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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

After raising hue and cry about the skull cap during mock drill, this is what comes out today on most of news channel. To not hurt sentiments of India Muslims news channels could have edited the picture to remove the skull cap.

Here is another pic of two love birds.

So no one should raise a voice when you stereotype certain section of society but when a blunt truth of certain section of Godmen is brought out in the form of a movie(PK), Sanghis go bonkers over it....
Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill
Published about 7 hours ago

NDTV screengrab of the mock drill
AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims.

A video of the drill, which was broadcast on Indian media websites, shows five policemen capturing and then pinning down three men in white knitted skullcaps before bundling them into jeeps.

The exercise earlier this week was in preparation for a January 11-13 investment summit in Gujarat, whose speakers will include US Secretary of State John Kerry as well as Modi himself.

Modi, who is leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, was chief minister of Gujarat during an outbreak of communal violence in 2002 which killed more than 1,000 people. Most of the victims were Muslims.

Kamal Faruqui of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board termed the mock drill “atrocious and highly condemnable”.

“It is profiling the Muslim community which is very bad. They should apologise, otherwise they should be taken to the court,” Faruqui told NDTV news channel.

The former ruling Congress party called the incident an act of religious intolerance by a “failed administration”.

Police initially tried to brush off the criticism, saying the skullcaps were used “to give them a different look”. But they later apologised for an “avoidable situation”.

“This was a mistake and should not have happened,” local police chief Pradeep Sejul told AFP, adding that an inquiry had been ordered.

Concerns about religious intolerance in secular India have grown since Modi came to power in May, fuelled by reports of Muslims and Christians being forced or induced to become Hindus in mass conversions.

Indian police face flak over 'Muslim' terror drill - World - DAWN.COM

@jamahir @imran_ind @Czar786
This moodi is trying to repeat 2002 massacre of indian Muslims.

@kalu_miah @Al-zakir @bongbang @UKBengali @idune @asad71 @BDforever @DarkPrince @Luffy 500
Imagine how Bengali Muslims face difficulties.

@Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BLACKEAGLE @Ahmed Jo @Falcon29 @Mosamania
Imagine the fear Muslims live with in India.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI @haman10 @Serpentine @kollang
The country you see as your brother.

@EL Turco @Sinan @xenon54 @Neptune @atatwolf
The fake secularism is what you actually see. The ground reality is never shown.

@Horus @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Areesh @Pakistani Shaheen @chauvunist @PWFI @Hyperion @Armstrong @farhan_9909 @A.Rafay @Zarvan @Abu Zolfiqar @Ulla @Kashmiri Nationalist @BATMAN @Devil Soul @Pakistanisage @FaujHistorian @Bratva @Mugwoop @razgriz19 @dexter
Your valuable input is most welcome on Indian state sponsored terrorism. It seems as if Indian terrorism is not limited to IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir only.

Special Welcome to,
@Nihonjin1051 @US_statedept_retired @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Muslim @Hu Songshan @jhungary @LeveragedBuyout @Superboy @Karla M @vostok @XenoEnsi-14 @Qay PKKH @liontk
We should thank Modi, his every step is leading India towards disintegration. Modi is doing everything to lead India towards massive unrest and civil war.
So no one should raise a voice when you stereotype certain section of society but when a blunt truth of certain section of Godmen is brought out in the form of a movie(PK), Sanghis go bonkers over it....
Kejriwal said he is a Baniya and knows how to dhanda, is he implying Non Baniyas don't know how to do business? Why are you tolerating stereotyping of this kind? Speak against it.
Well somebody has seriously think about how not to hurt sentiments of certain communities...

Utterly disrespectful and tasteless.
We should thank Modi, his every step is leading India towards disintegration. Modi is doing everything to lead India towards massive unrest and civil war.
a civil war will be really bad for Indian muslims. You should not wish it. o_O
ontopic: They should have mandatory cultural/religious/gender sensitivity class for all police force.
Kejriwal said he is a Baniya and knows how to dhanda, is he implying Non Baniyas don't know how to do business? Why are you tolerating stereotyping of this kind? Speak against it.

Dude you are comparing a light hearted banter with what Gujarat Police had done:o:? Anyways AK never said that Non-Baniyas can't do business.

a civil war will be really bad for Indian muslims. You should not wish it. o_O
ontopic: They should have mandatory cultural/religious/gender sensitivity class for all police force.

Its will bad for whole of India and not just Indian muslims...:agree:
Dude you are comparing a light hearted banter with what Gujarat Police had done:o:? Anyways AK never said that Non-Baniyas can't do business.

Its will bad for whole of India and not just Indian muslims...:agree:
apparently every communal riot sends muslims 10 years back. The first victim of civil war are minorities and weaker section.
Dude you are comparing a light hearted banter with what Gujarat Police had done:o:? Anyways AK never said that Non-Baniyas can't do business.
It wasn't the first time police used Muslim getup for mock drills. It might not be politically correct of them but wasn't such a big issue everyone is making out of it. And modi being dragged in unnecessarily.
Well somebody has seriously think about how not to hurt sentiments of certain communities...

Utterly disrespectful and tasteless.
I hope this drill is repeated all over the country. Gujarat police has a great track record.
It wasn't the first time police used Muslim getup for mock drills. It might not be politically correct of them but wasn't such a big issue everyone is making out of it. And modi being dragged in unnecessarily.

I am not dragging in Modi or anyone else over here but it was grossly wrong in stereotyping in such a way and can't be just termed as politically incorrect....
I am not dragging in Modi or anyone else over here but it was grossly wrong in stereotyping in such a way and can't be just termed as politically incorrect....
The article in the opening post does it. So sorry if I believe the author is trying to further an agenda.
The article in the opening post does it. So sorry if I believe the author is trying to further an agenda.

This is what the author has started with

"AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims."

Where did the author imply that Modi was involved in this?
This is what the author has started with

"AHMEDABAD: Police in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat faced widespread criticism Thursday after staging an anti-terrorism exercise featuring “militants” dressed up as Muslims."

Where did the author imply that Modi was involved in this?
You want me to draw the picture?
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