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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

I dont want any one move to Pakistan, but tell me why Pakistan was created???? And i think you will always welcome all the Muslims to your country... is it not so????..... but you left Pakistan for good... that is secondary point.... we will not discuss it :)

Pakistan was created for Muslims and the borders were open for a long time period i.e. till early 50's. Those who wanted to move had moved. Plus the partition was not done fairly, had it been done fairly many other areas would be part of Pakistan today. Let me give you few examples. Why was Punjab and Bengal that had majority Muslims but a significant minorities of Sikhs and Hindus got partitioned? And why was UP, Bihar, Gujarat, Andaman, Kerala, Assam etc that had majority Hindus but significant Muslim population left untouched? Similarly why India occupied Kashmir, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar states? Hyderabad Deccan and Junagadh/Manvadar had Muslim rulers with Hindu majority whereas Kashmir had Hindu ruler with Muslim majority. So Indian Muslims have a right to live and fight for their land if they wish to just like you have a right to breath, drink, eat, etc.

Why I left Pakistan, should not be your concern(Many Indians run away from shining incredible SUPA PAWA India - many legally, still many illegally - to Western countries and Islamic nations). Don't go personal else you will be reported.

Haha it happens all around the world. Few pics from pakistani drill :lol:

The real picture

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