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Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat today wishes Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday. The actress who is famous for different style and bold appearances on screen wishes the BJP's PM candidate in her own style

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Narendra Modi is Coming to Delhi As PM 2014 !!

Narendra Modi - The Real Singham Music Video

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All I can say to people like @seiko and others who blame Modi ji of double standards etc. is that the stakes are really high this time. India is on the verge of being derailed. Being an also ran in the race for predominance in Asia, and then the world. The plot is unraveling. Fast. The world is looking at us and silently saying, aaaah well, it was too good to last. What we need today is to kickstart the economy. Bring in decisive governance. Take firm action. Have the strength of conviction. Be autocratic where required and run roughshod over the ones who hem and haw and dither till doomsday. Someone who can with a firm stroke of his sword cut through the seemingly impenetrable Gordonian knot that is the morass of Indian polity and economy and industry and bureaucracy today.

If Modi needs to play Congress at its own game to come to power and win the opportunity to try to do all this for India, then I will not lose a single wink of sleep over it. Because I may be young and inexperienced, but I am not naive. If you go into a lair of wolves to drive them out, you do not plan of observing the rules. The time and luxury for that can come when you have the breathing space once the wolves have been driven away. Till then, when dealing with wolves, be a bear. And the nastier the better.

@doppelganger, this is what I am saying too.. When it comes to politics, he is just like others too.. He is not saint as you guys portrayed him to be.. It just stupidity that people think When Modi comes, he will do this and that.. Ultimately, he will do anything to cling on to the power.. You cant expect nothing more.. There wont be an 0% crimes, there wont be any corruption free India.. Life goes on as always..
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@doppelganger, this is what I am saying too.. When it comes to politics, he is just like others too.. He is not saint as you guys portrayed him to be.. It just stupidity that people think When Modi comes, he will do this and that.. Ultimately, he will do anything to cling on to the power.. You cant expect nothing more.. There wont be an 0% crimes, there wont be any corruption free India.. Life goes on as always..

I think we cannot do any worse than voting the Congress back to power.

That is the bottom line bro. You not voting and depriving Modi ji of a vote is as bad as you voting once again for the Congress.
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Rathore sir on why he decided to join BJP

‘You don’t have to be in uniform to soldier for the nation’ | Tehelka.com

What made you decide to take to politics?

It’s not a sudden impromptu decision. Over a period of time you feel that the systems are not working, you feel the pain of being a citizen of this country and yet, not being able to do something. I’ve always believed in myself which is why I went from a career in the military to sports and now politics. Perhaps it is the way we are brought up, the culture: country comes first.

How big a change is it for your family to go from an army background into the political world?
Knowing my drive and passion for standing up for my country they agreed, but it is certainly a change. My son who is just 14 came to know of my decision just a couple of days ago, we hadn’t discussed this with him. When he did come to know, he was in Peru (still is) shooting in the World Championships. In his own innocence he told my wife, “Papa is joining politics; please tell him to be a clean politician.” Obviously there are very high standards I have to live by, my own and my family’s.

What are the issues you feel strongly about, that you hope to change in your political career?
Efficiency in implementation of policies, that’s first and foremost. Every policy you look at is poorly implemented and the lack of it lies in the intent of the people responsible for it. Thereafter there is a need to look at the policies themselves. These two things cover the spectrum of our democratic life. We always say so and so achievements were made despite the system; it’s everywhere, not just in sports.

What compelled you to leave both, the army by taking voluntary retirement and by extension shooting, for politics?
Anything you do in life is because of passion and emotional appeal. When I joined the armed forces or took to shooting, it was because of an emotional appeal. At the time when no one had won an Olympic medal for a long time, I got in and people said you’re crazy to get into this and I had this strong appeal that I must do this. Because everyone said it cannot be done, it inspired me even more. I feel the same drive now.

What is the emotional appeal you found in politics?
There’s no one incident. I used to think about why we are sliding down in every sphere in our life in this country. We need some people to either get in and make a difference or join in with people who are making a difference, you have to soldier for it. You don’t have to be in uniform to soldier for the nation.

Why did you choose to enter the BJP?
For a number of years we’ve been governed by a certain political party and today’s situation is because of a certain type of governance. Therefore, you look at alternatives and want to strengthen the alternative which gives you hope. Undoubtedly, there is a great sense of hope in the youth today because of Narendra Modi, the way he has developed Gujarat. Despite the governance using all their means and resources trying to pin him down, they don’t have any scam on him.

Does it help that your first big appearance came at an ex-servicemen’s rally at Rewari?
Yes, it was certainly a proud moment for me that for the first time an ex-servicemen rally of such a huge gathering was called by a person of no less the stature than the PM nominee. I feel hopeful and proud that I’m part of this outfit.

Your entry comes at a time when various politicians in the recent past and most recently, the Aligarh District Magistrate Rajeev Rautela, say things like “It is the duty of soldiers to lay down their lives on the war front.” How do you view this?
Unfortunately in our democratic process, we have come to such points of political discourse that not only do some opponents come up with an opposition to everything but they also want to trivialise and be derogatory in certain aspects. It hurts even more when a soldier hears this comment on television or reads it in the newspaper when he is serving in a hostile environment; it can be very detrimental to his mind-set. There is a sense of high pride that because I am here, the country is safe. You forget your personal safety just because of this heightened sense of self-righteousness that you’re the good, fighting the evil. Perhaps this is why the Rewari rally was attended in such large numbers not just be generals but by soldiers.
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Why did you choose to enter the BJP?
For a number of years we’ve been governed by a certain political party and today’s situation is because of a certain type of governance. Therefore, you look at alternatives and want to strengthen the alternative which gives you hope. Undoubtedly, there is a great sense of hope in the youth today because of Narendra Modi, the way he has developed Gujarat. Despite the governance using all their means and resources trying to pin him down, they don’t have any scam on him.


Does the Congress give you hope?

Rathore ji has said exactly what I replied to you earlier.
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I think we cannot do any worse than voting the Congress back to power.

That is the bottom line bro. You not voting and depriving Modi ji of a vote is as bad as you voting once again for the Congress.

I do not have a choice mate.. I have reservations against Modi and I hope I am wrong about this for the sake of this country.. Either way, BJP cannot even win seat in our constituency.. They are hard time getting votes here :)
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Does the Congress give you hope?

Rathore ji has said exactly what I replied to you earlier.

From our interaction in this forum, I am least expected that you think I am a congress supporter :D
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