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Indian Navy will intervene in South China sea, if required

Whats surprising?

If our interests are threatened, we will respond

It is also a warning wrt ONGC Videsh saga

However timing of this comment is worth noting
Keep begging for mercy..... after new delhi is reduced to rubble, then all of india will break apart and the pay-back violence will begin.

Haha... hallucinations that you get at night, keep troubling you even when you wake up.

Under PRC .... insanity among people is bound to be common, given the torture, humiliation and helpness at seeing no escape !!!

True... your posts are humorous.. but I don't know when - at times, I start pitying your condition.
I believe these islands were documented in the Han dynasty. It's just a matter of time before China takes it back!

Somebody's feeling inferior from 1962 spanking ;)

Rather you are feeling inferior because your PLA ran away from the land you think is an integral part of China in 1962. But you don't want to admit it. Despite the fact that your military is a bunch of pu$$ies raised and maintained by the Chinese dictators so that their dictatorship can sustain, you still think that your military can take on India? Your military knows very well that when a professional organized military like the Indian Army puts a signboard along the border saying they will be in Lhasa and Beijing, it does not amount to a joke! Indian Army is not some disorganized unprofessional mercenary groups where a Brigadier can put a signboard which proudly declares war at his own will and without any order from the highest echelon.

You opened a thread elsewhere as the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei asked India not to drill oil in the SCS, with the assumption that whatever Hong Lei said will be taken seriously by India. I replied to you on that thread. I am posting it again in case you missed my reply.

And you believe in what your leaders say? How stupid you are!

The fact is that your leaders are feeding the domestic audience by saying, "see, we are able to defend China's sovereignty and national interests" so that the naive Chinese keep deluding themselves thinking that they have the best leaders and military to save their a$$es.

That is just a false sense of security inflicted by the bluffing of Chinese leaders who only care about how long they can run their authority without being questioned by the people they rule.

You must consider the fact that this is not the first time Chinese leaders are issuing warnings in the context of SCS dispute. Earlier they issued warnings but India continued bullying you and your military could do nothing about it other than being crying babies. China has become a laughing stock in the world by issuing warnings which have no substance at all.


I told you before and I am telling you again, don't believe in what the script reader Hong Lei says.


The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei reminds me of Iraq's former Information Minister Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf aka the Comical Ali who "is best known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts prior to and during the war, extolling the invincibility of the Iraqi Army and the permanence of Saddam's rule. His announcements were intended for an Iraqi domestic audience subject to Saddam's cult of personality and total state censorship, and were met with widespread derision and amusement by Western nationals and others with access to up-to-date information from international media organizations."

Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Here are some of his funny comments on Youtube:

See, how the Iraqi Information Minister is claiming in a press conference, "Americans are not near Baghdad, don't believe them, they are not even 100 miles away, they are nowhere" while in reality US Armored Divisions were just 2/3 kilometers away from Baghdad.

The guy said that so that the ordinary Iraqis remain in the grand delusion that their dictator leader Saddam would be the only person they have to rely on. This is how domestic audience is fed as a dictator is only concerned with the durability of his own power and nothing else. Chinese dictators are no exception.
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I doubt the Indian navy will face any great challenge from the Chinese, in fact those Chinese paper boats will sink as soon as they leave dry dock. :D
South China Sea: India Backs Access to Resources

New Delhi: Unfazed by China's fresh assertion in South China Sea and its stern warning to Vietnam to stop unilateral oil exploration in the disputed waters, India underlined its support for freedom of navigation and access to resources.

"We have made our position clear several times. We are aware that the sovereignty of many parts of South China Sea is disputed. India is not a party to the dispute," Syed Akbaruddin, the spokesperson of India's external affairs ministry, told reporters to queries about China's renewed assertion in its claims over the South China Sea.

"We support freedom of navigation, right of passage and access to resources," he said in New Delhi.

The stress on "access to resources" is important as India, in the face of Chinese objections, has stuck to its position that its three oil exploration deals with Vietnam adhere to international norms.

China upped the ante and asked Vietnam to immediately stop "unilateral" oil exploration in the disputed waters in the South China Sea.

"Vietnam should immediately stop unilateral oil exploration in that part of the (disputed) sea and stop interrupting Chinese fishing boats so as to create conducive atmosphere for relevant negotiations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters in Beijing.

In a stern message to India, China has reacted sharply to Navy chief, Admiral D.K. Joshi's remarks that the Indian Navy was prepared to protect its interests and deploy its forces in the contested waters.

Asked about Admiral Joshi's comments, China's foreign ministry spokesperson said China "hopes relevant countries respect China's sovereignty and national interests".

"China opposes any unilateral energy exploration and development activities in the disputed areas in the South China Sea," Hong was quoted as saying by the Communist Party-run Global Times newspaper.
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