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BJP can become strong in small pockets of kerala..... but they cannot do anything big in kerala.... because of its population..... close to 25% of it is muslims, and close to 15% of christians.....
You really think they will forever remain avert to change!! Things have changed nationally they will change too!!
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not in another 10 years or so..... i dono after that...... even a die hard bjp supporter would agree with me

Yes...Kerala is a unique state which is not at all looking good for bjp for next 10 years.. Case is similar in tamilnadu as well. But infighting among parties have helped bjp a bit.
Yes...Kerala is a unique state which is not at all looking good for bjp for next 10 years.. Case is similar in tamilnadu as well. But infighting among parties have helped bjp a bit.

Tamil nadu the congress is also loosing ground big time.... Its amma all the way..... Both congress and BJP doesnt have a charismatic leader in tamil nadu...... They need to work on the basics in TN, because both DMK and AIADKM is based on single person.... Karunanidhi and Amma.....
dont know what's up with these bengali sickulars these days??
modi wave is forcing them to touch that sickular pen quite often..
dont know what's up with these bengali sickulars these days??
modi wave is forcing them to touch that sickular pen quite often..

Its not just modi wave. The bengali youth is getting desperate as well. Virtually no development in almost four decades has forced them to work for paltry 5000 bucks a month. Mere big talks of intelegentia does not satisfy everyone. But sadly most of them still try to find solution in leftist model. And that's why bjp is finding not enough votes to win seats. Bengalis are too used to mai-baap model of governance.. But even this much support for bjp has made siculars nervous because they know that bengal is ripe for bjp model and their elite position may not save them if there indeed is a bjp surge in Bengal...
Its not just modi wave. The bengali youth is getting desperate as well. Virtually no development in almost four decades has forced them to work for paltry 5000 bucks a month. Mere big talks of intelegentia does not satisfy everyone. But sadly most of them still try to find solution in leftist model. And that's why bjp is finding not enough votes to win seats. Bengalis are too used to mai-baap model of governance.. But even this much support for bjp has made siculars nervous because they know that bengal is ripe for bjp model and their elite position may not save them if there indeed is a bjp surge in Bengal...
Believe it or not the single biggest obstacle to BJP in WB is not the leftist mindset of bengalis but the fact that officially 30% of WB population is muslim, unofficially probably upto 40-45% . And no matter what people say Muslims have never voted for BJP and they never will , no matter how much good BJP does for that community.
BJP can become strong in small pockets of kerala..... but they cannot do anything big in kerala.... because of its population..... close to 25% of it is muslims, and close to 15% of christians.....

Could BJP bring Christians onboard like they did in Goa?
Believe it or not the single biggest obstacle to BJP in WB is not the leftist mindset of bengalis but the fact that officially 30% of WB population is muslim, unofficially probably upto 40-45% . And no matter what people say Muslims have never voted for BJP and they never will , no matter how much good BJP does for that community.

Bjp can always learn from MIM and strengthen itself in few areas with enough seats to trouble both left and tmc. And spread from there. Fighting all over Bengal will not help bjp.
Believe it or not the single biggest obstacle to BJP in WB is not the leftist mindset of bengalis but the fact that officially 30% of WB population is muslim, unofficially probably upto 40-45% . And no matter what people say Muslims have never voted for BJP and they never will , no matter how much good BJP does for that community.

There you are wrong ,infact good enough M population is a good sign,BJP wins most seats in UP with fair enough M population .

Electorally(in short time) Fear > Hope
Silly article. So, the sole criteria for becoming a PM should be that the person must be a Muslim? :sick:

What's worse, the article happens to be written by yet another Bengali, a lady named Seema Sengupta. She seems to be doing a splendid job at reinforcing the jaundiced stereotype of Bengali intelligentsia. :tsk:
That Sengupta lady went full retard, what the **** is wrong with these people o_O
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