY DEFENCE RELATED INDUSTRIES? You dont even know which weapon or weapons I am referring to yet you are quick to point out that I should read up. How about you get some glasses and apply some logic. Its pretty obvious to any retard which weapon I am referring to.

Like I said,and saying this again,be more specific in your comment.Which gun you were referring to by the way??

Aren't you and the ones who up voted your comment the same folks who keep spewing that INSAS is great bullshit? Ask CRPF how the fuk they feel about INSAS RELIABILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you did not actually read what we posted there in that thread carefully.If you had,you would have seen that I myself stated I would take an AKM any day if I have to go in a operation in a dense jungle over anything else!!As for how somebody feel about INSAS or whatever else,I do not have to live by their testimonials cause unlike some others,I have fired it enough times to know what the heck I'm talking about!!Thank you.

So thanks for your input but it doesn't change anything about my statement....read up on issues affecting our prduction capabilites. Its a primary reason for the failure rates of our missiles and such.
No doubt,the production houses lack any sense of work culture but that's no reason to call the design a crap!!I have used the INSAS many a times but then,they were in cleaned and tiptop condition,the barrels were new and cleaned and greased,the sites were zeroed in properly ,so can't really compare it to the ones in the field though.
Seriously, pretty much all of OFBs products look like that. They've been surviving off of hand out too long. India needs more companies producing small arms.

Involve private sector and then see the difference. These PSUs make obsolete things not weapons.

Just look at the piece of cr@p these PSUs make. It looks like the weapons have been designed and built by some high school dropouts.

People who call INSAS a good weapon are the ones who never handled a rifle in their lives. A blind man can see that INSAS is a smelly POS, but still they would defend INSAS like their family honor depends on it. The fools don't have any knowledge on weapons or basic things in life but they will keep yapping because of their habit and upbringing. Army and paramilitary both are fed up with INSAS and have said so in no uncertain terms. Still fools would defend INSAS because their heads are too far up their @rse to see the truth.

People who defend failure PSUs are ones whose father/mother works there and if government bans them then they will be left unemployed and have nothing to eat or clothes to wear. That's why they will jump and shout in favor of PSUs. They are not at all concerned about national security but from where their next meal will come. Beggar class people. :disagree:
DRDO is not a company you stupid son of b!tch.

That fucking Krestel you are boasting about,was basically designed by the CVRDE!!Tata just built,or rather assembled the prototype!!All your out of this world Tata did,was to tight some screws and bolts and some welding work,and that's it!!Not a single component came out of Tata's stable you dumb fu*k arsehole!!
Do you even realize that Abhay was just meant to be a tech demonstrator from its very beginning??Do you even know what was its purpose - it was to identify and develop the core competency,required for developing a working ICV!!To develop the requite technology and expertise within the country,like the digital fcs,lighter armor,weapon systems,suspensions,transmission assemblies to name a few.And inputs from this same Abhay you loath so much,have gone into the Krestel project!!And who says DRDO is lobbying against Krestel when they were the ones who did all of the actual designing works??Who told you so,answer me if you know the name of your dad!!

Private giants my arse,none of the so called private giants of yours can develop anything on worth while on their own,none of them!!Look what is happening to the FICV project - where is the technology demonstrator??Where??At best,they can only do the manufacturing,that's what they are good at and they do it better,much better than the OFB or any other government owned companies but beyond that,they do not much to show for themselves.

As for the look of a gun,looks do not kill,the bullets does!!

Yeah yeah,disband the DRDO and then who's gonna do the designing work - your dad you asshole??What private sector you are talking about??What is their achievement so far??None of the companies you mentioned,can produce even a field howitzer of their own design,none of them can design an AESA radar,or NVG goggles,forget about much more complex systems like main battle tanks or subs or missiles!!
Just answer me,what happened to the so vaunted FICV??Where is it??What is your precious private giants doing - scratching their balls or something??
Looking at the level of your posts,it seems your parents should have used some protection on that faithful night!!At least there would have been one less stupid piece of crap in this world.

Calm down you demented son of a smelly rabid bitch. Did a goat chew off your balls that you are mindlessly barking here? DRDO is the organisation that fails to come up with anything good for the armed forces so you can keep sucking DRDO while facts disagree.

TATA assembles APC/IFV and your precious DRDO makes inter-galactic spaceships? What world class weapon has DRDO being able to produce? What is the worth of DRDO without technology transfer from foreign private firms? It is the private firms who bring a sense of professionalism in sarkari daftars like DRDO where chaprasis like you crawl around like cockroaches you dumb fu*k arsehole!! Only an uneducated zamadar like you would find any merit in the DRDO joke of an IFV. But then again people like you cannot even write their name on paper. What more can be expected from toilet scrubbing uneducated arseholes like you?
And what the hell is ICV? Is it some new wonder weapon that DRDO has come up with or is it the name of your dad? He must be as dumb as you or even worse.

From the language you are using I knew you must be a ch*tiya who does not know anything. Who the hell made the hull for INS Arihant? Ever heard of a company called Larsen and Toubro. Ever heard of TATA Advanced Materials? Uneducated chaprasis like you are not even qualified to wipe the floors of those offices.

And it is armed forces who are frustrated with the failure called INSAS. But then again you are a scrawny kid hiding in your basement and playing counter strike for too long made you think you are an expert on guns and firearms. Have you ever handled a rifle in real life? Have you even seen a real rifle?

Where is Indian indigenous 155 mm artillery gun? Is DRDO waiting for technology transfer? You arsehole, does your dad design weapons in DRDO? What has DRDO achieved so far, answer that first you demented arsehole. Where is Arjun tank, where is 155 howitzer, where is modern combat rifle? are they scratching your balls that they have no time to come up with anything?

Looking at your gibberish its a pity that on the fateful night your father went to the market instead of staying with his wife. He should have stained the bed sheet instead of staining society by giving birth to a vermin like you. You are such a stupid piece of crap that nobody likes you at all, you are a waste on oxygen and nothing else. No wonder you cry and whine on the internet begging for online sympathy. What is with your emo crybaby signature, people hate you too much? LOL!!!

It is easy to talk trash over the internet hiding behind a computer screen as you have demonstrated. Instead of wasting bandwith and showing your lack of civility and poor upbringing you should stick to doing household work. And by the way feel free to rot in my ignore list. Vermin like you are not worth time and effort. Now get lost loser.
I wish PunjLloyd participate in weapons manufacturing too. They are heck of a company :coffee:

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