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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

As the saying goes, not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim.

Are 7 lakh Indian occupier terrorists in IOK Muslims? Are samjhaouta express terrorists who were part of Indian army, Muslims? Are moodi and other terrorists who massacred Muslims of Gujarat, Muslims? Was Hitler Muslim? Are Myanmar govt and troops who are killing Muslims, Muslims? Are killers of Bosnians, Muslims? I can go on and on but that's not the topic.
It was extremely insensitive and racist (communalist). Frankly, there should be no excusing this sort of thing. It doesn't matter wether the police officers involved intended to cause offence or not, they cannot brand a community as terrorists if they claim to be a professional police force. The lot should be suspended.

The only good thing is that all the news channels have given it enough coverage (all evening the day it happened) and expressed enough outrage that it shouldn't happen again.
Don't bother. I am very happy that the secular Indians elected a fascist regime........just wait and see what happens in the next 4 years.
Yeah will become 3rd largest economy in the world with highest growth rate compared to china.
Well I don't know if you know this or not, sometimes people from Pakistan also take part in such terror activities (our views may differ on this) in India. So let's settle it with Subcontinent Muslims only!

Pakistani muslims are not the target of these exercises. I don't see anything which makes these "dummy terrorists" as Pakistanis. Looks more like normal Indian muslims which can be easily find in any Indian city.
They are islamist jihadi terrorist catchers, hence using similar attire on the one to be catch,

Looks very lame. You don't need to create a Muslim terrorist to fight a muslim terrorist. You can polish your skills very well without that.
Are 7 lakh Indian occupier terrorists in IOK Muslims? Are samjhaouta express terrorists who were part of Indian army, Muslims? Are moodi and other terrorists who massacred Muslims of Gujarat, Muslims? Was Hitler Muslim? Are Myanmar govt and troops who are killing Muslims, Muslims? Are killers of Bosnians, Muslims? I can go on and on but that's not the topic.
Even with all your examples, still over 90% terrorism acts (as defined by UNSC, since home grown definition of a terrorist by every idiot on internet (hint..hint...) can not be considered credible) in today's world are committed by Islamist extremists.

Though however logical the choice of attire may have been, it was insensitive as hell, and a PR nightmare
This new Govt is weakening the very base of their Govt with their own hands...
Folks stay on topic.

Secularism, RSS and everything else can be discussed on another thread.
Don't bother. I am very happy that the secular Indians elected a fascist regime........just wait and see what happens in the next 4 years.
their choice and it must be respected, Congress failed to deliver

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