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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

The threat from them is negligible, it's like asking for the Indian police to train agains mock Jewish terrorists.

Like I said, mock outrage.

And how is the threat negligible when they have been involved in both mass murders, riots and bomb attacks in Indian cities? Or your definition of threat only applies to your minorities?
What if the guy was a Muslim cop and he was just wearing the skull cap because it was after his Friday prayers? Ever considered that?
The team dealing with it was a mixed faith team. If you want to magnify the skull cap be my guest. :) Drills are based on threat perception. Not on what's morally suitable and what's not.
What I' am saying is that they claim they are secular but in reality they are not.

Society is not secular but the State is. The State needs to constantly push society toward secularism. Admittedly eons of prejudice, ignorance and hate is difficult to wipe out.
And how is the threat negligible when they have been involved in both mass murders, riots and bomb attacks in Indian cities? Or your definition of threat only applies to your minorities?
This was a anti-terror exercise, no one other than Islamic radicals have been involved in the kind of attack simulated in this exercise. Now when police forces engage in anti-riot exercises the simulated rioters don't wear any sort of overt religious attire because any community can be engaged in rioting. Similarly when police forces engage in anti-IED exercises the bombs don't have "Made by Ahmed" written on them because, again, many different communities have been known to engage in these nefarious activities.

Again, a specific exercise to simulate a specific threat.
As the saying goes, not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim.
I agree to it as the popular definition goes re all international terrorist organisations. (exlcuding governments blackops & assassination squads etc)

I will further narrow it down though

not all Wahabis are terrorists but all terrorists are Wahabis

e.g. TTP, AL Qaeda, FSA, Al Nisra, Taliban, LeJ, LeT, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Mohajiroon etc are all Wahabis (neither Sunnis nor Shia).
The team dealing with it was a mixed faith team. If you want to magnify the skull cap be my guest. :) Drills are based on threat perception. Not on what's morally suitable and what's not.
Exactly just see the number of Islamic radical groups listed in UN security councils itself and there threat perception globally.Still some people here want a Moral high ground.
When you train a dog catcher to catch dogs, you use dogs in the training exercise, not cats. Most acts of urban terrorism in India have been committed by Islamist terrorists lately.. Hence.... QED.

EDIT: [And now I wait for some illiterate to start screaming on how I have called Muslims as dogs.]

But when Chimpanzie's are in charge and won't let other species to breath then the other species have to take matter into hand to breath in open space...Lately Hindutva extremists aren't letting anyone(minorities) to lead their life with freedom so they have to bite back

And please by chimpanzie's i didn't mean Hindutva crowd..
This was a anti-terror exercise, no one other than Islamic radicals have been involved in the kind of attack simulated in this exercise. Now when police forces engage in anti-riot exercises the simulated rioters don't wear any sort of overt religious attire because any community can be engaged in rioting. Similarly when police forces engage in anti-IED exercises the bombs don't have "Made by Ahmed" written on them because, again, many different communities have been known to engage in these nefarious activities.

Again, a specific exercise to simulate a specific threat.

So there are no mock drills where terrorists re dressed as Hindus? I got your point. You are just stereotyping your own biggest minority as a terrorist. None of your explanation makes any sense and are completely lame. All the explanations that you have given are bogus. You don't need to dress someone as Muslim to fight a muslim terrorist. You can perfectly fight against any terrorist without stereotyping any community in your exercises.

What if a terrorist is a Muslim but is dressed as any normal citizen? Would your security forces fail in eliminating him? It is lame and looks to be a deliberate attempt by Gujrat police to attack a particular community of their own country. Looks like for some Gujrat riots in 2002 are just not enough.
Exactly just see the number of Islamic radical groups listed in UN security councils itself and there threats globally.Still some people here want a Moral high ground.
Nothing to do with moral low or high ground. The threat perception is high. Hence the response.

What if they were not wearing fez caps? They will still be wearing trousers or shirts. Does that mean, it targets all people on Earth wearing trousers and shirts? :hitwall:

Ridiculous. But this is expected from NDTV. They probably have a separate cell to focus on this matters and to mold public opinion. Indian media - probably the worst on this planet.

So there are no mock drills where terrorists re dressed as Hindus? I got your point. You are just stereotyping your own biggest minority as a terrorist. None of your explanation makes any sense and are completely lame. All the explanations that you have given are bogus. You don't need to dress someone as Muslim to fight a muslim terrorist. You can perfectly fight against any terrorist without stereotyping any community in your exercises.

What if a terrorist is a Muslim but is dressed as any normal citizen? Would your security forces fail in eliminating him? It is lame and looks to be a deliberate attempt by Gujrat police to attack a particular community of their own country. Looks like for some Gujrat riots in 2002 are just not enough.
I was wondering - what does your signature mean?
I agree to it as the popular definition goes re all international terrorist organisations. (exlcuding governments blackops & assassination squads etc)

I will further narrow it down though

not all Wahabis are terrorists but all terrorists are Wahabis

e.g. TTP, AL Qaeda, FSA, Al Nisra, Taliban, LeJ, LeT, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Mohajiroon etc are all Wahabis (neither Sunnis nor Shia).
It's a crude way to say this, but silent Majority played a big part for this definition to get so popular. I can understand what a normal Law abiding Muslim would feel like when such things are openly said but he/she also didn't stand up to be counted against this blatant abuse of their religion by wackos.
Didn't you knew Modi made Ajit Doval to put a chip in every Indian Muslim to track what they say or even think about. One word about the truth and they get the chop ...I am not talking about their foreskin.

You are blinded by hate that you donot know that muslims have no foreskin Dude.

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