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Indian nuke subs game-changer in next war : Pak analyst

The Arihant won't be "chasing" anything. The Arihant class are SSBNs who are meant to deliver a credible detterant/second-strike capabilty and their torpedos and such are meant for purely defensive purposes. Yes the Arihant is a "game changer" in the sense that Pakistan's nuclear blackmail is now less potent as India's nuclear triad is almost up and running.

A few more things in the pipeline are really going to hurt- Larger SSBNs following the Arihant class, Indian designed and made SSNs and new SSKs with Brahmos-launch capabilty.

In reality though the Arihant is aimed to counter China more than Pakistan.

I disagree with this thinking mate. You are forgetting the history of PNS Ghazi. It was hunted in same way. Enemy is able to understand your move before you move actually if you have only one type of capable weapon against that particular enemy. History is full of such example. We should not make same mistake.
Lets say there is war going between India & china. China nukes India. What will be India's response. Obviously it will retaliate in same manner with nukes. Looking on all options some naval officers dare to make a plan to attack mainland china by nuke bomb from a submarine which will be Arihant class obviously. Enemy will have to concentrate it's all power in only detecting this machine only. Arihant can travel till Malacca strait with no problem under Arial cover & shipborne cover. But after that the real journey begins. It will have to cross the chain of islands around china's sea border. These islands acts in 2 way. They have restricted PLA navy till now & they have protected China till now. Now coming to point if Arihant has to attack any significant target then it will have to come close to around 6 hundred KM of China mainland which will be within their Ariel reconnaissance cover. That will be suicidal in same way as was the case in PNS Ghazi. And if it wants to attack Beijing then it will have to go close to around yellow sea. Not a good options.
So I'm just saying that until we have a longer rang SLBM, it doesn't matter whether we have SSBN or not. And these are only my speculations.
Indian sub accident was a kilo class sub. Not a nuclear sub.

And India have not operated nuclear subs for decades. India lease a sub in late 80s but returned in early 90s. And India just least an Akula. India never inducted another nuclear sub. The home made ones are still not inducted. Because India has virtually no nuclear subs, India never have any nuclear sub accidents. Because how can you have an accident when it barely operate lease subs of an established platform for a few years.

Yes, and what year would that be?

Russian akula are not SSBN. They are SSGN. So don't confuse the people any further.

And what does this virtually stands for? India had leased Charlie class nuke but wasn't satisfied so it was returned well before expiry period of the contract. And again we leased another sub of Akula class sub(another one is in discussion). So forget about virtual world & come to the real world. India has & will have nuke subs in future too.
Nuke accidents should happen at all whether with a friend or enemy. I pity on you for making wish for such horrible thinking. May God have mercy on your soul& show you the right thinking.

for 2nd point did I claimed it will happen soon? It's long term planning & when I say long term then it means that this process will start only after 15 years. It will take 10 years at max to fully induct the full Arihant class in our fleet after which there will be gap of around 3 to 5 years, when induction of follow on sub will start. And then only we will start the process around 15 years later. So mind it it's not government figure. they have predicted it much more earlier which I don't believe at all. I'm not a blind hater or supporter of anyone, not even my government. So you can take rest for now, chill-pill.

For third point you are confusing yourself, he is not. He said Indian one has lesser range missiles while Russian ones have more longer range missiles. Get clear your mind mate. Hating some one is okay at this level. Time to remember we are human being, not humans.
Why? What has he said that is hogwash? What he has stated is absolutely correct, Arihant is a game changer. Period! Take it or leave it. Your opinion doesn't matter at all.

Dont troll now! Initially the OP didnt put a link to the article, thats why I asked.
It is just that Nuclear Sub in irresponsible hands is dangerous for all neighbors. It may blow up like the other Indian Sub did.

It seems that our Pakistani brothers are scared. No need to scare of Subs as there will not be any need of Indian Subs in Indo Pak Scenario once the air launch Brahmos Comes. With current range of Brahmos, 90 % of coastal area of Pakistan is covered. With air launch brahmos arival, India will have a reach of any naval ship of Pakistan with combination of Air launch, Ship launch and surface launch Brahmos.

Arihant is for some other purpose.

How ever if needed, Arihant with Brahmos can be be a nightmare to all enemy ships in sea moving around in 500 KM radius.
Something wrong with your comprehension skills, or does this only happen when you start forming at the end of your mouth?

There was no significant Indian retaliation, since 75% of the Indian naval vessels were undergoing maintenance or refitting in the harbor.

I never claimed to be a analyst but it looks like pointing out the inaccuracy has touched your nerve .

Also never knew that 75% is not 3/4 in pakistan .....pakistani mathematics !!! ...... LOL
Something wrong with your comprehension skills, or does this only happen when you start forming at the end of your mouth?

Not my problem that you have to vomit verbal diarrhea because the so called pakistani analyst was found to be a clown .
INS Arihant will most probably serve as training platform.

The follow-up submarines will be serve as actual SSBNs.

Even then INS Arihant will be a game changer as with its induction India will get second strike capability; it will be able to target Karachi while still remaining 400-500 KM away from Pakistani shores.
India don't have submarines. It's all boasting!

As if you have seen it all, we are strategically safe as long as people like you exist, unfortunately people above you aren't stupid enough to believe we are boasting.
Nuke tipped torpedoes ?

Yeh it exists but apparently only US has it !


Just shows that amateur author didn't have time for homework before embarking this great article . Must be some excited fan-boy ready to deploy heavy words in his first ever post ....

Seems Dawn ...has become " Times of India " of pakistan ....as far as editing is concerned !!!
Dont troll now! Initially the OP didnt put a link to the article, thats why I asked.
So that means I am trolling? Is it my fault that the OP didn't stick a link?

Meaning of trolling in case you didn't know: The act of being a TROLL.

Definition of TROLL: One who answers questions with the blatant intent to cause trouble or express hatred.

Now tell me, how was I trolling? :pop:
So that means I am trolling? Is it my fault that the OP didn't stick a link?

Meaning of trolling in case you didn't know: The act of being a TROLL.

Definition of TROLL: One who answers questions with the blatant intent to cause trouble or express hatred.

Now tell me, how was I trolling? :pop:

You did exactly the same! Cause trouble!!
Yeh it exists but apparently only US has it !

Mark 45 torpedo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just shows that amateur author didn't have time for homework before embarking this great article . Must be some excited fan-boy ready to deploy heavy words in his first ever post ....

Seems Dawn ...has become " Times of India " of pakistan ....as far as editing is concerned !!!

Not Really. Russia Deployed Nuclear Torpedoes on their Diesel Electric Subs During the Cuban Crisis.
Nuclear subs are always a very discreet threat, regarding the accidents they haw happened all over the world with navies of different countries, a setback doesn't mean nothing new will roll out, which is successful too.

Pigeon closing his eyes thinks cat won't kill this is the case with certain posters here regarding Indian Sub Arihant
An SSBN may not be a major concern for Pakistan for the present, as its offensive use in a nuclear attack mode on Pakistan, would be responded with a massive nuclear retaliatory strike on India. Though it certainly would be a concern and its area of operation would also be kept under a nuclear watch for a surface or subsurface nuclear strike on Indian naval assets.

More dangerous would be the use of SSN in conventional attack mode. However, because it would be difficult to ascertain if an SSN is carrying nuclear weapons or not, it would still fall under a nuclear watch mode and would be tracked as a nuclear armed weapon platform. The chances that the response may therefore be identical as in the case of an SSBN, can not be understated. Even if the Indians announce publicly that their SSN would be employed in a conventional role before it joins an operation, the credibility of Indian announcement would be doubtful.

I therefore feel that Pakistan-India nuclear environment may not be assumed to be akin to the Western oriented thinking about the use of nuclear powered vehicles in conventional role.
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