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Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report

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[:::~Spartacus~:::];2948154 said:
:woot: there are no dahravis in karachi :lol:

he is talking about whole Karachi people...we know there is no dharavi in karachi but there is Orangi Town in karachi(largest slum in South Asia). however it's not right to say dharavi people's are poor, GDP of dharavi is more than $650 mn, which is almost equal to my hometown. however no doubt standard of living is not good.
Its so funny when Indians and Pakistan fight on who's more poor.. Reminds me of a dialog from the movie "Ishqueya" which goes..

"Sheikh.. Apni Apni Dekh"


No fighting just wondering contrary to what we are always hearing from some Indians here about the relative situation of our two countries it appears that UN figures show India has greater poverty than Pakistan. We never said Pakistan was shining or incredible but we hear all the time about Indian economy blah blah super power mumbo jumbo. These figures suggest the truth is somewhat not Incredible or shining for either country
India 's strength and weakness is its population....Big population makes it place in top 10 economy and same population makes it dificulty to fight poverty......but if you see GDP per capita..it is 1500 where as Pakistan is at 1100....

India was growing at rate of 8-9 percent ..and that helped to reduce its poverty though the current situation is still bad
Pakistan grew 2-4 percent and its poverty situation has become even more worse....but for Pakistan it will be easy to fight back the poverty since it has smaller population...

Pakistan's poverty levels fell down by 5% from 2008 (poverty levels are at 12% right now):

Pakistan's poverty levels have decreased by 5% since 2008, when the World Bank reported Pakistan's poverty levels were 17.2%. Today, as per the data collected in the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2010-11, the poverty levels in Pakistan stand at 12%.

Solace among confusion: 5% decline in poverty
The problem is Pakistan doesn't have quantifiable data to assess their poor, apart from Sindh and Punjab most of their areas(if I am right) are not accessible to conduct a proper survey or census. A country reeling under high inflation, gross mismanagement of funds, low tax collections, nearly nil FDI's, Industry strained under acute shortage of power, gas, terrorism, bad Governance, high levels of illiteracy cannot expect to be any better than any country in the world.

India has severe infrastructure problems, corruption, insurgency in number of places, bad governance, shortage of power, Female infanticide, illiteracy is still a problem, caste and class differentiation, huge population growing at high rate, huge young population who need jobs, red tape, bureaucracy, a couple of deadly enemies, stuck up in a bad neighborhood, heavy dependancy on oil resources, a fractured center with corrupt politicians and regional parties creating havoc, thousands of castes, creeds, religions, ethnicities, languages, cultures, nobody knows how on earth India keeps going.

why should we care to compare ourselves with Pakistan in the first place? neither we shall or should employ PAKISTAN'S MODEL FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:drag: nor we should consider it as anything more than an enemy nation (with whom we should pacify relations) or a future market for our products.
There are many many more things Pakistan is better than India in (just look at most of the socioeconomic indicators of both countries), although there is huge room for improvement.

GDP growth rates in many African countries are higher than India's, even when they do not fare well overall. Pakistan's literacy rates, & GDP per capita are not too different from India. Pakistan fares better than India in most sub-categories of the HDI, but due to the weight given to certain indicators, India has a slightly higher HDI. India's currency was the most unstable one in Asia last year, and the trend is continuing.

Are you happy with reply.... didn't you just rephrase the earlier post at your convenience...
I don't know if India is poorer or richer than Pakistan but surely like it is known to the civilized world that it is far better place to be in than Pakistan ..also our HDI is higher.

Do you feel better about yourself spreading lies?
Countries by HDI. India and Pakistan are on the same level.


No fighting just wondering contrary to what we are always hearing from some Indians here about the relative situation of our two countries it appears that UN figures show India has greater poverty than Pakistan. We never said Pakistan was shining or incredible but we hear all the time about Indian economy blah blah super power mumbo jumbo. These figures suggest the truth is somewhat not Incredible or shining for either country

The talk of India as a major economic power is driven primarily by its large size which creates a big sized economy by sheer volumes. Secondly the recent couple of decades of 7-10% growth has created a huge momentum which results in a so called shining / incredible situation. That coupled with Pakistan's less than spectacular growth rates of 2-3% for last few years have created a situation where India's per Capita GDP which used to be lower than Pakistan's per capita a couple of decades back is now almost 30-40% higher than Pakistan's
Ḥashshāshīn;2948738 said:
Do you feel better about yourself spreading lies?
Countries by HDI. India and Pakistan are on the same level.


Can you show numbers...I am color blind
right but poverty in India is decreasing where it is Increasing in Pakistan. Just wait then ready for new statistics.
Having been to india, I can confirm with anecdotal evidence, there is much more poverty there, than in Pakistan.
BTW, did you know the HDI index was made by us people? :cheesy:
HDI index was devised and launched by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and Indian economist Amartya Sen in 1990
Ḥashshāshīn;2948762 said:
2011 Report

India: 0.547
Pakistan: 0.504

Old map again.. From 1997... I have posted the latest map from UNDP where Pakistan and India belong to different categories on HDI.. Pakistan is the ONLY COUNTRY IN SOUTH ASIA WHICH IS NOW CATEGORIZED AS LOW HDI
Having been to india, I can confirm with anecdotal evidence, there is much more poverty there, than in Pakistan.

Lets believe UN , IMF and World bank will appoint you as their ambassador for expert opinion based on visuals and points of interests.
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