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Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

It will better if you post in English as not everyone understand your language.

I already said everything. Still, you failed to comprehend or may be you don't want to. Now, I will only say one thing which will be more than Enough - India-U.S. are Friends and not Enemies. :wave: I don't want to talk hypothetical situation.

In the world of nation states "there is no friendship between the nations - there are always interests". Currently, the Indian interests are subservient to those of US. Lets see what happens after 5 years - or 10. Do you really think the Indian Navy would be able to confront and safeguard Indian interests against those of the Americans - I dont think so.
In the world of nation states "there is no friendship between the nations - there are always interests". Currently, the Indian interests are subservient to those of US. Lets see what happens after 5 years - or 10. Do you really think the Indian Navy would be able to confront and safeguard Indian interests against those of the Americans - I dont think so.

We will see after 5 Years as per situation. :tup:
I have a better idea, how about PN navy goes for complete dominance over the Indian ocean? And if poor old IN tries anything funny, PN can teach IN the lesson of their lives! Oh wait, nevermind...

Yeah, because Aircraft carriers and subs are of paramount importance when it comes to tackling pirates.

I don't think Pakistan Navy is looking for Indian Ocean dominance. I know Indian Government and naval circles have said it time and again of garnering dominance in Indian Ocean. Alas this wont happen with American and allied presence.
The importance of aircraft carriers is waning and are being maintained for symbolic reasons. So please go ahead and spend $ 50 Billion more and purchase many more to display your bigness. :)
India is very strong in Indian Ocean. U.S. navy has some presence but very small presence mainly due to commercial purpose and we have good terms with U.S. China or any other country don't have significant presence in Indian Ocean. May be in 10 years, China will have some presence. But We are improving quite a lot to be strongest one at any given of time. We will have 11 Naval Bases including 3 Major Bases, 3 Air Craft Carrier, 2 Big Islands, Many Nucl. Sub-Marines, 10-15 Destroyers, Multiple Frigates, 5 Naval Air Force bases with Sukhoi 30 MKI and MIG29UPG, 5th Generation will also come, Cruise Missiles like Brahmos, Nirbhav, Ballistic Missile like Agni-3,5, ABMS (Aad,Pad - AAD/PDV - AD1,2) and so on. Also, Our Coastal Force is also strong beside Navy. I am not considering IAF or IA. We are spending some 50 Billion $ for modernization of our Navy in next decade. At any given point of time, Our Navy will be 5-10 Times better than any Navy with various strategic location too including Andaman to Madagascar.

Our 97% Business is done through Sea. That's why it's very important for us to have very strong Navy. Strong Navy is not always for Defence but for many other reason. Strong Navy is needed when Business with other countries are big and strong.

Indians essentially are a nation of "Make Believers". We are great because 100 years later we are going to have star trek type fighter bombers, Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea type nuclear cum fish eating, mouth frothing and missile firing submarines, stealth aircraft carriers which no one can see and machines giving birth only to chauvinistic male human species and blah blah blah. They say it so many times that they start believing these things themselves and start behaving as if they already have these things. And then they start threatening others of what might happen to them 100 years later.
Keep at it you guys ...... we are good listeners :)
Indians essentially are a nation of "Make Believers". We are great because 100 years later we are going to have star trek type fighter bombers, Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea type nuclear cum fish eating, mouth frothing and missile firing submarines, stealth aircraft carriers which no one can see and machines giving birth only to chauvinistic male human species and blah blah blah. They say it so many times that they start believing these things themselves and start behaving as if they already have these things. And then they start threatening others of what might happen to them 100 years later.
Keep at it you guys ...... we are good listeners :)

Good one yaar ..... ha ha ha :chilli:
Indians essentially are a nation of "Make Believers". We are great because 100 years later we are going to have star trek type fighter bombers, Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea type nuclear cum fish eating, mouth frothing and missile firing submarines, stealth aircraft carriers which no one can see and machines giving birth only to chauvinistic male human species and blah blah blah. They say it so many times that they start believing these things themselves and start behaving as if they already have these things. And then they start threatening others of what might happen to them 100 years later.
Keep at it you guys ...... we are good listeners :)

No, Pakistan is nation of "Make Believers". They say we will do, We will See, we have better and so on without any proper plan and reason. It's Just for the sake of saying. your answer is just a troll for my answer when you don't know what to say.

What I said are not dream for next 100 years. It's facts. Either We have or We will have. It's nothing related with Dream. Tell me one thing which is imaginary. All are facts and I said only for next decade. We are spending huge money because it's important for us. Not only for Defence but for Business too. Our 97% Business are done with Sea. We have very good Navy and improving further. Do some more research. Pakistan is not in Indian Ocean. So, Nothing related with Pakistan. If you think Strong navy is important for you. Build strong one, It's your money and country.
Last years' Indian auditor general's report indicated that for the money allocated for operational purposes, Indian navy bought Golf Carts. I wonder how many more Golf Carts Indian Navy may be able to purchase with $ 50 Billion. hmmmmm ......... many more :)
Good luck to you guys. Next Indian navy's carrier would be called "Golf Cart Carrier". :)
China can never have a foot hold in Indian ocean without a naval base..

Pakistanis are as usual getting worked up.

Where will China build a base?? Srilanka? as much as Pakistanis want, Srilanka will not allow China to build a naval base on its land, and plz dont bring Hambantota.It is a seaport with Chinese investment and that is the max Srilanka will allow China to do.Because as much as India and Srilanka relation hits rock bottom, Srilankan gov knows indians have and will always have more cards to play.Bringing any hostile navy to india on Srilankan soil will only turn Srilanka into battlefield and india will throw everything in its covert arsenal at Srilanka.This is not a threat but a strategic requirement.
Only Pakistan will allow its bases for China.But now China is not interested in having bases in Pakistan..So Pakistanis dont get hyper as the author is just trying to feel good about himself as his wife had just heckled him for not doing chores.

What you basically are saying is 1) That India will re-initiate sabotage and terrorism through LTTE - and use sabotage and terrorism as part of your official policy because it is your strategic requirement. 2) You are also indirectly accepting that because your navy would not be able to confront Chinese naval intrusion into Sri Lanka, terrorism will be used to balance Indian naval weakness.

WOW ....... this is a rare acceptance by an Indian which basically is telling the truth. Thank you sir.
This is funny. Pakistanis here think China would be unwavering friend to them forever. But they forget by many projections, India, China, US are going to be three largest economies by far. I wouldn't think each of them would want to antagonize each other for measly little Pakistan. Over the next decade you would see a lot of change in the dynamics of relationship among these three countries. Delude yourself as much as you want but that's just reality.
This is funny. Pakistanis here think China would be unwavering friend to them forever. But they forget by many projections, India, China, US are going to be three largest economies by far. I wouldn't think each of them would want to antagonize each other for measly little Pakistan. Over the next decade you would see a lot of change in the dynamics of relationship among these three countries. Delude yourself as much as you want but that's just reality.

You got it all wrong sir. In the current nation state environment, there are no friends - its the national interests stupid! India officially declares China as her enemy No. 1 to primarily get closer to West and Americans and get their money and investment etc. India will get that and may have good economy - but that is where it ends. How would China come closer to India when China is a declared enemy No 1. Therefore China comes to Pakistan and Pakistan is a powerful state in its own right - and as both are India's declared enemies, so therefore are friends. But theres more to it as China also wants access to Indian Ocean, which only Pakistan and Burma can provide. Much more than that, China is a friend and has proved it and Pakistan cherish China's friendship without counting national interests. Pakistan is powerful enough to defend itself againts India without China's material help, though the Chinese would help us anyways.

The dynamics of relationship between various countries has been explained in the article and the analysis clearly reveals that India's geopolitical importance is much lesser as compared to Pakistan and China despite the economic growth - and this is a fact Indians need to understand.

The delusioned people here my friend are Indians and not Pakistanis and this is the factual position.
China can never have a foot hold in Indian ocean without a naval base..

Pakistanis are as usual getting worked up.

Where will China build a base?? Srilanka? as much as Pakistanis want, Srilanka will not allow China to build a naval base on its land, and plz dont bring Hambantota.It is a seaport with Chinese investment and that is the max Srilanka will allow China to do.Because as much as India and Srilanka relation hits rock bottom, Srilankan gov knows indians have and will always have more cards to play.Bringing any hostile navy to india on Srilankan soil will only turn Srilanka into battlefield and india will throw everything in its covert arsenal at Srilanka.This is not a threat but a strategic requirement.
Only Pakistan will allow its bases for China.But now China is not interested in having bases in Pakistan..So Pakistanis dont get hyper as the author is just trying to feel good about himself as his wife had just heckled him for not doing chores.

All GENTLEMEN are afraid of their wives and I am sure you are also a gentleman as the author I am sure is. :cheers:
The American success in Pakistan is critical to furtherance of their geopolitical aims in Asia and the Indian Ocean. If they lose here, their next defense line would rest on containment of South China Sea alone the arc created by Japan – Australia – Indonesia. In my opinion this is how critical Pakistan is to the United States. Much more important than their victory in Afghanistan.
You got it all wrong sir. In the current nation state environment, there are no friends - its the national interests stupid! India officially declares China as her enemy No. 1 to primarily get closer to West and Americans and get their money and investment etc. India will get that and may have good economy - but that is where it ends. How would China come closer to India when China is a declared enemy No 1. Therefore China comes to Pakistan and Pakistan is a powerful state in its own right - and as both are India's declared enemies, so therefore are friends. But theres more to it as China also wants access to Indian Ocean, which only Pakistan and Burma can provide. Much more than that, China is a friend and has proved it and Pakistan cherish China's friendship without counting national interests. Pakistan is powerful enough to defend itself againts India without China's material help, though the Chinese would help us anyways.

The dynamics of relationship between various countries has been explained in the article and the analysis clearly reveals that India's geopolitical importance is much lesser as compared to Pakistan and China despite the economic growth - and this is a fact Indians need to understand.

The delusioned people here my friend are Indians and not Pakistanis and this is the factual position.

I am saying both India and China wouldn't get into war endangering trillions of dollars of trade. They are not Pakistan you see. If for example India and Pakistan get into war don't expect China's support because it would be against their economic interests. Just like in Kargil conflict. If you think China supports Pakistan against India then you are delusional. India and China would never get into war as it is against both their interests no matter how you put it.
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