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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

Wtf are these Gujis playing at anyway?

Where is Coolie when you need him.


Greatest Muslim India ever produced.
They are islamist jihadi terrorist catchers, hence using similar attire on the one to be catch,

@Horus @WebMaster @waz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar

Honestly speaking I' am tired of this nonsense line these $cu3s use. I've reported in several other threads but not a rule had been made against these $cu3s who use these nonsense lines. Now what will happen if I reply like this,

hindutva kali durga terrorists who encourage killings of young children to please hindu gods of kali and durga?

Will moderation team or PDF accept these lines? Even if they are in response? Why Indians are given freedom to flame and bash the religion of peace that has highest numbers of believers in the world.
Shows your wrong priorities. There are far more casualties at the hand of maoists than anybody else. What about Bodo's?

No no no, you are ignoring my point. This drill was VERY SPECIFIC, replicating a specific terror attack/tactic i.e. attacking civilians in Indian cities. This isn't an Indian specific problem, cities around the world face an almost identical risk. Is that to say other idiots aligning themselves with other regions in India don't attack the Indian state? NO. It happens with the Naxals in the so-called "red corridor" but Surat hardly faces a Naxal threat so it is entirely absurd to bring them into it.

Who are the only people to have attacked civilians in Indian cities? Islamic radicals.

By calling all terrorists as muslims you just screwed your whole post. Since there are more casualties at the hands of non Muslim militants than muslims militants in India.
I was very specific- I said TERRORISTS, Naxals aren't classified as terrorists. They, and others, are responsible for civilian deaths in India but they have an entirely different modus operandi and thus aren't factored in to these kind of drills.

Of course security forces engaged in anti-naxal operations are training with mock Naxals and in an entirely different arena. The officers engaged in this mock drill aren't going to go fight the Naxals!

Do not try and decontextualise this. In this very specific drill a very specific enemy was simulated end of story.
@Horus @WebMaster @waz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar

Honestly speaking I' am tired of this nonsense line these $cu3s use. I've reported in several other threads but not a rule had been made against these $cu3s who use these nonsense lines. Now what will happen if I reply like this,

Will moderation team or PDF accept these lines? Even if they are in response? Why Indians are given freedom to flame and bash the religion of peace that has highest numbers of believers in the world.

You have a point bro and I responded.
Pakistani muslims are not the target of these exercises. I don't see anything which makes these "dummy terrorists" as Pakistanis. Looks more like normal Indian muslims which can be easily find in any Indian city.

But they used whitening cream along with whitening face wash to make them look more fair and lovey. Ok for next mock drill of 26.11 we will ask Ali Zafar and Atif Aslam to volunteer.
I have not gone through the whole thread but has Horus or anyone else thanked Jinnah yet?
I thank Jinnah for you.

you should counter it by thanking Nehru and Patel.
Jaswant Singh also thanks them MUCH too :)

on topic. Indian police should be applauded
No no no, you are ignoring my point. This drill was VERY SPECIFIC, replicating a specific terror attack/tactic i.e. attacking civilians in Indian cities. This isn't an Indian specific problem, cities around the world face an almost identical risk. Is that to say other idiots aligning themselves with other regions in India don't attack the Indian state? NO. It happens with the Naxals in the so-called "red corridor" but Surat hardly faces a Naxal threat so it is entirely absurd to bring them into it.

Who are the only people to have attacked civilians in Indian cities? Islamic radicals.

I was very specific- I said TERRORISTS, Nasals aren't classified as terrorists. They, and others, are responsible for sylvan deaths in India but they have an entirely different modus operandi and thus aren't factored in to these kind of drills.

Of course security forces engaged in anti-naxal operations are training with mock Naxals and in an entirely different arena.

Do not try and decontextualise this. In this very specific drill a very specific enemy was simulated end of story.

So if it was about terrorists attacking civilians in India then there should have been exercises with "dummy Hindu terrorists" since they have been involved in attacking Indian civilians in cities. Can you please show us any exercise with "dummy Hindu terrorists".
@Horus @WebMaster @waz @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar

Honestly speaking I' am tired of this nonsense line these $cu3s use. I've reported in several other threads but not a rule had been made against these $cu3s who use these nonsense lines. Now what will happen if I reply like this,

Will moderation team or PDF accept these lines? Even if they are in response? Why Indians are given freedom to flame and bash the religion of peace that has highest numbers of believers in the world.
We learnt this line from USA. Earlier we just used to say pakistan supported terrorist. West gave islamist terror term. I suggest you raise it in America
So if it was about terrorists attacking civilians in India then there should have been exercises with "dummy Hindu terrorists" since they have been involved in attacking Indian civilians in cities. Can you please show us any exercise with "dummy Hindu terrorists".
The threat from them is negligible, it's like asking for the Indian police to train agains mock Jewish terrorists.

Like I said, mock outrage.
Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill
Published about 7 hours ago

NDTV screengrab of the mock drill
AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims.

A video of the drill, which was broadcast on Indian media websites, shows five policemen capturing and then pinning down three men in white knitted skullcaps before bundling them into jeeps.

The exercise earlier this week was in preparation for a January 11-13 investment summit in Gujarat, whose speakers will include US Secretary of State John Kerry as well as Modi himself.

Modi, who is leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was chief minister of Gujarat during an outbreak of communal violence in 2002 which killed more than 1,000 people. Most of the victims were Muslims.

Kamal Faruqui of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board termed the mock drill “atrocious and highly condemnable”.

“It is profiling the Muslim community which is very bad. They should apologise, otherwise they should be taken to the court,” Faruqui told NDTV news channel.

The former ruling Congress party called the incident an act of religious intolerance by a “failed administration”.

Police initially tried to brush off the criticism, saying the skullcaps were used “to give them a different look”. But they later apologised for an “avoidable situation”.

“This was a mistake and should not have happened,” local police chief Pradeep Sejul told AFP, adding that an inquiry had been ordered.

Concerns about religious intolerance in secular India have grown since Modi came to power in May, fuelled by reports of Muslims and Christians being forced or induced to become Hindus in mass conversions.

Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill - World - DAWN.COM

@jamahir @imran_ind @Czar786
This moodi is trying to repeat 2002 massacre of indian Muslims.

@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @bongbang @UKBengali @idune @asad71 @BDforever @DarkPrince @Luffy 500
Imagine how Bengali Muslims face difficulties.

@Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BLACKEAGLE @Ahmed Jo @Falcon29 @Mosamania
Imagine the fear Muslims live with in India.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI @haman10 @Serpentine @kollang
The country you see as your brother.

@EL Turco @Sinan @xenon54 @Neptune @atatwolf
The fake secularism is what you actually see. The ground reality is never shown.

@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Areesh @Pakistani Shaheen @chauvunist @PWFI @Hyperion @Armstrong @farhan_9909 @A.Rafay @Zarvan @Abu Zolfiqar @Ulla @Kashmiri Nationalist @BATMAN @Devil Soul @Pakistanisage @FaujHistorian @Bratva @Mugwoop @razgriz19 @dexter
Your valuable input is most welcome on Indian state sponsored terrorism. It seems as if Indian terrorism is not limited to IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir only.

Special Welcome to,
@Nihonjin1051 @US_statedept_retired @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Muslim @Hu Songshan @jhungary @LeveragedBuyout @Superboy @Karla M @vostok @XenoEnsi-14 @Qay PKKH @liontk
Reality is harsh. Does not matter if you accept it or not. We have to.
This new Govt is weakening the very base of their Govt with their own hands...
Not really in the end all it matters on economic reform and Nda is doing reforms after reforms land bill, insurance bill, health bill are passed and this Year GST taxes same pace in defense as well its all about economy here and inflation which zero percent under new govt.
That seems like an idiotic move by the cops. Shouldn't mock terror drills be concentrating on the security apparatus rather than stereotyping potential terrorists. Let's assume the terrorists who launch the next attack are Muslims - funny, I don't remember a single 26/11 terrorist wearing a skull cap. Don't alienate your own population by such silly antics.

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