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Indian Navy will intervene in South China sea, if required

Then you end up finding New Dehli and Mumbai is in Chinese hands.... I know you are not as drunk as our fellow member "enemy", who claims he is an "Aryan".

Delhi and Mumbai in Chinese hands? :lol:
arent you cheerleading a bit too much?
Then you end up finding New Dehli and Mumbai is in Chinese hands.... I know you are not as drunk as our fellow member "enemy", who claims he is an "Aryan".

I might not be drunk but you might wanna take a breath analyzer, before you start typing.

How do Chinese plan to fight Indian army in the plains..they very well can not launch an armor assault across the Himalayas.Neither can their heavy equipment(armor, artillery) cross the Himalayas. Last time they had to forfeit their territorial gains in AP because..their logistics could not keep up with the treacherous terrain that is Indo- China border. Therefore any Indo -china war is destined to remain in the periphery because neither army can attack and hold on to significant gains.
I might not be drunk but you wanna take breath analyzer, before you start typing.

How do Chinese plan to fight Indian army in the planes..they very well can not launch an armor assault across Himalayas.Neither can their heavy equipment(armor, artilery) cross Himalyas. Last time they had to forfeit their territorial gains in AP because..their logistics could not keep up with the treacherous terrain that is Indo- China border. Therfore any Indo -china war is destined to remain in the periphery because neither army can attack and hold on to significant gains.

They certainly hold the altitude advantage against you as New Delhi is like lying down on their doorsteps when they are stationed in the better position in upper himalaya of the disputed region of Aksai Chin.
Their fight jets won't even accend to reach New Dehli sky and drop their ammunitions in just a few minutes since your capital is too close to their Aksai Chin base.?.. If you read the relief map.
They certainly hold the altitude advantage against you as New Delhi is like lying down on their doorsteps when they are stationed in the better position in upper himalaya of the disputed region of Aksai Chin.
Their fight jets won't even accend to reach New Dehli sky and drop their ammunitions in just a few minutes since your capital is too close to their Aksai Chin base.?.. If you read the relief map.

Now you are just talking bull. Tibet is Plateau ,south of Tibet lies world highest mountain range.. across which lies India.
Situating an airbase at heights is disadvantage and not an advantage. As aircraft have to take off with reduced payload ..as the air is thinner up there.

New Delhi is situated well over a thousand km away from Aksai Chin and 400 Km from the nearest Chinese border(across utrakhand) for frame of reference, Lahore is 30 Km from Indian border and Islamabad is 400 Km from New Delhi.
Then you end up finding New Dehli and Mumbai is in Chinese hands.... I know you are not as drunk as our fellow member "enemy", who claims he is an "Aryan".

Ha Ha ha.....pooor pakistani has no idea what's he talking about,... why don't you come and invade Delhi and Mumbai Instead of praising your husband China,...

If India is scared of Chinese navy in the first place we wouln't have spoken a stuff like this, ... actually they would get fear to sunk an indian ship, cause if they do that forget about the IOR.. we will sunk all the monkeys and no way to enter in IOR,....

you can convey this to your Husband before China try to do something foolishly
This is only going to embarrass India in a more humiliating way. If the Chinese "accidently" sink your ship, what are your going to do? Wage a full scale war along the himalaya border and get defeated again? I bet this time they won't let your off that easily. China today is more a bully than in 1960s and they have the capability and ambition to achieve those objectives.

We will make sure they'll not enter into IOR, there Oil shipment never will take the route of Straight of Malacca, we'll hunt down there ships in IOR....what are they going to do wage a full scale war,,, if so tell them defend their Western,Southern and Eastern Borders, cause it will be a bloody war for them, who wil come for their support except NK, may be you, but don't worry PN will never cross Straights of malacca into SCS, PN knows the power of IN, and the land war with IA i won't have to use any words to express my happyness about..it........

and there a BD cheerleader is trolling around, tell him India would slap him with our left hand if they try do anything
Excellent news! I always say a war between India and China is inevitable, even if the border dispute is resolved. India China conflict does not solely rely on border issues, it has many other dimensions. I am glad that Indian armed forces don't delude themselves and realize that they must prepare for a war with China. Either India or China has to launch the initial attack, if China doesn't, India will. The question is when the launch will be conducted. I think, this is perfect time for India to launch an attack on China because the Chinese are not prepared as they are trying to seduce India by uttering sweet sounding friendly words so that they can buy some time and make their defenses more impregnable. The more India delays, the more it will be difficult for India to knock off the Chinese defensive positions. Therefore, India must not delay because when you know you will have to launch preemptive strikes no matter what, you better launch it in time.

What will India get by invading China? So many things.

1. Tibet will come to India, a large chunk of land where India can send its huge population to settle down and it will help India solve its over population problem. 3. The natural resources of Tibet will now be owned by India and will make India richer. 2. India will get its hands on the Chinese weapon technologies like how Russians and Americans grabbed all the German technologies after they had invaded and occupied Germany during WW II. 4. All the nukes that China has will now be under the possession of India. 5. Individual Indian soldiers will be collecting war booties by looting the Chinese cities, towns and villages. 6. The Chinese population can supply huge skilled industrial and domestic slaves, Chinese men will be toiling in factories and Chinese women will be serving in the households. 7. Chinese will now be speaking Hindi like low caste Dalits and will worship Indians as their gods because they will be alive at the mercy of Indian men who will be their gods from now on. 8. India will now emerge as the allmighty Lord of Asia and the Aryan power will reign the globe. The dream of Indra will now be realized.

Too much dreaming...India should stop dreaming and start working.
Excellent news! I always say a war between India and China is inevitable, even if the border dispute is resolved. India China conflict does not solely rely on border issues, it has many other dimensions. I am glad that Indian armed forces don't delude themselves and realize that they must prepare for a war with China. Either India or China has to launch the initial attack, if China doesn't, India will. The question is when the launch will be conducted. I think, this is perfect time for India to launch an attack on China because the Chinese are not prepared as they are trying to seduce India by uttering sweet sounding friendly words so that they can buy some time and make their defenses more impregnable. The more India delays, the more it will be difficult for India to knock off the Chinese defensive positions. Therefore, India must not delay because when you know you will have to launch preemptive strikes no matter what, you better launch it in time.

What will India get by invading China? So many things.

1. Tibet will come to India, a large chunk of land where India can send its huge population to settle down and it will help India solve its over population problem. 3. The natural resources of Tibet will now be owned by India and will make India richer. 2. India will get its hands on the Chinese weapon technologies like how Russians and Americans grabbed all the German technologies after they had invaded and occupied Germany during WW II. 4. All the nukes that China has will now be under the possession of India. 5. Individual Indian soldiers will be collecting war booties by looting the Chinese cities, towns and villages. 6. The Chinese population can supply huge skilled industrial and domestic slaves, Chinese men will be toiling in factories and Chinese women will be serving in the households. 7. Chinese will now be speaking Hindi like low caste Dalits and will worship Indians as their gods because they will be alive at the mercy of Indian men who will be their gods from now on. 8. India will now emerge as the allmighty Lord of Asia and the Aryan power will reign the globe. The dream of Indra will now be realized.

Smoking too much marihuana can cause this kind of delusions. It's too late to save this junkie let him be stuck in his own utopia for the rest of his life.
Smoking too much marihuana can cause this kind of delusions. It's too late to save this junkie let him be stuck in his own utopia for the rest of his life.

Hope you didn't inherit Opium effects the time you were born. Can you read what the signboard says?

invading China?bring it on,that's a god sent excuse to finish India once and for all.what is the size of your economy and military expenditure comparing with China?what's your industrial and manufacturing capacity to sustain a war of attrition?
invading China?bring it on,that's a god sent excuse to finish India once and for all.what is the size of your economy and military expenditure comparing with China?what's your industrial and manufacturing capacity to sustain a war of attrition?

What was Israel's industrial and manufacturing capacity to win the six days war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which started on June 5?
invading China?bring it on,that's a god sent excuse to finish India once and for all.what is the size of your economy and military expenditure comparing with China?what's your industrial and manufacturing capacity to sustain a war of attrition?

No ones invading China, India will be operating off of three blocks on the Vietnam coast
What was Israel's industrial and manufacturing capacity to win the six days war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which started on June 5?

huh,Isreal may invade China and they can always put up a tough fight,but not India.
No ones invading China, India will be operating off of three blocks on the Vietnam coast

that's ok,our navy also operates near India,fair deal,and with the fast expansion of Chinese navy and huge funds being poured in every year,let's see what the future will play out.
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