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Indian Military is taking heavy causalities as Chinese UCAVs completely wipe out Indian positions

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I think PLA now have come to terms that they cannot do shit against india which is now in dominating positions.
Hence, they have now ordered 50 cents army to fight this war online and hence 50 cent army is taking hill by hill every 5 minutes with the fierce strike of their fingers on their cheap keyboards, sitting down lonely in their dark rooms.
The latest bit is that the warning shots actually came from the PLA and that the IA is standing down at the moment so as not to further escalate the situation.

It is safe to say that nobody really knows what is happening amidst the fog of this skirmish.
Warning shots fired in real world. Indian positions wiped out on PDF. Same old garbage in new bottles everyday. Good job, trolls. Keep uplifting the quality of this forum.
Starting from last week, India pushed across the Chinese claim line and occupied some hill tops. They tried to occupy Black top and Helmet top but they were repulsed with casualties.

48 hours ago, PLA started to ram them with armored vehicles and encircle them from behind to cut off their supplies.

24 hours ago, Indians started to open fire from their hill tops. UCAV fire came down and now we have tandoori barbecue on hill tops.
When did you wake up from this dream?
UCAV fire? Why are chinese combat aircraft / bombers not used? I guess China have many capable aircraft??
What happened to them? Also, what were Indian shoulder fired missiles + other counter measures etc doing when slow moving UCAVs are raining bombs?

PS: I am an Indian. I find most of your posts not true. But you can continue your posts. No issues.
This guy's posts are laughable, to say the least. UCAV, raining hellfire... what not.. As usual some hand me downs are lapping it up.
Guys, any verified news till now? If not, we have to lock this thread as well.

Please don't make threads based on information from unverified information, or even from the verified sources which later proved to be false.

Yesterday, I locked one thread, but today again, I am seeing threads on the same subject. In last 24 hours, we haven't seen any confirmation from both militaries about any incident, except the warning shots and countermeasures.

I am locking such threads until there's some clarity on the events unfolding at LAC.

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