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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

I wonder what Modi has to do with this piece of news? Why his name was required to be dragged in when this whole issue is a state subject not under the purview of central Government. Trying to blow things out of proportion are we? As far as this whole issue is concerned, such mock drills have taken place earlier also where "militants" dressed as Muslims Sikhs, although never saw one in RSS shorts. :what:

Stop being so oversensitive.

I forgot....Guarat is known for its fair treatment of muslims.
Since I was tagged here I would say it is bit embarrassing that this was done from I gather some local cops in a state.

Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill
Published about 7 hours ago

NDTV screengrab of the mock drill
AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims.

A video of the drill, which was broadcast on Indian media websites, shows five policemen capturing and then pinning down three men in white knitted skullcaps before bundling them into jeeps.

The exercise earlier this week was in preparation for a January 11-13 investment summit in Gujarat, whose speakers will include US Secretary of State John Kerry as well as Modi himself.

Modi, who is leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was chief minister of Gujarat during an outbreak of communal violence in 2002 which killed more than 1,000 people. Most of the victims were Muslims.

Kamal Faruqui of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board termed the mock drill “atrocious and highly condemnable”.

“It is profiling the Muslim community which is very bad. They should apologise, otherwise they should be taken to the court,” Faruqui told NDTV news channel.

The former ruling Congress party called the incident an act of religious intolerance by a “failed administration”.

Police initially tried to brush off the criticism, saying the skullcaps were used “to give them a different look”. But they later apologised for an “avoidable situation”.

“This was a mistake and should not have happened,” local police chief Pradeep Sejul told AFP, adding that an inquiry had been ordered.

Concerns about religious intolerance in secular India have grown since Modi came to power in May, fuelled by reports of Muslims and Christians being forced or induced to become Hindus in mass conversions.

Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill - World - DAWN.COM

@jamahir @imran_ind @Czar786
This moodi is trying to repeat 2002 massacre of indian Muslims.

@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @bongbang @UKBengali @idune @asad71 @BDforever @DarkPrince @Luffy 500
Imagine how Bengali Muslims face difficulties.

@Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BLACKEAGLE @Ahmed Jo @Falcon29 @Mosamania
Imagine the fear Muslims live with in India.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI @haman10 @Serpentine @kollang
The country you see as your brother.

@EL Turco @Sinan @xenon54 @Neptune @atatwolf
The fake secularism is what you actually see. The ground reality is never shown.

@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Areesh @Pakistani Shaheen @chauvunist @PWFI @Hyperion @Armstrong @farhan_9909 @A.Rafay @Zarvan @Abu Zolfiqar @Ulla @Kashmiri Nationalist @BATMAN @Devil Soul @Pakistanisage @FaujHistorian @Bratva @Mugwoop @razgriz19 @dexter
Your valuable input is most welcome on Indian state sponsored terrorism. It seems as if Indian terrorism is not limited to IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir only.

Special Welcome to,
@Nihonjin1051 @US_statedept_retired @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Muslim @Hu Songshan @jhungary @LeveragedBuyout @Superboy @Karla M @vostok @XenoEnsi-14 @Qay PKKH @liontk

Since I was tagged here I would say it is very embarrassing & from I gather by some local cops in a one state. Am I correct?

I have to also ask the Pakistanis most aggrieved here. This was a mock drill you agree?

How come when actual laws are past against Muslims by your most favoured neighbour, you don't come out swinging like you have done here?

How is it that instead of a mock incident, when your favoured partner makes it so that all muslims of certain age and under cannot be allowed to fast or pray and restricts all of their movements, that you chime in unison in supporting their actions?

I'm not excusing this incident, but if you are so inclined to tag me- you should expect a fair debate from me.
It's sad that these cultural/religious discussions dominate a DEFENCE forum. I don't come on here for these nonsense but for the defence related discussions but sadly these nonsensical threads go on for page after page and the defence topics are relatively untouched.
It's a crude way to say this, but silent Majority played a big part for this definition to get so popular. I can understand what a normal Law abiding Muslim would feel like when such things are openly said but he/she also didn't stand up to be counted against this blatant abuse of their religion by wackos.
we do shout and we do say it but time and again, in the entire world our shouts are absolutely ignored or given a passing reference whereas a fanatic takes the prime time

because he is a good sell and good for rating. we have sent signatures, and phoned the international outlets etc but hardly got a response or acknowledgement but a single guy who will do something obnoxious who is already hated and dismissed by the rest of the community will get full media coverage.

e.g. Anjum CH. is someone who is loathed and even feared by the British Muslims. he is not welcome by by Muslims but still gets so much mention that whenever there is an atrocity, the media finds it compelling to get his video knowing too well that the sick bastard will say something obnoxious and crude that will fan more hatred towards Muslims.

It's sad that these cultural/religious discussions dominate a DEFENCE forum. I don't come on here for these nonsense but for the defence related discussions but sadly these nonsensical threads go on for page after page and the defence topics are relatively untouched.
dont feel too down
if I ever get a chance to "egg" Anjum CH. then I will give you a shout and we can do that together. you better be good runner because that fat fck comes with some burly goons.
we do shout and we do say it but time and again, in the entire world our shouts are absolutely ignored or given a passing reference whereas a fanatic takes the prime time

because he is a good sell and good for rating. we have sent signatures, and phoned the international outlets etc but hardly got a response or acknowledgement but a single guy who will do something obnoxious who is already hated and dismissed by the rest of the community will get full media coverage.

e.g. Anjum CH. is someone who is loathed and even feared by the British Muslims. he is not welcome by by Muslims but still gets so much mention that whenever there is an atrocity, the media finds it compelling to get his video knowing too well that the sick bastard will say something obnoxious and crude that will fan more hatred towards Muslims.
Completely agree.

Same is the case here when issues like these come up in India, such things have been happening earlier as well no one raised many objections. We average Hindus do speak up against those rowdy Hindu groups when they cross their lines, but media sell it as if minorities are in danger and hindu extremism is over taking India. It's just that Congress was a such huge let down in the last five years not much economic growth and on top of that huge scams. Modi promised to bring around things and media is trying to corner him on such issue and link it with his controversial PAST.

The way Indians defend Modi here is because we believe he can do better things for India if given a more friendly media space, if we see him not delivering on his promise he won't be there come next elections but give the guy a bit space. He already asked these groups to handle their sh!t.

So we are up against this projection of Hindus as "Hindu Militants". Might sound silly but every religion has their fair share of loonies but we are raising our voices when we are being portrayed as something we are not.

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