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Indian Muslim women can travel for Hajj without ‘mahram’: PM Modi

Even if they wish or GOI allows, the Saudi's won't let them in. And their husband, Son, Father will not allow them.

This is exactly what I said and other believe as well..

If you can, be a bit more specific.

Like they do Rafa e Dain.. and put the hands on their chests..

Not one ayat that details what should be performed during Hajj, mentions that women should perform Hajj with Mahram. Not that I'm aware of. I'm open to new information.

Islam is what's mentioned in Quran and Sahih Ahadiths.. Interpretation of Quran and Ahadiths led to different schools of thought (with negligible differences).
By that logic jinnah should be rotting in a prison after partition riots where 1 million died.

By that logic.... There is no logic. Cut the crap bharati.

Waiting for pakistani court to prosecute hin ?

No he is actually in our favor. Just don't do this drama that he cares for muslim women or something.
U have to be a well versed scholar to be able to give such a ruling. It takes a lot of research form Quran, Sunnah, Hadis, Couter checking sources, Ilm ul rijaal etc etc. A lot of deliberation and research is needed to give such a decree.
Not true.. I have lived most of my life in Gulf..

Tableeghis (or any other groups) are not allowed to operate even in mosques..


And most of Keralites follow Wahabi school of thought.. which is prevalent in KSA.

Well, many of the the Keralites who live/work in the Gulf may be influenced by the Wahabi school but I have noticed is that the Keralites who remain behind, those among them who are religious and live/work/study in India, tend to lean towards the Tableeghi Jamaat, but sometimes they don't follow the Tablleghi/Deobandi style of beard-without-mustache.
So this is just a cheap shot at getting more votes after inspiring several lynchings of muslims. 100 chohey kha k modi hajj p chala.
Even if they died Jinnah was not a CM or something like chai wala.

No comparison.
No he was not the CM he was the leader of millions of Muslims and the main reason that partition took place

If modi is responsible for gujarat riots Jinnah is even more responsible for partition and Direct Action Day
Modi is not Mufti nor he is a Muslim Immam to have powers to give Fatwas. He cannot alter Islam as per his wishes.
No he was not the CM he was the leader of millions of Muslims and the main reason that partition took place

If modi is responsible for gujarat riots Jinnah is even more responsible for partition and Direct Action Day

No he isn't. You are comparing apples and oranges.

He was the Governor-General of Pakistan, he's personally accountable to his countries failure especially a massive death toll of a million people.

He became governor general on 14 august 1947. And after that he did whatever he can to help his people unlike chai wala who actually conspired to kill his own people.
He had done a lot to empower Muslim women .
But oppresser Muslim men will still hate him for nothing.

Letting women free is not empowerment - I wonder how many of your "free" women are being rapped on the streets that women rape is your second national identity.

And don't fondle with Islamic Laws, don't fondle with Islamic Laws.
No he isn't. You are comparing apples and oranges.

He became governor general on 14 august 1947. And after that he did whatever he can to help his people unlike chai wala who actually conspired to kill his own people.
So you are saying he had no role in partition and creation of Pakistan just because he had no "official" post?
He is talking about Indian Muslims women, this is none of your business.
Take care of your country's women first before lecturing other .
If you care so much for Muslim why do you kill them in gujrat in Kashmir in Hyderabad and all over India. No you put your RSS shorts on when it suits you and whenit doesntthey are Indian Muslims. Jog on little man
So you are saying he had no role in partition and creation of Pakistan just because he had no "official" post?

He created a country for his people. Your chai wala killed his people. Big difference.
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