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Featured PLA offensive in Pangong resumes, Chinese take two hilltops on Indian side

After 20 Indian soldiers died and yet to score a kill. Indian still got the cheek to claim others as pathetic? What a joke! :enjoy:
Nothing that cant be fixed by BJP bots parotting retarded "hearsay" like those Wikipedia PLA generals "leaks" or those 1962 war cemetary picture "leaks" or American intelligence from "anoymous sources" talking to blogs, from their echochambers on American social media
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you are still in yesterday.... and when quoting about 27th Feb dont forget the 26th Feb as well...and dont sleep on the job again.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

since that day you only talk about false flag operations and nothing happen.....

you guys have one major problem in your head.... you talk a lot but do nothing.... it must be other way around...

now go back to sleep....

1. Still in yesterday? Correct me if I am wrong but it is actually the Indians who hold on to 1971 which was 49 years ago. 27th Feb was last year. 49 years is a long time, and your confidence stems from that war, which is insane because 50 years is a long long time. Last year you got were slapped in the nuts with your own wet dhoti's. Let me remind you:

A. SU-30MKI shot down first
B. Panic all over your communication when PAF scored that kill
C. Mi-17 Search & Rescue dispatched for the SU-30MKI pilot
D. Mi-17 friendly fire shot down by Indian SAM.
D2. Full use of EW spectrum against India by PAK which resulted in zero communication & radar jamming.
E. PAF successfully delivers ALL payloads at their designated targets
F. PAF successfully retreats across the LOC
G. Mig-21 Bison (Fully upgraded) shot down as it crossed the LOC.
H. Mig-21 pilot captured by Pakistan Army and paraded around for the world.
I. Indian gives PAK a missile threat (Brahmos etc), a stupid move as neither Pakistan & India have any capability of finding out if the missile is nuclear tipped. What were the Indians trying to say? that they are not a match for Pakistan conventionally? That Pakistan beat India conventionally? We should down your aircrafts, we bombed the living shit out of your lands and we proceeded to go back without hinderance. ISI gives a counter missile threat that makes lil' India run back to its cave.

You guys lost your balls or what? I do remember something HILARIOUS!!!!!

i. Indian media SCREAMING for war with Pakistan
ii. Indian media LYING AND PRAISING IAF on 26th Feb (Early morning op)
iii. Indian media & FM India asking for peace and a stop to escalation on 27th Feb after PAF flexed their muscles.

The rest of 2019 -2020: India lying about everything trying to make it come true, but pants pulled down again by Christine Fair (heavily biased against Pak).

2. If we need to go back to sleep, you need to wake the F**k up, because Indians are dreaming. Wake up and smell the coffee, your *** is about to be steam rolled.
you guys are giving classes to chinese in day dreaming... you are the masters in day dreaming from last 70 years now....





^Look at all the crossed out bullshit that didn't happen. Wait, let me repeat you so don't miss read it: DIDN'T HAPPEN (DID NOT HAPPEN).

Capiche? (<--- It means, do you understand).

Drumstick Lola




^Look at all the crossed out bullshit that didn't happen. Wait, let me repeat you so don't miss read it: DIDN'T HAPPEN (DID NOT HAPPEN).

Capiche? (<--- It means, do you understand).

Drumstick Lola
dude it seems pdf got you.... you went really hyper. and used all features of microsfot word it seems in one single post.... :lol: :lol:

your editing skills are awesome .... nothing is useful here in this post.... try one more time and give me something to think about.... this is all crap...
1971 was an unparalleled surrender in the history of war.... not even in world war 93000 surrendered and you want to forget such humiliation in one day? how can i do such a favor on you?

talk about 26th feb and then talk about 27th feb, because 26th came first and then 27th.... :lol:
What was Indian contribution to 71, if it wasnt for the Bengalis. You just came along the joy ride as opportunist. As for 93000 figure stop reading Indian historians.
Sure you want to talk about 26feb when you bombed our trees, in response got your *** handed over to you by a 7 times smaller nation. As for being unparalleled, shooting down one's own chopper was also an unparalleled fratricide in the history of modern warfare.
China did not "take two hilltops from India". China defensively reclaimed 2 hilltops that India occupied through aggression.
Well india is falling in chinese trap bit by bit, as india started claiming some posts in its own control, massive Chinese counter moves comming to it anytime and then once it happen China will make india accept whatever it wants from laddakh to South China seas
Who are We here CCP bots And there Slaves

At-least We Except our deaths Unlike
Ching chongs Who Ashamed

Even Western Intelligence Confirm More than Dozen Kills but Poor Xi the Pooh Doesn't have guts to give there Soldiers proper burials

Long Tradition Since Jin Dynasty Of Chinese When they Bow there Heads in Front of invading Mongols :disagree:
You dotheads have traddition of surrendering to Muslims, British and now Chinese
1. Still in yesterday? Correct me if I am wrong but it is actually the Indians who hold on to 1971 which was 49 years ago. 27th Feb was last year. 49 years is a long time, and your confidence stems from that war, which is insane because 50 years is a long long time. Last year you got were slapped in the nuts with your own wet dhoti's. Let me remind you:

A. SU-30MKI shot down first
B. Panic all over your communication when PAF scored that kill
C. Mi-17 Search & Rescue dispatched for the SU-30MKI pilot
D. Mi-17 friendly fire shot down by Indian SAM.
D2. Full use of EW spectrum against India by PAK which resulted in zero communication & radar jamming.
E. PAF successfully delivers ALL payloads at their designated targets
F. PAF successfully retreats across the LOC
G. Mig-21 Bison (Fully upgraded) shot down as it crossed the LOC.
H. Mig-21 pilot captured by Pakistan Army and paraded around for the world.
I. Indian gives PAK a missile threat (Brahmos etc), a stupid move as neither Pakistan & India have any capability of finding out if the missile is nuclear tipped. What were the Indians trying to say? that they are not a match for Pakistan conventionally? That Pakistan beat India conventionally? We should down your aircrafts, we bombed the living shit out of your lands and we proceeded to go back without hinderance. ISI gives a counter missile threat that makes lil' India run back to its cave.

You guys lost your balls or what? I do remember something HILARIOUS!!!!!

i. Indian media SCREAMING for war with Pakistan
ii. Indian media LYING AND PRAISING IAF on 26th Feb (Early morning op)
iii. Indian media & FM India asking for peace and a stop to escalation on 27th Feb after PAF flexed their muscles.

The rest of 2019 -2020: India lying about everything trying to make it come true, but pants pulled down again by Christine Fair (heavily biased against Pak).

2. If we need to go back to sleep, you need to wake the F**k up, because Indians are dreaming. Wake up and smell the coffee, your *** is about to be steam rolled.

Dusra Banda... Is he... source... of this info...
on a military forum, we have a member who believed that 93k surrender was larger than ones in world war where 1 million soldiers were taken as prisoners in world war 1 alone. Anybody who argues with one who makes such a foolish statement, only has himself to blame.
@Beast is the only chinese holding fort here... and he is getting such a good beating right now.

where are other ccp cadres? why not bring them in? you are losing your arrogance.....that is expected now... you have lost your second fight ... now china will go back and try for a bigger fight to lose bigger....

beast beast beastttt..... you want more?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
1971 is an unparallaed event in world military history, not in any single war 93000 surrendered.... we need to remind you that .... and also a new country was born... so India is a father of a nation.

coming back to your keyboard skills...

A. SU-30MKI shot down first -- keep that in your dreams :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
B. Panic all over your communication when PAF scored that kill -- paf was in its own airspace and not daring enought o cross the LaC, forget about IB. We did that just 24 hours before.... and came in 80 km. Dont you ever forget that
C. Mi-17 Search & Rescue dispatched for the SU-30MKI pilot - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D. Mi-17 friendly fire shot down by Indian SAM. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
D2. Full use of EW spectrum against India by PAK which resulted in zero communication & radar jamming.
E. PAF successfully delivers ALL payloads at their designated targets --- deliver means dropping it in some open field and threatining is bravery then you are the best... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
F. PAF successfully retreats across the LOC -- you never crossed LOC, let alone IB. We did both... its like you are bombing 80 km inside Indian territory... can you dare that and still take your planes in one piece back to your base? keep dreaming....
G. Mig-21 Bison (Fully upgraded) shot down as it crossed the LOC. -- not before it took down the doosra banda :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
H. Mig-21 pilot captured by Pakistan Army and paraded around for the world. -- if that was India then we would have not let him go for a year... your imran had to announce on the floor of parliament to release him unconditionally.
I. Indian gives PAK a missile threat (Brahmos etc), a stupid move as neither Pakistan & India have any capability of finding out if the missile is nuclear tipped. What were the Indians trying to say? that they are not a match for Pakistan conventionally? That Pakistan beat India conventionally? We should down your aircrafts, we bombed the living shit out of your lands and we proceeded to go back without hinderance. ISI gives a counter missile threat that makes lil' India run back to its cave.

---- Indians crossing the IB was also a big event, that was enough provocation for a war even country like Zimbabwe .... but you chose the warning.... the war that you always wanted was served on a silver platter to you by India... all your dreams of sending the bumb to India and bring the Gazwa e hind was just a step away...

but then you will thump your chest with a false win... if that is what makes you happy then we cant help.

every military action has some clear outcome to decide if it is success or failure..... bombing Balakot had motive of sending a clear signal and kill our enemy... we did both.

it took you two months to rebuild the place and then take the journos there and show nothing is happened.... LOL

dude, you are too new for these debates and pdf has a nasty habit of going into its heart.... dont take this to your heart... use your head... and then press that reply button.

you tried to hide mki pilot deaths as road accident

don’t worry your war dead can be reincarnated as cows for you
PLA offensive in Pangong resumes, Chinese take two hilltops on Indian side

The failure of three months of military and diplomatic dialogue in persuading Beijing to withdraw its troops from Eastern Ladakh was underlined on Sunday when hundreds of soldiers of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) crossed into the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) south of Pangong Tso lake, occupied a mountain called Helmet Top and began building fortifications.

Credible government sources say Indian soldiers from the nearby Thakung post intervened, to try and prevent the PLA from building defences. Physical clashes followed, though there are no reports of firing or casualties on either side.

Sources say, the PLA now occupies Helmet Top, as well as a nearby feature called Black Top, both of which are on the Indian side of the LAC. From here, Chinese soldiers can observe and track Indian movements across the Pangong lake and as far away as India’s tactically vital Chushul garrison.

“On the night of 29/30 August, PLA troops violated the consensus arrived at during military and diplomatic engagements… and carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo,” said the Indian army on Monday.

“Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the southern bank of Pangong Tso Lake, undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground,” said the army statement.

“A brigade commander-level flag meeting is in progress in Chushul to resolve the issues,” it said.

On Monday, the PLA Western Theater Command, which is responsible for the entire Sino-Indian border, accused India of “illegally crossing the line” on August 31 at two points – the south bank of Pangong Lake and near Requin Pass. The statement said India had "blatantly provoked and caused tension on the border” and had “undermined the consensus reached” at the diplomatic and military talks.

Stating that "This move by the Indian side seriously violated China's territorial sovereignty,” the PLA said it, is "taking necessary countermeasures, will pay close attention to developments and resolutely safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and peace and stability in border areas.”

Since the PLA statement refers to Monday, it is not clear whether it refers to the same operation as the India statement, or to a retaliatory operation that the Indian Army might have chosen to remain silent about.

The Pangong sector has been bitterly contested since the PLA trespassed across the LAC here in mid-May. The bulk of the Chinese force occupied the lake’s northern bank, up to a point called Finger 4. Meanwhile, several hundred PLA soldiers climbed the hills that overlook Pangong lake from the north and entrenched themselves on a dominating height called Green Top, where they still remain.

Meanwhile, another 2,000 Chinese soldiers crossed the LAC into the Pangong lake’s south bank and began patrolling up to a mountain called Black Top, which adjoins Helmet Top and India’s important Thakung Post.

Both Black Top and Helmet Top are on India’s side of the LAC. The PLA’s occupation of both features has effectively shifted the LAC westwards, to China’s advantage.

Sources on the ground say the PLA brought along enough building materials to Helmet Top to construct fortifications for three-four infantry companies (300-400 soldiers).

On the north bank of the Pangong lake, the PLA has shifted the LAC to its advantage by about eight kilometres, from Finger 8 to Finger 4. On the south bank, however, the strongly held Thakung post – which has a mixed garrison of army soldiers and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) troopers – continues to dominate the Pangong lake’s southern bank and observe Chinese activity on the lake and even on the north bank.

India has reinforced Eastern Ladakh strongly and there is anger amongst soldiers and young officers at what they perceive as Chinese perfidy. Many are convinced China is maintaining the pretence of dialogue and negotiations in order to create the opportunity to occupy more Indian territory.

“The Indian Army is committed to maintaining peace and tranquillity through dialogue, but is also equally determined to protect its territorial integrity,” stated the army tersely on Monday.

Even as the PLA’s continuing aggression in Pangong hogs the spotlight, senior Indian planners apprehend this might be a Chinese ploy to divert attention from Depsang, in Northern Ladakh, which might be China’s actual target.

Depsang offers the shortest and easiest route for Indian armoured columns to reach the strategic Tibet-Xinjiang road (Highway G219), the security of which is Beijing’s core sensitive in this area. PLA intrusions 15 kilometres into the Depsang sector have currently blocked Indian patrols’ routes to the LAC.

The Chinese are also clinging to advantageous positions they occupied in the Hot Spring – Gogra area. Despite an agreed withdrawal plan, the PLA is refusing to withdraw from a dominating hill feature its soldiers have occupied in the vicinity of India’s Gogra Post.

Modi was a content man showing his bravado against Pakistan, then PLA came and he got diarrhoea in his 56'' a*s.
Looks like India launched a massive attack on Chinese positions South of Pangong Lake. So far, PLA retook one or two peaks but at least three more peaks are held by India. India wants to use the occupation of the peaks as a bargaining chip in the negotiations but those plans will fail. The negotiations between PLA and Indian generals are about to end without results. Then the full scale Chinese counter attack begins tonight! By tomorrow morning, Chushul will be liberated.

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