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Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

The only difference in the equation is that you kill the innocents and we dont
. :cheers:

Finally somebody stepping up against the opression of the Indian Army rule.

The Pak Army was also killing the 'innocent' in the NWFP, right?

And the 'innocent' forced the Pak Army company plus to surrender without a shot!

I presume the use of the air force and artillery by Pakistan in Balochistan is also indicative of 'innocents' being massacred!

In your opinion are these chaps in Balochistan and NWFP against whom Musharraf and the Pak Army took action innocents?

And could one say that finally some people (innocents) were taking action against the oppression?
I really don't get this Indian Army fascination of posing against the dead? It's very unprofessional of them. Makes them appear so barbaric.

They were not suppose to do that. I guess there was a govt directive or Army HQ directive stopping the IA from doing that.
There's a difference between people who kill soldiers and people who bomb markets, train stations, and mosques.

It's just a very moronic attitude to call yours soldiers and ours terrorists.

So, you accept that those fighting in Kashmir are Pakistanis?

According to your logic, the recent attacks on PA are not terrorism and they are not terrorists. They should be called soldiers, right? They are fighting the PA, because they are oppressed? Hope you agree.
This calls for a celebration! :cheers:

:yahoo: Hoy, Balle balle...

Atleast there are some Kashmiris who manage to fight against Indian oppression from time to time rather than sitting in Kashmir and suffering the oppression! India should understand that it must withdraw from Kashmir and give it independence to the people as it is the only way to end this killing! I feel sorry for the family of the officers but I feel happy for the Kashmiris! If Kashmiris want freedom they will have to fight for it! This, my Kashmiri freinds say themselves as India is unwilling to give Kashmir freedom...

Pray that all Kashmiris don't rise up against you and start fighting or there will be many more officers who are killed!

it aint happening anything soon, it didnt happen in the last 60 years and it wont. Why? , they dont want freedom.
I was a little bit irked at the insistence of calling opposing soldiers "terrorists".

I have a better idea. Why not drape the killed militants in pakistani national flag and then display it. No show of bodies, not even faces. Full recoginition, what you say?
Would PA come and take those bodies?
I am NOT celebrating the death of 2 human beings! How people manage to exagerate what others say... All i am saying is that the Indians are responsible for the current situation! Their constant support for the army in Kashmir despite its actions and the Indian governments favouring of the majority in the countries affairs are responsible for these problems of insurgency! And I feel more sorry for the insurgents who have no choice but to fight due to oppression rather than the officers.

Soldiers don't create this type of situation? :what: Are you alright??? Are you forgetting how Kashmiris are treated by the army or are you suggesting that politicians order them to rape, kill and steal property from Kashmiris? I believe that both soldiers and politicians are to blame for the current situation in Kashmir! Could the rape, torture and killing continue without the soldiers being present there and alienating the Kashmiri population further!

Well there is no problem with me you celebrating the death of our soldiers. Wedont care, it justs makes our resolve a bit more stronger when it comes to dealing with such situations again.

What moral high ground are you holding? Hasnt Pakistan itself took inumerous steps afront and then backwards when it comes to their stance on kashmir.
This calls for a celebration! :cheers:

:yahoo: Hoy, Balle balle...

Atleast there are some Kashmiris who manage to fight against Indian oppression from time to time rather than sitting in Kashmir and suffering the oppression! India should understand that it must withdraw from Kashmir and give it independence to the people as it is the only way to end this killing! I feel sorry for the family of the officers but I feel happy for the Kashmiris! If Kashmiris want freedom they will have to fight for it! This, my Kashmiri freinds say themselves as India is unwilling to give Kashmir freedom...

Pray that all Kashmiris don't rise up against you and start fighting or there will be many more officers who are killed!

You are sick. You are celebrating the death of two soldiers who lay down their lives so that others wont die. i saw the part where you say you r sorry for the families of those soldiers, and yet it is so transparently insincere and in total contrast with the rest of your post. Have you ever seen us celebrate the death of Pakistani soldiers? No. We respect soldiers who die for their country, even if those soldiers are our enemies.

Those majors died fighting terrorists. And note the word TERRORISTS. These are the same spineless cretin who fire from between women and children with absolute disregard for the safety of those who surround them.

India is not going to surrender kashmir to terrorist scum like this.
Terrorists and soldiers are two different entities.

A soldier is an employee of the govt, a terrorist is not. A terrorist is a freelance psychopath with no organisational control and is driven by his own agenda. He is supported, funded, equipped and organised by mostly an organisation that is not officially recognised in the country from where the terrorists are recruited and released. When the organisation is exposed and sanctions are imposed or threatened, such organisations are officially banned but operate in the shadowy realms of quasi acceptance.

A soldier is an uniformed personnel and he openly operates unlike the terrorist who use the cover of civilians, women and children to carry out his murderous acts.
Actually, one is not surprised if those who sponsor/support terrorism gloat over the death of those preventing terrorism.

There were people who supported the Red Mosque terrorists, who held Pakistan at ransom, in this forum itself and they lamented the death of the terrorists, while gloating over the death of the unfortunate SSG Colonel.

Such is the unfortunate mindset!
Sheesh it took all these many soldiers to kill nine of ours?

so you r considering those terrorists as PA soldiers.

and all those IA soldiers arent there for fighting those 9 militants. they are there to pay respect to the dead majors and to clear up and secure the battle zone.
Well this is one of the few posts of yours that do not require moderator attention.

Let me begin
This calls for a celebration!:cheers:

Hoy, Balle balle... [/QUOTE]

That answers point one.....

Point two....Guess what? most of the older posters realise one thing......When we were young we thought we knew everything, and only time has taught us that we didn't know bugger all back then. So to use a Army saying...."wind your neck in....."

Point three if you knew a little more about the world you would realise that the use of guerrilla tactics tends to create more civilian casualties.[/QUOTE]

Well said.
so you r considering those terrorists as PA soldiers.

and all those IA soldiers arent there for fighting those 9 militants. they are there to pay respect to the dead majors and to clear up and secure the battle zone.
I'm calling the nine dead, Freedom Fighters. You can continue being uncouth, that's your decision. No one would have any difficulty giving a similar set of vocabulary to the Indian soldiers, but I'm glad most people on our side are our mature enough to use the right terminology.
You view them as freedom fighters, we view them as terrorists. Different people have different perceptions.

I call them terrorists not because they r fighting the IA, but because they are fighting from in between civilians and not caring about civilians getting hurt. i hope you get my point.
You view them as freedom fighters, we view them as terrorists. Different people have different perceptions.

I call them terrorists not because they r fighting the IA, but because they are fighting from in between civilians and not caring about civilians getting hurt. i hope you get my point.
They are fighting for the freedom of the civilians! You are fighting to hold the civilians.

Technically who do you suppose the civilians fear more?
You view them as freedom fighters, we view them as terrorists. Different people have different perceptions..

What about Bhagat Singh ????? Was he a freedom fighter or a Terrorist ????

I call them terrorists not because they r fighting the IA, but because they are fighting from in between civilians and not caring about civilians getting hurt. i hope you get my point.

Su the indian army had been picking innocent Kashmiri youths specially the educated one from among the civilian even they were not fighting and at the end these missing innocent Kashmiris are not found anywhere.

Rest the freedom fighter do not fight from within the civilians as they know what could happend to the people arround.
They mostly resort to fight the Indian army.
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