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I am not intersdte in bringing back am interested in stopping future blackmoney.
The idea should be to do both. Whatever measure one uses the amount of black money from Indians outside of India is in the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS, can you imagine what even a fraction of that amount could do to help India in certain ways? I don't think any govt would turn down a few extra billion in their accounts, this money could be used for better infra which has a snowball effect to improving the economy similarly spending on education or what about healthcare and poverty relief?

Both brining back the black money out there and preventing future outflows need to be done.
Lok Sabha polls 2014: RSS Cheers 'anti-Bangladeshi' rant of Narendra Modi - The Economic Times

Look at the language of lunatics @ Toilet newspaper(times of India).. "anti Bangladeshi rant" as if all the illegal Bangladeshis are their dear family members and they got badly hurt by Narendra Modi talking ill of them.. Also as per their weird logic, calling to send illegals out is a way to polarize voters on religious lines. All in all, they care more about the feelings of the supporters of illegals than the legal residents who are getting impacted by these illegals..
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Sounds like Modi successfully managed to get under Didi's skin... TMC is going all guns blazing & now Modi is the topic in West Bengal! This is going to leave an impact & will allow BJP to play politics of significance in that part of India too :tup:

I show the reaction of These crooks. One leader called him Butcher repeatedly. Mamta told him something offensive like that. These regional parties are need to be put in place as quickly as possible to ensure harmony and growth of the country.
Sounds like Modi successfully managed to get under Didi's skin... TMC is going all guns blazing & now Modi is the topic in West Bengal! This is going to leave an impact & will allow BJP to play politics of significance in that part of India too :tup:

Not just talking point. I want atleast 2-3 seats from WB
One thing is sure, the amount of Personal attack from every quarters on Modi does indeed means there is a Modi wave, how strong it is can only be known after 16th.

@Jason bourne chance of Modi getting 26/26 in Gujarat?

Whol Saurashtra is in BJP Pocket as well as South Gujarat. There is some competition in Nadiad, Anand, godhara nad May be banaskantha and sabarkantha.
Bhai, this election has literally turned into all vs Modi and he is single-handedly beating his opponents down one after another.

It just amazes me to see the kind of strength this man got. Congress and its dogs tried everything possible in past 12 years to bring him down but here he is standing straight taking all the blows on his 56 inch chest :D growing taller and gaining strength with each and every blow. At present, It literally feels like India is fighting a freedom battle against ruthlessly corrupt forces and Modi is the leader..

India certainly can not get any better a leader.

Good luck folks! Achchay din aanay waalay hein!!

Forget about India. I do not foresee any leader in world who can come close to NAMO. Let NAMO rule India for 20 years untill we find an another NAMO. This guy has an unlimited strength to fight against all whether from his own party or people from abroad or crook Media or crook opposition parties.
Manmohan ki lanka me bahut ho gayi loot
Saari Filen Jal Gayi,Gaye nishachar choot

All important coal, rail gate, 2g, CWG scam files burnt? :devil:

Forget about India. I do not foresee any leader in world who can come close to NAMO. Let NAMO rule India for 20 years untill we find an another NAMO. This guy has an unlimited strength to fight against all whether from his own party or people from abroad or crook Media or crook opposition parties.

Bud, let Modi rule for 5 years and you will how India transforms.
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