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Indian navy planning to make 3 carrier for 1.6 lakh corers

why should we? it works for us, besides changing system would be very lengthy process plus the confusion that it will bring. For the same reason I woudlnt ask US to adopt metric system and drop imperial system, wouldn't ask UK to stop driving on the right side of the road. these systems work for them, they are good with it. Similarly our system of calculation works for us.

You have already adopt English as your official national language, so it is just a matter of learning a few more English words, like thousand, million, billion, trillion.
You have already adopt English as your official national language, so it is just a matter of learning a few more English words, like thousand, million, billion, trillion.
well we adopted English language out of our own need so that people from north, south, east and west can communicate with each other. We already know those words but to implement them numerous things will have to change which is just not productive. The only benefit would be that we would be using the same system that other countries are using. Our system doesn't create any problems in our international deals so why should we? theres just no benefit only burden on people.
well we adopted English language out of our own need so that people from north, south, east and west can communicate with each other. We already know those words but to implement them numerous things will have to change which is just not productive. The only benefit would be that we would be using the same system that other countries are using. Our system doesn't create any problems in our international deals so why should we? theres just no benefit only burden on people.

We adopted English, so also benefited with more than 150 billion dollar IT industry.But as far as dresses are concerned the chinese followed western dressing styles than Indian counter parts.I hardly find any chinese leaders, diplomats or new generations wearing traditional chinese dresses in public locally or while going abroad !
We adopted English, so also benefited with more than 150 billion dollar IT industry.But as far as dresses are concerned the chinese followed western dressing styles than Indian counter parts.I hardly find any chinese leaders, diplomats or new generations wearing traditional chinese dresses in public locally or while going abroad !

So it's about the Indian pride to keep lakh/corer while adopting foreign language as national language?

Yes, I do see many Sikh people walking on the streets in the US proudly wearing turban, in fact they are the only identifiable minority in the US by dress, but is this the source of your pride?
So how would someone know , how much it's gonna cost
That's the problem
But Indians won't admit it !!!
1 Billion $ = 6340 Crores...
1,60,000 Crores = 24 Billion $ ( Approx)

Btw if i am not wrong this price includes 57 Fighter jets....
So it's about the Indian pride to keep lakh/corer while adopting foreign language as national language?

Yes, I do see many Sikh people walking on the streets in the US proudly wearing turban, in fact they are the only identifiable minority in the US by dress, but is this the source of your pride?
There is no single national language in India.
So it's about the Indian pride to keep lakh/corer while adopting foreign language as national language?
Did you understand a word of what I said? There are over 1652 mother tongues spoken in India. You cant expect everyone to know each one of those language. Also there is no national language in India, just 22 official languages. Which on to communicate in for inter state communications? So we chose English, and became proficient in it, one of the largest English speaking population in the world and IT and other mnc jobs are a side benefit of it. theres is no question of pride involved. We needed English, we don't need counting system. Simple.
I think the foolish media has added multiple 0's....a carrier can never cost $25 billion, even with it's fighter compliment....
US carriers cost around $11 billion...
Vikramaditya was $2.3 billion dollars, so how can this 3rd carrier be $25 billion???
The article mentions certain "American technology"; do we know what that is yet or can we suspect it to be the EMALS as mentioned by previous reports? Both the Rafale and F/A-18 should* be able to take off from STOBAR carriers, although with a hampered fuel/weapons load.

*Unconfirmed but theoretically possible

2. Front runner for the aircraft is the Rafale, not the F-18.
3. It will also include, AEW/ASW aircraft and helicopters.
4. There are talks about rotary UAVs.
5. Recently some noise was made about naval UAVs also. Not confirmed.

The projected cost is for the complete aircraft carrier, including the air wing. It is not yet approved. It is going to be presented to the MoD. This plan is for post 2025.
1 laakh core= 15 billion USD. So 1.6 laakh crore is above 23 billion usd for 3 carriers. Wayyyyyyy too expensive.
Oh yes, my bad i calculated it for only $20bill. Yep it will be $25.3bill. and thats an insane amount of money for a carrier.
3 carriers would make some sense as each would cost around $8.3bill, but it again depends on their tonnage and what all they are getting along with the carrier(like,the aircrafts it may get along with them)
Apparently the tweet has been wrongly interpreted. Looks like 1.6 lakh cr is not for 3 carriers but for a 3rd carrier along with 57 multi-role carrier borne fighter jets

Every time I try to make sense of their numbers I have to look for my calculator. o_O
1516031275(1).png it is around 25 billion $
So we have not arrived to what 1.6 lac crore equated to in dollars.
We are not sure if it is 1.6 lac crore.
We are not sure if its one carrier or 3.
And we are not sure if its with fighter or without it.

That tweet is more of a confusion than a information.
The article mentions certain "American technology"; do we know what that is yet or can we suspect it to be the EMALS as mentioned by previous reports? Both the Rafale and F/A-18 should* be able to take off from STOBAR carriers, although with a hampered fuel/weapons load.

*Unconfirmed but theoretically possible

EMALS along with E2D is quite confirmed if the US route is followed.
What remains to be seen is if F 35 is agreed upon too.
Going by recent reports India is seriously looking at 57 Rafale M for naval operations.

If it is true, how can the AC launch Rafales?

1 Billion $ = 6340 Crores...
1,60,000 Crores = 24 Billion $ ( Approx)

Btw if i am not wrong this price includes 57 Fighter jets....
No thats a separate deal.
But a close to USD 8 billion per AC for a 60-70K Ton AC, its quite clear that we are looking at a Nuclear powered boat.

Comparable to US Nimitz class?
no, about 2/3 of that size.

So how would someone know , how much it's gonna cost
That's the problem
But Indians won't admit it !!!
The average cost for 3 AC (inflation not adjusted) is working out to USD 7.5-8 Billion.
For comparison current AC INS Vikramaditya costed India around USD 2.5 Billion.
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