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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

congrats to india on such advancement,Both countries stands in a same row of missile making and new hi-tech weaponry.
Yes, claimed range is 2.500km but according to some sources its 2.200km.
I don't think either India or Pakistan have tested full range of their designs yet.
Well, range is an inverse function of the payload .. decrease the payload, increase the range .. simple, not rocket science! Oh well, it is rocket science! :D
Well if thats the case we could easily get the range with minimum amount of payload.

We've tested sub kiliton devices, not sure about their size or design though but I've been told that it can be compared with Sovjet 'briefcase' designs.
Well if thats the case we could easily get the range with minimum amount of payload.
Yep, sure you can. If you are successful in miniaturizing your munitions, existing missiles can and will go farther. But then who cares? It is not as if there'll ever be a missile showdown .. eh.. stupid geo political posturing onleee .. :D
Probably right, a missile showdown or nuclear exchange is unlikely to happen, even between us but its all about having a credible detarrence and a second strike capability.

Range isn't that important for us since we already have covered most of India and our arsenal will remain India specific for a long time.

Different story for you guys with global ambition though....
>> Well if thats the case we could easily get the range with minimum amount of payload.

Same logic applies. Chicoms have us in range, so we need them in. Further yet, second strike capability .. so Agni III will be SLBM soon .. All along the expected lines!

It is foolish to think any country wont have any global ambitions, Indians feel it is the best time for them to make a move, while pakistani's feel it isnt the right time for them, It is basically a judgement call based on the factors that you consider essential to reach your goal, Half-hearted attempts gets you more people.

The Reason Human beings exists is to always make goals and achieve them and make new ones, It is a never ending cycle.
>> Probably right, a missile showdown or nuclear exchange is
>> unlikely to happen, even between us

I'd say especially between us.. we're right next to each other, too close geographically.. Nuke goes off in either country and both suffer the fallout!

Unless Pakistan nukes Andaman .. but then S.E. Asia would be pissed!
Actually speaking, I dont see a role for a Liquid ballistic Missile in 150kms region, I think we should roll back the prithvi, It doesnt serve the prupose since there are better and safer technologies available
Nooo, not andamans:cry:

Its an awsome place, i love the beaches there and the food!!
Nuclear option is the ideal threat to minimize any future conflict and force eachother back to the negotiation table.

Both countries know whats at stake or risk, neither wants to go back to the dark ages.
Patriotism apart many of us will agree that neither of us will recover from the aftermath for decades.
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