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It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and clear all doubts

Ladies and gentlemen, i give you the BJP......:tup:
I hate all these senseless and suicidal populist schemes
I do not know about all these thing, but I know only this. I am a businessman. Officially my income is more than double than that of my neighbor who is a Jr. class-1 Govt. servant. Except my car everything is bigger and costlier than what I have in my house. Be it TV, Washing M/C, Phone Sofa, Bed etc. He buys gold every month which I buy once in two years after lot of hulla gulla in house. How do you stop this? And no it is not Jealousy.

The other day I was having discussion with my friends who ridiculed some Govt. ideas. You have to pay through cheque for above Rs.20,000/- and show your PAN card even you are buying a small village land, but not at jewellery shop or electronic store where you purchase a 50" TV.

What I am saying here is that the Govt. is crying about why the people are buying gold which is putting pressure on foreign exchange. Mind it 90% of black money is used to buy gold or land. The Govt. has brought rule that if a real estate deal goes for 50 lakhs or above the buyer will have to deposit 1% of the value to IT dept. and in the process will reveal his identity. Why not make it 25 lakhs? or say even less or say in every deal? Why the Govt. does not say whoever buys gold for more than 10 gms. he/she will have to show and mention his/her PAN number? The Dhanteras is coming. If the Govt. implements my ideas then Crows will be flying in Jewellery shops.

Any takers for my Ideas? If some of the members are of Govt. or IT dept. please implement these ideas and see the benefit!!
@sarthak ganguly, @kbd-raaf, @desert warrior, @scorpionx, @Guynextdoor2, @hkdas, @bornmoron, @saurav, @sree45, @punjabilion, @Indo-guy, @Srinivas
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i think its better the way BJP is projecting i guess the final draft will be like no VAT or VAT at source and then there will be central and state exise but the income tax on people earning below 60000 will go and above that there will be slabs of 5+2+3% as the income raises + 5% more on people earning anything beyond 50lakhs per year

but traders will have relief in VAT and Income tax officials harresing them

All diff.Delhi traders associtaion's is also making a draft while same are bieng done by other states associations aswell while there is a proposal that illogical exice rules on beer and light alcoholic drinks in resturants will go so to boost sales of resturants and pubs :nana:
These are not BJP's proposals. Some hair brained "think tank" has proposed and a big news is being made of it.

And these are dangerous proposals in that they give too much powers and information to the Government and will lead to a Stalinist regime where every financial detail about a citizen is known to the government. BJP, being a trader's party, will not even touch it with a barge pole.
Somewhere I read, if all the black-money stashed in foreign banks can be brought back....the Indian gov't won't need to collect tax from common people for half a century.....:woot:
bro , u r being unfair to rayalaseema its like any other region of a.p .... and all those bala krishna movies doesnt paint the true picture of india ... factionism was restricted to only certain parts of rayalaseema region with paritala ravi :-)angry:) , y.s and suris death factionism is completely vanished.....

I agree with what you say but untill recently the tdp when in power hacked to death congress supporters who went underground and came out only when YSR was in power they returned the same favor to TDP by killing TDP cadres. Faction politics might have died but its still early to say.Lets see what YSR Congress does in elections.

About Baliah and his films are good comedy at best :rofl:
its a perfect plan and will kill the oopri kamai of ghoos khor sales tax , income tax , sales tax and exise dept. corrupt officials while will boost savings of common middle and lower middle class people while it will be a burden on ****** rich and corporates as they will be taxed while people will pay a tax on every cpmmercial transaction above 50000/- there will be almost no tax on rent payments , employ salaries , school fees , small and medium loan EMIs,medicinal payments to pharmecies , hospitals and like

in short the TAX VAT , Exise will be deducted like TDS on source and there will be no VAT taken by traders , shop keepers but they will have to file there sales tax returns and income tax returns as usual

income tax will be taken from people making more than 5 -6 lakh INR annualli and after that there will be slabs on as the income increases

while tax and exise will be lowered on petroleum products , indian made liquar , electronicks , groceries , medicans and medical equipment and other daily use articels while there will be no change in exise policy onforiegn made luxury cars , and other such luxury goods and jwellry

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