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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

This is sure to hurt a few members'. Even the most right wing/conservative party in the political sphere is still holding up the constitution of India and serving India's secular ideals.

why should such informations be surprising?? i have explained the position of most indian muslims in post# 137... nobody should be surprised if this "muslim" head of minority cell of a hinduvaadi party is a mullah type who goes to mosque five times a day... mullahs are fake-muslim ( munafik ).
There is no question that these drills need to be carried out on a regular basis across India, the guidelines will be about the nature of the threat and how they will operate but not something like their appearance/dress.

There is a real need to protect the borders of India and even keep eye within cities by the security forces. India and Indians are facing danger and when any terrorist attack takes place even minorities are killed in them and all are Indians.

If to see in India , if this mock drill was done with a person having Tilak or even cross even that time we would have see the same.
Why are you calling your PM a fascist?

Where did I called Modi a fascist?

Anyhow, I asked this question because as a Pakistani, Modi should concern you less. You may dislike him, but so much obsession with a other country PM is odd. You have neither elected him nor does he has any say on how Pakistan is governed nor does he affects your life
Don't act as a dumb @$$ - the location in the article is Gujarat's Ahmedabad, a province from where moodi came and a province where massacre of Muslims took place in 2002.

It is accepted by dumbs. Hope you are not.

As I said ask any random person with any racial background in US about their experience and they'll start cursing TSA.

Dekh hero ye as vas apne bhaiyo k liye boliyo... Tone down n discuss with civility n respect ....
In topic
I have already said its pretty idiotic to demonize one community but knowing how our policia system works makes no surprise to me..... You keep bringing modi can only soothe your hatreds nothing else.....

Folks stay on topic.

Secularism, RSS and everything else can be discussed on another thread.

What about who brought Modi Terrorists in every thread like this ?
Indian Muslims are biggest fools why they are afraid of Hindutuva because they are also living in same lands from past thousand years they should also claim India like hindus because they belong to this land change of faith has not change there homeland and in that way it's India's internal issue we don't need to discuss it, Indian Muslims should.
Such a disgusting act to criminalis the Indian Muslims and Sikh (Honorable folks)

They should have made sure to remove those hats. Goodness sakes, there are close to 200 million Muslims in India....!

Our a Pakistani partners like to blow things out of proportion
Latest news the Chief Minister & the police both have apologized regarding this matter

Indian Muslims are biggest fools why they are afraid of Hindutuva because they are also living in same lands from past thousand years they should also claim India like hindus because they belong to this land change of faith has not change there homeland and in that way it's India's internal issue we don't need to discuss it, Indian Muslims should.

What was done should be condemned but I can guarantee you that necessary action will be taken against the people who have done this,the CM of the state has already apologized.Only a matter of time before heads roll
Seeing the reaction over this minor thing, one wonders what would have happened if Amir Khan's PK had criticized or shown Muslims religious acts as wrong instead of Hindus.
Ladies and Gentlemen presenting BD navy SWADS anti Muslim drill with the Headscarf :D

Oh behave will you, what does a "pro-Islamic" slogan entail? Can you accept the greatest terror risk all nations face these days come from Islamic radicals one way or another and thus it makes sense to include an element of this in the mock drills. You can bet your bottom dollar all Western Counter Terror units are training with mom terrorists who are using ISIS paraphernalia and such.

As has been pointed out, in the 80s and 90s police agencies in India used Sikhs as the mock enemy.

Either you are being opportunist and using this as yet something else to attack Modi on (which is nonsensical anyway) or you are being naive
and yr taking this opportunity to give in the cute little angel spirit of yr country even though u claim to be british and belive that SSg are not professional enough because they dont use masks and MARCOS are because they use them.:-)

Seeing the reaction over this minor thing, one wonders what would have happened if Amir Khan's PK had criticized or shown Muslims religious acts as wrong instead of Hindus.
he did criticize that. U will know if u had watched the movie.
After raising hue and cry about the skull cap during mock drill, this is what comes out today on most of news channel. To not hurt sentiments of India Muslims news channels could have edited the picture to remove the skull cap.

Here is another pic of two love birds.
Indian Muslims are biggest fools why they are afraid of Hindutuva because they are also living in same lands from past thousand years they should also claim India like hindus because they belong to this land change of faith has not change there homeland and in that way it's India's internal issue we don't need to discuss it, Indian Muslims should.
How are we afraid?
Its India's internal matter , they have all the right to treat their citizens as they like ...
And how is the threat negligible when they have been involved in both mass murders, riots and bomb attacks in Indian cities? Or your definition of threat only applies to your minorities?
But when Chimpanzie's are in charge and won't let other species to breath then the other species have to take matter into hand to breath in open space...Lately Hindutva extremists aren't letting anyone(minorities) to lead their life with freedom so they have to bite back

And please by chimpanzie's i didn't mean Hindutva crowd..
Sometimes its better to stay silent and look foolish than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
...Abraham Lincoln
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